
Cheng Chen: What are the physical problems in children? And what are the hazards?

Speaking of Chinese children,

In most people's minds, this picture immediately appears:

A mountain of workbooks,

Endless after-school cram schools,

Or stay at home playing games and watching TV.

Cheng Chen: What are the physical problems in children? And what are the hazards?

At this time,

If the child does not write his homework well

Instead, I ran to play basketball and soccer.

In the eyes of parents and teachers, most of them are not "good children",

This situation has led to many children

In advance, it became the legendary "fat house".

Cheng Chen: What are the physical problems in children? And what are the hazards?

Excessive learning pressure,

bad habits,

Coupled with poor posture in childhood,

As a result, there will be great problems in the posture of the body in adulthood,

Let's take a look at these common bad postures:

For example: round shoulder hunchback, cervical spine front lead,

Scoliosis, waist and abdomen obesity, etc.

Cheng Chen: What are the physical problems in children? And what are the hazards?

Parents should note:

Growing and developing children,

It is very easy to be affected by the external environment,

As a result, it causes a variety of changes in posture,

The following is a popular science of common posture problems in children.

Head forward

Common population: 6-18 years old, low-headed people

The reason for the formation: a long time to look down at the writing homework, or to read books at close range, watch TV, play computers, etc. will cause children to habitually bow their heads and unconsciously extend their necks forward, which is also the legendary "head forward".

This leads to... If you don't see his person, "see his head first".

Another point is that if children like to lie down and read books and play with mobile phones, they are more likely to suffer from this posture problem.

Potential harm: Long-term bowing and head tilting are often accompanied by nerve compression, frequently causing headache symptoms. More severely, bone calcification of the cervical spine occurs, resulting in irreversible disease.

Cheng Chen: What are the physical problems in children? And what are the hazards?

With chest hunchback

Common people: 6-18 years old, thin body

Causes: the bag is too heavy, the sitting posture is poor, the height of the desk and chair is not suitable, and the child may hunch over the spine in the early stage because the muscles behind the spine are stretched for a long time and are in a state of fatigue.

On the main road, in the advertisement, everywhere in life is: children carrying heavy school bags, faltering, accumulating "heavy pressure" over time, and slowly forming this phenomenon.

Potential hazards: Long-term bending and hunching, may cause uneven growth of the spine before and after, resulting in the possibility of structural hunchback, and even cause cervical and lumbar spine problems at the same time.

Some teenage children have already had common cervical spondylosis, lumbar disc herniation, etc. in adults, and parents also need to pay special attention, once these diseases are caused, it is mostly "too late" to correct them.

Cheng Chen: What are the physical problems in children? And what are the hazards?

The pelvis leans forward

Common population: middle and high school students, and even older children.

Causes: This is also due to long-term sedentary and incorrect posture, coupled with reluctance to exercise, resulting in weak abdominal muscles, that is, core muscles.

Potential hazards: Prolonged pelvic leaning forward can lead to severe lumbar leg pain, lumbar disc herniation and other problems.

Cheng Chen: What are the physical problems in children? And what are the hazards?

O-leg, X-leg

Common population: May occur in children of all ages

Causes of formation: In the early stage of physical development, due to the lack of nutrients such as calcium and phosphorus, bone and joint development is poor; long-term poor posture or incorrect force habits will lead to child's knee joint overextension, inversion, etc.

Potential Hazards: May cause problems with the knee, ankle, and even pelvis. In the later stages, there will even be joint pain, which affects walking, and there is a point that the aesthetic degree is greatly reduced.

Cheng Chen: What are the physical problems in children? And what are the hazards?

Scoliosis, high and low shoulders

Common groups: mostly middle and high school students, practicing violin since childhood, badminton and children without professional guidance are also common

Causes of formation: Due to the influence of the environment or improper posture, resulting in asymmetry in movement, a wrong posture will gradually be formed.

For example, it is often used to carry a school bag on one shoulder; one shoulder is in front and one shoulder is in the back when writing homework.

Potential hazards: Heavier scoliosis deforms the body, which can affect cardiopulmonary function and even affect the spinal cord and cause paralysis.

Cheng Chen: What are the physical problems in children? And what are the hazards?

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