
Year after year, it is difficult to taste red dust

Year after year, it is difficult to taste red dust

"Year after year, hard to taste red dust" | text: it is good to be alive

"The years are long, the red dust is vicissitudes"


Day by day, year by year, trance has become the past, the time of childhood has been engraved into a memory, and the youth past has become a sigh in the memory, perhaps our life is just right to grow old naturally, after all, no one can get rid of the shackles of the law of time.

In every day when the wind blows, our steps are always so hurried. From the bright spring to the winter snow. A year of trance and then to the end of the year cold situation, let people unconsciously and suddenly grow old for a year, the time of old age is difficult to recover, can only hold a ray of northern winter sunshine, warmly taste the bland taste of the past year, let their hearts rise in the cold the warmth of hope.

Each of us will experience more or less happiness and happiness in the wind and rain of the years, there will be no lack of pain and sadness, more is the plain helplessness and confusion, life is like this, some suddenly come to happiness to make you overwhelmed, some sadness makes you helpless to collapse. Just like you only see the white crystals of winter snowflakes falling from the sky, but you can't feel the helplessness and loss after landing. Just like a poem written by a poet in ancient times, "How many times in the world have been hurt in the past, Yamagata is still cold", yes! Each of us uses the bow of years to shoot the arrow of life, crossing the road of life that cannot be turned back.


The years are long, the red dust is vicissitudes, how many people and how many things are finally only dust. Time has polished generation after generation, passing down myths and legends and the stories of heroes who will meet the emperors in the rise and fall of dynasties, and ordinary people have left behind the history created by blood and sweat, that is, the sweat and blood on every brick of the "Great Wall", as well as the wisdom of the ancient "four great inventions".

The style of Tang poetry and Song Ci comes from the life of all classes in that era, from the prosperity created by ordinary ordinary people in that era with wisdom and hands, the golden and splendid palaces were built brick by brick by ordinary people, and the grains of rice were obtained by the hard work of hard-working farmers in spring and autumn. "Great people come from the people, and they know the suffering and suffering of the people, so we have today's peaceful and tranquil living environment, and we have a rich life today, but people's hearts are not satisfied and impetuous." Many people miss the past, the time when materials are scarce but people's hearts are simple, maybe this is the feeling in life.

The flow of years is still late, we are trekking year after year in the red dust of the years, many people have had a lot of past stories, but it is difficult to have time to taste the lost taste of life.

Image source network, invasion and deletion


Pen name: It is good to be alive, dream of becoming a programmer (code farmer) when the wind is flourishing, and enter the middle-aged amateur comedy poems, articles, novels.

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