
Why is it so difficult to directly hit the Winter Olympics丨 a "pier"? Shan Jixiang, former director of the Forbidden City, had something to say

Why is it so difficult to directly hit the Winter Olympics丨 a "pier"? Shan Jixiang, former director of the Forbidden City, had something to say

21st Century Business Herald reporter Zheng Qingting reported from Beijing

With the opening of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, the fiery ice and snow economy has added more "New Year flavor" to the Spring Festival. In particular, it is worth mentioning that the mascot of the Winter Olympics, "Ice Pier", frequently appears on the hot search and has become the "top stream" of the Winter Olympics.

For the popularity of the "ice pier", Shan Jixiang, president of the Chinese Cultural Relics Society and director of the academic committee of the Palace Museum, said that this is inseparable from the success of the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics, reflecting people's heartfelt love for the Winter Olympics.

"I think this is inseparable from the success of the opening ceremony of our Winter Olympics... (This reflects) people's heartfelt cheers and joy for the successful hosting of the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, the city of the Two Olympics. So, [everyone] asked for an 'ice pier'. Shan Jixiang said.

Shan Jixiang, who has successfully built the Forbidden City into a big IP of Internet celebrities and launched a series of cultural and creative products such as lipstick, fully affirmed the design of the "ice pier". He said that the hot sales of the "ice pier" are not unrelated to its cute panda shape, and the whole design is very good-looking.

Recently, Cao Xue, head of the design team of the "Ice Pier" and a professor at the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, said in an interview with Xinhua News Agency that the popularity of the "Ice Pier" is undoubtedly a commercial success of a product, but this success is also very important for its cultural and artistic expression. Cao Xue believes that the starting point of mascot design is cultural and artistic, but only commercial success can express and reflect these two.

On February 8, 2022, the Beijing Press Center held the "City of The Two Olympics" and "Walking on the Central Axis" live broadcast activity. Shan Jixiang chatted with the audience about the magical, ancient and magnificent central axis of Beijing at the event, and expressed the above views in a brief interview with the media after the event.

On February 4, Shan Jixiang wore a uniform with a white background and red and yellow patterns at the Summer Palace to participate in the torch relay. Having worked on cultural heritage protection for many years, he is very excited about this experience. He said that for him, the completion of the relay of the Winter Olympic torch at the Summer Palace, a world cultural heritage site, is of special significance. It is hoped that young people will love traditional Chinese culture and understand the cultural values of Beijing's central axis.

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