
And Gu Ailing than this, you can too

On February 8, Gu Ailing won the final of the freestyle ski women's big jump. Gu Ailing is "someone else's child", high education, high appearance, and now won the Winter Olympic Championship. Gu Ailing's mother talked about the education and cultivation of Gu Ailing, and the first thing was to sleep. Mother Gu believes that only when she rests well, she will be full of energy, energy and efficient focus on learning, training and playing. Gu Ailing also laughed and called her mother a "sleep cop."

And Gu Ailing than this, you can too

People spend about 1/3 of their day sleeping, but data released by the World Health Organization shows that about 27% of the world's population is plagued by sleep problems, which is more than the number of smokers in the world. More than 300 million people in China have sleep problems, and this number is rising year by year. Lack of sleep or poor sleep quality will reduce people's ability to think and judge, affect mood, work and study status, weaken immunity, and increase the probability of depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, heart disease and other diseases. Sleep quality is related to the environment, mind and body, and behavior.

How can we improve the efficiency of the day in our daily learning work? Naps are actually important. Napping can improve the efficiency of work and study, making people more focused, more emotionally active, better memory, and more resistant to stress. The 2019 Annual Scientific Conference of the American College of Cardiology published research saying naps can lower blood pressure. The best nap time is 20-30 minutes, and this time of rest is enough to refresh us and prepare for the afternoon work and study.

However, the nap time is not as long as possible, the nap time is long, people will feel more and more tired the more they sleep. This is because usually a complete sleep cycle in 90-110 minutes, when the nap more than 40 minutes, we will enter a deep sleep period, if at this point in time is woken up, we will feel groggy, tired, in fact, because we did not complete the entire sleep cycle, resulting in sleep inertia, that is, we say that the more we sleep the more tired. Sleep inertia refers to the time it takes for the body to adjust from sleep to fully awake, during which time we often appear confused and unresponsive, and these symptoms last for about 20-30 minutes before disappearing.

Although as ordinary people, we ski better than Gu Ailing, but in the matter of sleeping, can we compare with this "Ice Princess"?

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