
wary! These 4 foods can induce cerebral infarction

In recent years, there are more and more people with cerebral infarction, which has a lot to do with modern people eating "well" and moving "less", especially "eating", which occupies an important position in the pathogenesis of cerebral infarction, so which foods will induce cerebral infarction?

1. High-salt foods

Salt is an indispensable condiment in the family, and the addition of salt to the dish will be very flavorful and taste better.

However, if you eat too much salt, your blood vessels can't stand it. Excessive salt intake can lead to an increase in blood pressure and increased blood viscosity, which can accelerate the formation of hardening of blood vessels and blood clots.

Therefore, it is recommended to put less salt when cooking, control the salt intake per day within 6 grams, and eat less pickled food.

wary! These 4 foods can induce cerebral infarction

2. High sugar food

There are many people in life who like to eat desserts, such people often have the potential of obesity, some people do not eat much desserts but will eat as much as they want in life, such as stir-frying will often add sugar, which will unconsciously lead to an increase in sugar in the blood.

Sugar can provide energy for the body, which is good in itself, but excessive intake of sugar is not good.

It will lead to an increase in the level of triglycerides in the blood, and it will also lead to an increase in blood sugar, which will increase the viscosity of the blood, which is very detrimental to blood vessel health.

3. Fry food

Fried food is also everywhere in life, many delicious foods are mostly fried, fried food taste crisp, very tempting, but this kind of food is very bad for blood vessel health.

Not only will increase the burden on the stomach and intestines, but also cause obesity, a large number of lipid substances are accumulated in the blood, which is easy to cause blood vessel blockage, which in turn induces cerebral infarction.

wary! These 4 foods can induce cerebral infarction

4. Foods containing trans fatty acids

Many people may not be familiar with trans fatty acids, but in fact, many people may eat these foods every day, such as cookies, ice cream, milk tea, and so on.

Excessive intake of these substances can increase the amount of "bad" cholesterol in the body, leading to increased blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, and eventually induce cerebral infarction.

In addition to diet, the following behaviors can also accelerate the occurrence of cerebral infarction, which should be avoided as much as possible!

1. Stay up late for a long time

The harm of staying up late is very large, not only will lead to liver damage, but also induce cerebral infarction, because the human body in the process of staying up late, the secretion of adrenaline, dethyroid hormones, etc. will be greatly increased, these hormones can stimulate blood vessel contraction, affect blood circulation, resulting in blood becoming viscous, increasing the risk of cerebral infarction.

wary! These 4 foods can induce cerebral infarction

2. Sit still for a long time

Exercise makes people happy is also a good body, but sedentary can compress blood vessels, resulting in slower blood flow, over time, can lead to blood viscosity, the formation of blood clots, can cause cerebral infarction.

3. Smoking and drinking

Tobacco and alcohol not only do not make people healthy, but also make people healthy, tobacco contains a large number of harmful substances, can damage the blood vessel wall, easy to form blood clots, resulting in blood vessel blockage, but also can accelerate the formation of cerebral infarction.

All in all, cerebral infarction is inseparable from poor diet and living habits, so it is necessary to pay attention to the above details of life in later life.

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