
Top Investors 22 Ways to Make a Deal: If you want to get rich quick, don't learn Buffett


Lightyear FX: Financial Analyst, Financial Media Personality, Amateur Research Trading Technical Analysis. Stay on top of the latest cutting-edge technology and share your deepest industry insights. The following is from Just2Trade.

Robert Myers 9 ways to make a single:

1. Main Street Investment is almost a low-cost zero transaction, using buy and hold. It doesn't need a stock split because they know that the split is of no use to the way the business does business.

2. Main Street Investment focuses on the intrinsic value of the enterprise, which relies on the performance of the invested enterprise to accumulate wealth and profits.

3. Main Street Investment is committed to selling products and services to customers at preferential prices, and its scope is almost inclined to the old economic model of enterprises, such as insurance, banking, candy, furniture, etc., which are often boring.

4. Main Street Investment recommends "mature stocks", which believes that for the language created by Wall Street, individual investors do not need to understand it at all, and if investors do not understand, they should not invest.

5. Main Street Investing doesn't predict where the market will go, because they know that no one can ever predict it, and they may know what's going to happen, but they don't know when.

6. If you want to get rich quick, don't learn Buffett; if you want to really have wealth, study and follow Buffett.

7. Turn off the noise of the stock market, forget about economic forecasts, and buy a business instead of a stock.

8. Choose a business like Buffett knows on "Main Street" and then investigate it. Draw a safety limit and a circle of competence, which are most likely to be obtained on "Main Street".

9. Find and invest in companies that are consistently profitable, have low debt, and whose management is committed to safeguarding the interests of business owners, and such businesses may be on the corner of your own "main street".

Top Investors 22 Ways to Make a Deal: If you want to get rich quick, don't learn Buffett

Stephen Rose 6 ways to make a single:

1. Arbitrage pricing theory uses the concept of arbitrage to define equilibrium, does not require the existence of market mix, and requires fewer and more reasonable assumptions than the capital asset pricing model (CAPM model).

2. Like the capital asset pricing model, arbitrage pricing theory assumes that investors have the same investment philosophy; investors are risk-averse and want to maximize utility; and the market is complete.

3. Unlike the capital asset pricing model, arbitrage pricing theory does not have the following assumptions: a single investment period; no taxation; investors can borrow freely at risk-free interest rates; and investors choose a portfolio based on the mean and variance of the rate of return.

4. Arbitrage pricing theory derives a market relationship similar to the capital asset pricing model. Arbitrage pricing theory is based on a multi-factor model of the yield formation process, which holds that the yield of a security is linearly correlated with a set of factors that represent some of the fundamental factors of the yield of a security.

5. In fact, when yields are formed through a single factor (market combination), arbitrage pricing theory will be found to form the same relationship as the capital asset pricing model.

6. Arbitrage pricing theory can be thought of as a broad capital asset pricing model, providing investors with an alternative way to understand the equilibrium relationship between risk and return in the market.

Top Investors 22 Ways to Make a Deal: If you want to get rich quick, don't learn Buffett

Susie Auman 7 ways to make a single:

1. It is generally believed that when investing with money, you must keep it safe and secure. The reality is that you can't afford not to take the risk. You have to fund that money to grow, especially when you're under 50. The younger you are, the more radical you are. As long as you don't need to use this money for up to 10 years, invest in it for growth.

2. You should only invest if you are willing. The reason I say "only if you want to" is that even if growth investments may be the right thing for you to do economically, but they worry you every night, then the corresponding measures may not be the right ones.

3. With money, you must always believe in how you can feel. If you can't live with risk, you have to make an investment that you feel safe to make. From the perspective of respect for ourselves, no matter what kind of investment we choose, we must carefully understand how it works.

4. If you're buying a fund when it's falling rather than going up, it means you're paying less money than others and being able to buy more, getting what you want at a smaller price than someone else would have to pay just a few months ago.

5. If it continues to fall, then you should buy again, but you want to make sure that the fund you are buying is in the hands of a good broker who can do as well or better as other equivalent managers. If your fund is down and others are up, think about the reasons behind it and make some changes as appropriate.

6. When the market is in the early stages of decline, make sure that your fund is falling less than other similar funds. If your fund manager can stop your fund from falling like someone else's fund in the same market, he will be able to do better when the market recovers.

7. Investing with the average cost method is a safe and risky path. Investing under the average cost method is much smaller than the loss of a one-time investment before the market fell, of course, if the market continues to rise when you start investing, it is difficult to obtain huge profits.

Top Investors 22 Ways to Make a Deal: If you want to get rich quick, don't learn Buffett

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