
Two people get along, less than three feelings, doomed to be separated

author:Pear blossom emotions

Wen 丨 Peach Xiaojing

Spring wind ten miles is not as good as you, Xiaojing is here, waiting for you!

Two people get along, less than three feelings, doomed to be separated


Two people can cross the sea of people to come together, is the arrangement of fate. Two people can walk hand in hand to the whitehead, which is the impetus of the feeling.

The world of feelings has always felt good, and everything will be good. But what many people care about is not the feeling, but the depth of love.

Many people feel that two people come together because of fate, it is not so easy to get separated, as long as they love each other deeply enough, there will never be a day of separation.

But in fact, fate is predestined, keeping in man-made, if two people do not get a good feeling in getting along, no matter how deep the love is, it is possible to part ways.

On the road of hand in hand, everyone should care most about not love but feelings. Using good feelings to support the development of love will not be just a dream for a long time.

The reason why many people can't go hand in hand to go to the white head is not because they are not strong enough and love each other deeply, but because both parties have not experienced good feelings in this relationship.

One day you will find that without the blessing and promotion of feelings, sooner or later both people will be separated.

Two people get along, less than three feelings, doomed to be separated


Xiaojing has a friend who has walked with her ex-boyfriend for six years, and everyone thinks they can grow old, but they still go in different directions.

The reason why they are separated is not because they love each other deeply enough, but because the long time together has taken away the initial sense of trust, freshness, and sweetness.

Friends said that she didn't really care about these feelings before, and slowly she found that the feelings without these feelings were like a pot of flowers that lacked the moisture of sunshine and rain, no matter how much love was poured, they could not bloom the most brilliant flowers.

Looking at the other party's estranged eyes, she knew that the relationship had come to an end, so she calmly let go of her hand.

Although she was reluctant to give up, she did not keep it. Because she knows that the fate of two people, separation is the best ending.

Now she always puts her feelings first, and if a person can't give her a good feeling, she would rather be single all the time.

Two people get along, less than three feelings, doomed to be separated


Whether two people will be separated does not depend on the depth of mutual love, nor on how far they have gone hand in hand. What really plays a decisive role is the feeling.

It turns out that two people getting along, without three feelings, are doomed to be separated.

A sense of trust

The sense of trust refers to the superposition of two feelings of trust and dependence, which complement each other and are indispensable.

When two people are together, what they need most is actually dependence and trust. Trust each other, love will not have a rift; relying on each other, the road will go smoother and smoother.

Although this sense of trust is not so easy to establish, as long as two people always unswervingly trust each other in a long-term relationship, sooner or later it will be established.

But if two people have worked hard for a long time and have not been able to produce a strong sense of trust, it can only mean that two people are really inappropriate. Even if they love each other deeply, they are doomed to be separated.

Two people without a sense of trust, even the slightest misunderstanding, is enough to destroy the feelings between each other, thus causing the two to go to a strange place.

Two people get along, less than three feelings, doomed to be separated

Two people in love may not realize the importance of trust, but as time goes by, you will understand sooner or later that there is less trust between two people and sooner or later they will part ways.


Love needs to be kept fresh, just like vegetables, and only preservation can last long.

However, it is not easy to keep fresh for love, and many people have thought of many ways, but they have not been able to continue the freshness.

The reason why many people betray their feelings is because of the lack of freshness. In order to make up for this lack of feeling, many people choose to look for it from others.

In this way, the emotional breakage becomes an irreparable thing.

Therefore, two people get along, less fresh, doomed to be separated.

If you want to regain your feelings, keeping love fresh is the most important task. Give love some freshness, love can develop for a long time.

Two people get along, less than three feelings, doomed to be separated


Some people say that sweetness is something that couples in love pursue, and old husbands and wives do not need it at all.

But it turns out that even if they have been together for many years, without the blessing of sweetness, they will eventually look like strangers.

Any relationship is inseparable from sweetness. Using sweetness to add color to feelings can not only make love shine, but also rekindle the enthusiasm in each other's hearts.

Two people together, once there is less sweetness, love will fade as white water. Feelings as light as water will eventually become clouds of smoke and be blown away by the wind.

Add sweetness to love, in fact, it is not so difficult, as long as each other have the heart to operate, there will inevitably be gains. The reason why many feelings lack sweetness is because of poor management.


Love is actually a mixture of feelings, including trust, freshness and sweetness.

Two people get along, less than three feelings, doomed to be separated

While there are other senses, these three senses play the most critical role. Once a relationship lacks these three feelings, it is destined to end in tragedy.

The most important thing for two people to be together is not how deeply they love each other, but what kind of feelings they create.

The impact of feelings on feelings is immeasurable, good feelings can make feelings better, and bad feelings will only make feelings come to an end.

If you want to make your feelings better, you have to work hard to manage them, and don't let your feelings lose these three feelings.

I hope you can understand as soon as possible that two people together, without these three feelings, are doomed to be separated.

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