
Tokyo Tower lights up "Chinese Red" – the Chinese have embedded the "Spring Festival gene" in Japanese society

author:Oriental News

Unconsciously, the Spring Festival of the Year of the Tiger in 2022 is getting closer and closer, while the epidemic in Japan has taken a sharp turn for the worse, and the number of infected people has increased sharply at an unprecedented rate. In the face of the continuous soaring figures, the Chinese in Japan are unable to react other than stunned. The epidemic has blocked the footsteps of Chinese people "going home for the New Year", but it has not been able to extinguish the strong idea of Chinese "lively and noisy New Year". The Spring Festival under the epidemic situation needs to compromise and need to be adhered to. It is gratifying that no matter how rampant the epidemic is, it cannot change the fact that Chinese culture, represented by the Spring Festival customs, is constantly being integrated into Japanese society. Overseas Chinese in Japan are embedding their "Spring Festival genes" into Japanese society.

Tokyo Tower lights up "Chinese Red" – the Chinese have embedded the "Spring Festival gene" in Japanese society

Every year, the Chinese New Year's Eve of the old calendar to light up the "Chinese red" has become a tradition of Tokyo Tower

Spring Festival party Warm foreigners cultivate Chinese babies

Although in Japan, the day of the Chinese New Year's Eve is often a working day, and the next day adults have to go to work and children have to go to school, and there is no way to "keep vigil". However, "lively and noisy New Year" is a memory that has been deeply Chinese genes. Even if you can't get together with your parents and loved ones, calling friends for a reunion dinner is an indispensable ritual.

Xiu Xiu's mother, who lives in Saitama, is busy at this time of year. She loves Zhang Luoshi since she was an international student, and she has been asking her friends to celebrate the New Year together. As a northeasterner, she will personally prepare twenty large dishes, including fruit desserts, according to The customs of the Northeast, which means perfect. Over the past twenty years, from single to family to become a mother of three children, Xiu Xiu's mother's friends have gathered more and more. Everyone has gradually changed from single youth to middle-aged people with families and mouths, and the scale of New Year's parties has become larger and larger. Gathering hundreds of people at once has become the norm. So much so that in order to have a Spring Festival party, they had to rent a venue at the Civic Hall.

Xiu Xiu's mother feels that the New Year is not only to eat and drink, but also to take this opportunity to enhance everyone's emotions and cultivate the children's national consciousness and identity. To this end, their New Year's party has carefully arranged a lot of heart-warming programs. For example, each husband is required to write a confession to his wife in advance, and then the host reads it out and asks the wives to "claim" the husband. After the success of the "pairing", the wife should also give her husband a testimonial. After saying the testimonial, the wife also gives her husband a slap and says, "Xianggong is hard", and then gives her husband a red envelope. Husbands were asked to kneel down on one knee and reply with the phrase "Thank you for niangniang's grace" and then receive the red packet. On this one link, I don't know how many people laughed down and how many sisters' happy tears were "hooked".

Before the annual Spring Festival party, Xiu Xiu's mother will also prepare Chinese New Year's greeting tips for the children, asking each family to practice in advance. At the party, the children must stand on the stage and use Chinese to pay tribute to their grandparents and grandparents who are far away in China. One year, everyone sang Chinese song "I love you, China". At first, when it was said that they wanted to sing, everyone was still a little embarrassed, but as soon as the music sounded, the atmosphere rose, and everyone sang with great enthusiasm, feeling that they really returned to the motherland.

At the Spring Festival party, children should write blessing characters together, receive red envelopes together, eat dumplings together, and receive New Year gifts together. These arrangements have made the children born abroad deeply fall in love with the Chinese New Year. Every time it is almost the New Year, the children will practice the New Year's greeting tips at home, and then walk around with their bags filled with money, hoping that the Spring Festival will come soon.

Unfortunately, because of the epidemic, the lively Spring Festival party had to be stopped. Xiu Xiu's mother said that this year's Spring Festival is not only a weekday but also catches up with the eldest daughter to take the college entrance examination. Chinese New Year's Eve night, she decided to celebrate the Spring Festival in advance on the Saturday and Sunday before the Chinese New Year's Eve. In the midst of the epidemic, the banquet for 100 people is impossible, and their relatives gather in a small area, but the "perfect and perfect" made of nine hot and nine cold dumplings and a fruit plate cannot be saved, "through this ceremony, let the children remember our Chinese New Year".

Tokyo Tower lights up "Chinese Red" – the Chinese have embedded the "Spring Festival gene" in Japanese society

The Spring Festival party organized by Xiu Xiu's mother lasted for nearly twenty years but had to be interrupted due to the epidemic

Chinese School: The Spring Festival is the best time to inherit Chinese culture

Not only ordinary people's homes have been affected by the epidemic, but also various organizations and groups, and the 120-year-old Yokohama Yamate Chungyu School is no exception. Originally, every year on the first day of the Chinese New Year, the children of the Zhonghua School had to perform the lion dance "Caiqing" on Zhonghua Street in Yokohama, but this year it had to be cancelled due to the impact of the epidemic. However, Zhang Yansong, the principal of the school, said that no matter how serious the epidemic is, the mood of teachers and students celebrating the Spring Festival in the school has not been affected. Since January 17, teachers and students of the whole school have begun to write blessing characters, cut window flowers, paste Spring Festival, and hang lanterns, and the atmosphere of the Spring Festival has become increasingly strong. Zhang Yansong believes that the Spring Festival is the best time to teach traditional Chinese culture to these children who grew up overseas. To this end, the school arranges a month-long Series of Chinese New Year activities every year.

The school holds a chinese culture knowledge contest all year round, and the teachers produce competitions covering Chinese history, geography and traditional culture, and then select weekly champions, monthly champions and quarter champions layer by layer, and conduct the annual finals on Chinese New Year's Eve Night. This day is also the highlight of the New Year at Yamanote Chinese Academy. Before witnessing the whole process of the birth of the annual champion, the teachers and students of the school will also listen to the principal's lecture introducing the Spring Festival customs, and then everyone will make dumplings, cook dumplings, receive red envelopes, perform lion dances, Peking opera, ethnic dances and other cultural performances, and the whole school is full of the festive atmosphere of the New Year.

Affected by the epidemic this year, the dumpling making link had to be cancelled, and the finals of the knowledge contest and the principal's speech were also held online, but the school will still organize students to cook frozen dumplings together and distribute red envelopes to everyone as usual. The lantern-raising parade of the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first month will also be held as scheduled. President Zhang Yansong said that among the students in the school are the sixth generation of Chinese children who have traveled to Japan. The child's parents, grandparents, grandparents... Six generations have graduated from Yamanote Chung-hwa School. The traditional Chinese culture can be passed down from generation to generation, which is inseparable from the efforts and persistence of the school.

Tokyo Tower lights up "Chinese Red" – the Chinese have embedded the "Spring Festival gene" in Japanese society

Students at Yokohama Yamanote Chung waka School cut window flowers to welcome the New Year

Tokyo Tower lights up "China Red": the future can be expected

With the continuous growth of the Chinese community in Japan, the custom of celebrating the Spring Festival is gradually moving out of the Chinese community and integrating into Japanese society, becoming a new beautiful scenery in Japan and enriching the cultural diversity of Japanese society.

At 18:00 Japan time on January 31 this year, the night of the Chinese Lunar New Year's Chinese New Year's Eve, Tokyo's landmark Tokyo Tower lit up the dazzling "Chinese Red" for the fourth time to welcome the arrival of the Chinese Year of the Tiger. Yan An, chairman of the "Tokyo Tower 'China Red' Executive Committee", said that "Tokyo Tower 'China Red' has become a brand jointly built by overseas Chinese in Japan and relevant Japanese institutions. Every year, the "Tokyo Tower 'China Red'" brings homesickness and homesickness to the overseas Chinese in Japan, conveys to Japanese society the intention of overseas Chinese and Ethnic Chinese to overcome difficulties with them, and at the same time gives a kind of true feeling to Sino-Japanese relations that are developing in difficult times in the twists and turns.

Unlike previous years, in addition to "China Red", this year's Tokyo Tower has lit up the word "future", echoing the Beijing Winter Olympics with the theme slogan of "Everything to the Future". At the same time, this year, the landmark buildings in the capitals of Saga Prefecture and Oita Prefecture also lit up the "Chinese Red" for the first time, which reflected the Tokyo Tower. Yan An pointed out that in recent years, with the support of the Chinese Consulate General in Japan and the efforts of overseas Chinese organizations and overseas Chinese enterprises in various places, the "Spring Festival Festival" is becoming a beautiful landscape and a moving poem in Japanese society. We look forward to the near future, every year on the eve of the Spring Festival, the "Chinese Red" of Tokyo Tower can also be lit up with dots and lines, so that all parts of Japan can light up "China Red" at this moment.

Tokyo Tower lights up "Chinese Red" – the Chinese have embedded the "Spring Festival gene" in Japanese society

As Yan An pointed out, the Spring Festival Festival, co-sponsored by overseas Chinese groups and overseas Chinese enterprises from all over the world, has blossomed in Tokyo, Osaka, Kobe, Nagoya and other parts of Japan in recent years, of which it has been held for more than 30 sessions with a long history, becoming an important window for the Japanese people to understand Chinese culture and traditions. At the Spring Festival Festival, there are not only lively dragon and lion dances, traditional Chinese cultural performances and parades, but also delicious Spring Festival limited food for sale, attracting nearly one million Japanese people to participate every year. Although the scale of the Spring Festival festival has shrunk in recent years due to the impact of the epidemic, the organizers still try their best to preserve this tradition through online live broadcasting and other forms.

In addition to the traditional Spring Festival Festival, some unique "Spring Festival menus" are added every year. This year, Tokyo's famous Shibuya Crossroads will stage a new "Spring Festival Feast". Shibuya is one of Tokyo's most iconic bustling downtown areas and the birthplace of fashion trends throughout Japan. The intersection in front of Shibuya Station is known as the "largest intersection in the world" and is also the most crowded intersection in the world. From January 30 to February 1 this year, the Chinese Spring Festival Gala promotional video will be played on the LED screen of Shibuya Intersection to introduce the Spring Festival Gala to the Japanese people, which is Chinese indispensable "spiritual food" for the New Year. On the afternoon of January 30, Lovers of traditional Chinese culture also wore traditional Chinese costumes to present chinese blessing characters written by calligraphers at the Shibuya Crossroads to introduce the Spring Festival culture and customs to Japanese society.

As the word "future" that will be lit up on the Chinese New Year's Eve night on the Tokyo Tower indicates, as the degree of integration of overseas Chinese into Japanese society becomes deeper and deeper, Chinese culture and Japanese culture will inevitably collide and merge with each other, depicting a more brilliant future.


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Tokyo Tower lights up "Chinese Red" – the Chinese have embedded the "Spring Festival gene" in Japanese society

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