
Zhongxin Financial Review: Why do the sudden deaths of employees in Internet companies attract attention so often?

China News Finance, February 10, 2019 Recently, the sudden death of employees of Station B during the Spring Festival has become a hot search topic. Station B denied that there was overtime before the incident, while Weibo users who claimed to be the employee's family said that the deceased often stayed up late to work, and the two sides insisted on their own opinions.

The above Weibo user shared the annual summary posted by the deceased on December 31, 2021, with the caption "Hard work, hit the worker". The picture shows, "There are 321 late nights when you're using Enterprise WeChat." In the busiest month of November, a total of 21,930 work discussions were participated, and the latest day was 4:42 a.m. on November 12. ”

Zhongxin Financial Review: Why do the sudden deaths of employees in Internet companies attract attention so often?

Weibo users claiming to be the families of the deceased posted an annual summary of the deceased.

Zhongxin Finance noted that a third-party human resources company released a B station auditor recruitment information on a recruitment platform shows that the position is located in Wuhan, divided into three shifts in the morning, middle and evening, and its working hours are 12 hours, and requires candidates to accept night shift arrangements and have better ability to resist pressure, but the job recruitment currently shows that it has become invalid.

Zhongxin Financial Review: Why do the sudden deaths of employees in Internet companies attract attention so often?

A job posting indicated that 12 hours of work were required.

The Internet was once an industry that everyone envied, which meant high growth and high returns, and I don't know when, "overtime to baldness" and even various cases of abnormal deaths have become the shadow of the Internet industry.

More than a decade ago, when the Internet was booming, sudden death of employees in the industry occurred from time to time. As the competition in the industry becomes more and more fierce, the pressure on Internet employees only increases, and the tragedy is still happening: in March 2020, the well-known front-end technology tycoon Situ Zhengmei died suddenly at home; in June 2020, a programmer who was about to become a father in Nanjing suddenly collapsed with cerebral hemorrhage when he was preparing to go out; at the end of December 2020, another Internet company employee died suddenly on the road from work at 1:00 a.m.

Many of the sudden death cases of employees in Internet companies in recent years are related to high-intensity work. This has to make people reflect on the overtime culture formed under the fierce competition of Internet companies.

Overtime culture prevails, stemming from the excessive pursuit of performance. For example, the performance requirements of an Internet company audit post were originally 8,000 per day, in order to obtain better assessment results, everyone began to increase the number of active or passive, and everyone became overwhelmed and did not dare to relax.

"Higher incomes are actually earned with time." Some employees of enterprises said that Internet companies are "money that one person does three people's work to give two people."

Although in the past period of time, Internet companies have frequently reported the establishment of an anti-overtime system, but in actual operation, whether it can be truly implemented has balanced the problems of employee health and enterprise development, and the implementation of systems and regulations and implementation may need to be further improved. (End)

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