
What will be the fate of human civilization in ten thousand years? 5 endings, which one is the most unacceptable to you?

author:The starry sky carries dreams

Earth is a planet with life, there are many living creatures on the earth, there are marine organisms, land organisms, microorganisms and amphibians, human beings are evolved from terrestrial biological apes, human beings have begun to explore the mysteries of the world since their birth, after thousands of years of scientific and technological development, human beings have finally walked out of the earth, when humans go out of the earth to know that there is still a vast universe outside the earth, the current universe that human beings can explore is about 93 billion light years, But this is not the full scope of the universe, the universe may be larger than we think, although the current human technology is not developed enough, but human beings are the most intelligent life on the earth, the future with the progress of human science and technology, human technology will become more and more powerful, so if in another ten thousand years, the fate of human civilization will be what?

What will be the fate of human civilization in ten thousand years? 5 endings, which one is the most unacceptable to you?

The first fate of mankind is to be wiped out by aliens

Aliens are the most discussed topics after humans go out of the earth, human beings have been looking for alien civilizations after going out of the earth, but so many years have passed, humans have not found aliens, although humans have not found aliens so far, but scientists have always believed that aliens exist in the universe, because since the earth this planet can give birth to life, then other planets should also be able to give birth to life, scientists have studied that after the big bang 5 billion years later, the first life appeared in the universe, And these creatures have evolved until now, technology has been developed for billions of years, if so, then their civilization must be very powerful.

What will be the fate of human civilization in ten thousand years? 5 endings, which one is the most unacceptable to you?

If the alien civilizations find us, then they may attack the earth, with the current technology of human beings is no way to resist the attack of advanced civilizations, just like modern people and ancient people fight, modern people with advanced weapons, soon able to end the war, so ten thousand years later, the fate of mankind may be destroyed by aliens.

What will be the fate of human civilization in ten thousand years? 5 endings, which one is the most unacceptable to you?

The second fate of mankind is the destruction of civil war

Although human beings are the most intelligent life on the earth, but on the earth, there are many races of human beings, and now human beings have begun to fight for resources, in the future, with the progress of human science and technology, human beings will need more and more resources, if after ten thousand years, the resources on the earth are less and less, then human beings may launch wars in order to compete for resources, once the war is launched, then the earth may be destroyed, and human beings will perish, so human beings must now find new energy to prepare for the future. At present, scientists are actively studying controlled nuclear fusion, which is a very efficient and environmentally friendly new energy source.

What will be the fate of human civilization in ten thousand years? 5 endings, which one is the most unacceptable to you?

At present, scientists are also working hard to study, if human beings can achieve controllable nuclear fusion in the future, then human science and technology will certainly be able to be greatly improved, and in the future, human beings will not worry about energy, so Xiaobian hopes that human beings can realize their dreams as soon as possible.

What will be the fate of human civilization in ten thousand years? 5 endings, which one is the most unacceptable to you?

The third fate of mankind is to perish due to changes in the environment

With the development of human science and technology, human pollution of the earth's environment is also more and more serious, now the global greenhouse effect is serious, the temperature is getting higher and higher, the glaciers in the Antarctic and the Arctic have begun to melt, scientists have calculated that if the current rate of glacier melting continues, in another 1000 years, the glaciers in the Antarctic and the Arctic will all melt, and then the sea level will rise by more than 70 meters, flooding all coastal cities, and the original land area on the earth only accounts for 29% of the total area. Another third of this 29 percent are deserts, and if coastal cities are submerged, the land area will become smaller in the future, in addition to large amounts of carbon dioxide and industrial wastewater being discharged into nature.

What will be the fate of human civilization in ten thousand years? 5 endings, which one is the most unacceptable to you?

Not only pollutes the environment, but also pollutes marine life, marine life is rich in protein, now many people like to eat marine life, if the marine life is polluted, then it will indirectly lead to human poisoning, long-term development, human health will also be endangered, so ten thousand years later, human beings may be because the earth's environment can not continue to survive and perish, Xiaobian believes that if human beings want to develop for a long time, from now on need to protect the global environment.

What will be the fate of human civilization in ten thousand years? 5 endings, which one is the most unacceptable to you?

The fourth fate of humanity is to be replaced by artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is a trend in the future, with the progress of modern human science and technology, human dependence on artificial intelligence is getting bigger and bigger, now many industries have used artificial intelligence, the role of artificial intelligence in the future will be greater and larger, although the ability of artificial intelligence is very strong, but there is also a great threat to human beings, in many science fiction movies, we can often see artificial intelligence produce wisdom, and then eliminate humans, although science fiction movies are fake, but in case it is realized, then human beings will be very dangerous, The biggest difference between humans and artificial intelligence is independent thinking, in addition to being stronger than artificial intelligence in independent thinking, there is no way to compare with artificial intelligence in other aspects, so if artificial intelligence produces the ability to think independently, then human beings may perish.

What will be the fate of human civilization in ten thousand years? 5 endings, which one is the most unacceptable to you?

The fifth destiny of humanity is to be replaced by intelligent life on the next Earth

Modern science believes that human beings evolved from ape organisms more than 2 million years ago, more than 2 million years ago, ape creatures lived on the earth, when there were many other creatures living on the earth, ape organisms in order to be able to develop for a long time, can only choose to live in groups, social life can not only effectively resist foreign invaders, but also promote the development of the brain, because human organisms communicate together for a long time. So the ape brains became more and more powerful, and eventually successfully evolved into humans, and since the apes can evolve into intelligent life in more than 2 million years, then other creatures on the earth may also evolve into intelligent life, it is only a matter of time.

What will be the fate of human civilization in ten thousand years? 5 endings, which one is the most unacceptable to you?

If after 10,000 years, the earth's environment has undergone tremendous changes, then the earth may re-evolve intelligent life, and new intelligent life will replace the status of human beings, after all, human beings are not unique to the earth, so Xiaobian believes that if human beings want to develop for a long time, they must develop comprehensively.

What will be the fate of human civilization in ten thousand years? 5 endings, which one is the most unacceptable to you?

Ten thousand years is very long for human beings, but for the earth, ten thousand years is only a matter of a moment, and what will be the fate of mankind after ten thousand years? Now scientists are just guessing, what will happen in the future? Scientists don't have an accurate answer now, but in 10,000 years, the earth's environment may change dramatically, and what will be the fate of mankind at that time? What do you think about this?

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