
Follow in the footsteps of big brother Passat Lang Yi new front face released

Follow in the footsteps of big brother Passat Lang Yi new front face released

Although Volkswagen Langyi's sales have declined in the past two years, the sales volume of 432,000 vehicles in 2021 still makes Langyi the second largest seller of cars. Today, Santana is on the verge of suspension of production, Volkswagen polo sales are not as good as before, Langyi has become the representative of SAIC Volkswagen's entry-level compact car, its spacious riding space, calm German design, excellent interior workmanship, and the blessing of Volkswagen logos, all make it have a good competitiveness at this level. Recently, SAIC Volkswagen released the official map of the new Langyi. The new car is expected to be launched at the Beijing Auto Show in April this year.

Follow in the footsteps of big brother Passat Lang Yi new front face released
Follow in the footsteps of big brother Passat Lang Yi new front face released

The new Langyi has changed in appearance, and the new car offers two front face shapes to choose from, one is a dot matrix horizontal trim front face, which is close to the style of the model on sale; the other is a shorter, denser chrome decoration to form a starry front face, more delicate and impactful. Among them, the design of the starry sky version model is the same as that of the new Passat, the design of the headlight group is more sharp, and the internal grille in the shape of a star diamond presents a very sporty visual effect.

Follow in the footsteps of big brother Passat Lang Yi new front face released

The side of the new Body adopts a multi-line design, and the slender waist line runs through the front and rear of the overall layering. In addition, the new car has also blackened the window frame to further enhance its fashion sense. It is worth mentioning that the new Langyi will also provide users with a variety of styles of rims to choose according to different configuration models.

Follow in the footsteps of big brother Passat Lang Yi new front face released

In the interior, the new Langyi has been reseated from the previous recessed central control screen to the latest suspension design, plus the horizontal two-color trim panel runs through the entire instrument table, showing a unique sense of layering. In addition, details such as the new family steering wheel, air conditioning air outlet, instrument panel, door panel and so on are all decorated with a silver texture of chrome plating.

Follow in the footsteps of big brother Passat Lang Yi new front face released

Overall, the new Langyi in the design of the change is still more obvious, especially the design of the double front face is closer to the big brother "Passat", this series of changes also make Langyi more young and fashionable, more competitive in the same level.

Why is Lang Yi still an evergreen tree?

Although in recent years, Langyi sales have declined due to many reasons, but it is still a benchmark model, the annual sales still occupy the second level, so why is Langyi "evergreen tree"? First of all, the design, the new Langyi is still consistent with the Passat after changing the styling, many people will feel that the Volkswagen model design is changed back and forth, and even the owner of the car ridicules it as a "matryoshka doll", but for more real consumers, the unchanged is the most classic, the radical young design is not attractive to many consumers, but the design of the Volkswagen "indistinguishable" upper and lower models is more low-key and calm.

Follow in the footsteps of big brother Passat Lang Yi new front face released

The second is the amount of ownership and retention rate, after years of development, Volkswagen's models whether it is Langyi or Passat's ownership are very large, this kind of high sales, large ownership of the model retention rate is very good, the purchase of Langyi means that even if sold in the future, it will not be like many models "broken bones", which is also a point that consumers at this level of purchase are very important. In addition, the amount of ownership also determines the car's post-maintenance costs, you may not find a few on the street car repair shop can repair Volvo, but you want to find a Volkswagen model repair, grab a large handful, and the store spare parts inventory may be available at any time.

Finally, the brand, the public in the domestic market for many years of hard work is not a few words can be summarized, anyway can be described as a household name. In summary, even if Langyi has experienced a lot, it is still a benchmark model of the same level, and it is a car that consumers will always consider comparing as long as the budget is in this range.

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