
(Weekly Fortune) Mafada_ Horoscope for February 3-9, 2022

Love Luck: ★★★ ☆

Money Luck: ★★★ ☆

Career Luck: ★★★★ ☆

★★★★★ It is a perfect score and ☆ is 0.5 points

The Year of the Tiger was unveiled, the timing turned into Lichun, the 'water retrograde' officially drew the end, and with three superstar signs: 'Mars/Jupiter Hexa', 'Sun/Saturn Conjunction' and 'Mars/Uranus Triad' as the main axis of the Lunar New Year, the astrological tonality has blessings, struggles, surprises, and the end of the 'water retrograde' is a relief. This 'Month of Aquarius' New Year's holiday, the 'Mars effect' is strong, Aquarius tonal avant-garde thoughts, youth and courage will attract much attention, but also encourage people to fight for faith.

The four major astrological events are:

The first auspicious omen of February 4: 'Water Retrograde' (calm wind and waves); 'Mars/Jupiter Six' (Window of Opportunity).

The first auspicious omen of February 5: 'Sun/Saturn conjunction' (put into action).

February 8 Warning: 'Mars/Uranus Triad' (Changing Storm).

In terms of astrological interpretation, the 'water retrograde' is over, although the unpredictable environment will continue to appear new challenges and new issues, but for many people, these changes mean the opening of the window of opportunity, suitable for active offensive and contrarian operations. After the New Year's Festival, there will be drastic changes in the rules.

Astrologers point out that the middle of the water bottle month that comes from winter to spring will turn into the first of the 24 solar terms on the fourth day of the Chinese New Year, Li Chun, which is the beginning of real spring. Li Chun 'biting spring' eating spring rolls and saving money is a lucky ceremony for the New Year. The fresh vegetable buds that emerge from Lichun are full of the earth-breaking spirit of spring plants, which are light and orderly, and are quite healthy and healthy. Saving money in Lichun will bring prosperity and fortune for a whole year, which will help the city to develop and the wealth to roll in throughout the year, and the auspicious saying is very pleasing.

In terms of finance, the 'water retrograde' is over, Venus is still in Capricorn (conservative and cautious), and the current cycle of positive and negative signals of the financial star will be offset, and the huge fluctuations of the 'water retrograde' period will be reduced.

As far as individual constellations are concerned, this week, the Year of the Tiger officially kicks off, the 3-week 'water retrograde' will end in time, and the auspicious signs of the stars also cover the warning signs. The loss of control and impermanence in recent months will quickly disappear with the end of the 'water retrograde'. Happily, almost all constellations fall on the cissiocy cycle. The lucky list stars have once again seen a big reshuffle, among which the New Year's horoscope champion is Aries. Honmei and Jupiter are lucky and auspicious, and will accompany them with many inexplicable good fortunes in their lives, with enviable confidence, abundance, and surprises in the gilding or accumulation of wealth.

The good luck runner is Leo. The Honmei Star and the Achievement Star coincide, and it coincides with the peak of the stage when career attempts and luck complement each other. Although there is no chance of luck, as long as you work hard and survive to the end, you will get a doubled ultimate reward; the third place in fortune is the last fire sign Star Sagittarius. With the end of the 'water retrograde', Sagittarius career prospects will obviously turn from red light to green, will accelerate towards the shelf, force to come out, and the cooperation between the guardian star and the battlestar will bring unprecedented momentum and aura, quite a rising star. Love and affection are very satisfied.

This week's 'water retrograde' came to an end, and the largest auspicious planet Jupiter is in a lucky angle, which can be called the biggest astrological gift of the New Year sent by God. Last week's low-tide stars Lion and Aquarius were both shipped, and there are no ill-fated low-tide stars this week.

12 zodiac signs this week

Aries: leaps and bounds, high rise can be expected, the trend is amazing (the most changeable)

Leo: talented, loved, well-known (the most beautiful)

Sagittarius: Celebrate good luck, secure victory, turn a negative to positive (the most prosperous fortune)

Capricorn: Return to the original owner, famous on the list, 100 feet (the smoothest career)


Judge the situation, like an arrow on the string. During the days when the guardian star and Jupiter and Uranus were in a super auspicious phase, the double happiness came to the door, and the beginning of the year appeared with a strong momentum and domineering. Acting decisively and independently, with high autonomy, excellent conditions such as time and place, etc., is the leading plan and invincible. In particular, he knows how to control the direction of the wind and create a trend, so he can often seize the opportunity and become a winner. The leisurely relief of pressure in the first part of the annual vacation and the early preparation of the latter section are the life victory group that exerts excellent combat strength and captures the most loot immediately after the holiday. Returning to work years later, he is also one of the few blue ocean winners who have risen by breaking the conventional alternative thinking. Those who intend to change jobs are expected to be appreciated, but be patient. Fortune is good. Love is happiness that sprouts quietly.


The beginning of the year is happy, and the horse is successful. The days when the Battlestar and the Career Star are auspicious, and the Star of Destiny and fortune have been corrected one after another, confirming the saying that rest is to walk a longer road. Enjoy slow charging and recuperation during the New Year, and soon usher in a wave of career sprints and beautiful battles in the next year. It is worth looking forward to the competitiveness of the career, and the work is expected to usher in the good news of achieving the wish, winning in one fell swoop or self-breakthrough. Years later, the stakes for the transfer increased. There are late rewards. Love is the face of the seasons.


Sail along the water, jubilant. During the period when the guardian star ends the 'water reverse' cycle, the blind spots disappear, the situation improves, the time is ripe, and during the New Year, the heart is released, the pressure is released, and the mood becomes light. Widespread friendship and popularity, whether it is a reunion of relatives and friends or a spring feast of colleagues, it is the core of the common key. It is favored by the elders and has received red envelope gifts or promotions and introductions. After years of transfer, it is advisable to get a card slot as soon as possible. Generous with your use. Love is a resonant wave frequency.


Pick the stars and the moon, and the high friends are full of seats. In these days of romance and discipline, dreams are very emotional, but actions are very rational. The New Year's Festival is very traditional and intellectual. Many people may still have long distances. The career is at the starting point of the clouds, do not hesitate. Those who intend to change jobs after a few years have the help of nobles. Fortune is good. Love is the light point of happiness on the radar.


Proud and ambitious. During this period when the guardian star and Saturn are united, and the palace of wealth will also bring good news, the New Year banner will be victorious, the career is expected, the struggle will be exchanged for the aura, and the emotions and money are above the standard, and the rich year will be predicted with a full combination of life wealth. Happy new year is not only accompanied by family, but also a vision of a better future waiting for the construction of large-scale construction in the next year, remember to carefully choose the object of alliance. Job seekers who have changed careers are high-profile. Excellent hand-holding. Love is a spring blessing.


Happy to descend Ganlin, in danger of organic. The guardian star ended the retrograde days of the near moon, and the chaotic situation that was originally chaotic and inconsistent finally turned optimistic. Fortunately, there are loyal friends around me who do not abandon each other, and they are able to lift an unexploded mine in time, and the hidden worries subside and the pressure is greatly reduced. The red luan star moves, and the old moon leads the way to achieve a good relationship. The interpersonal charm has become stronger, and it is expected to resolve the differences and make the stone nod. There is an ideal opportunity to convert the runway. Partial wealth is booming. Love is falling into a cycle of happiness.


Fight side by side, everything goes well. During the days when the guardian star was turned right and the partner palace was blessed, in time to unload all kinds of tangible and invisible burdens during the New Year's Festival, when the combat strength returned to the gods, they were also supported by highly complementary god teammates, and morale was greatly boosted. Family and partner are the two strongest backers. Act thoughtfully and personably, win favorably, and have a charm that is consistent and convincing. If you intend to transfer jobs after a few years, remember to keep a low profile. Good luck with the money. Love is a happy event for Hanada.


Handy, throw stones and ask for directions. During this period of shining mood, the Spring Festival is like a gorgeous feast made of various happiness decorations, material, emotional, career, reputation and health are not dissatisfied. All kinds of life issues are managed just right, fish and bear paws are available, and there is no need to sacrifice one aspect for success. During the annual leave, seize the opportunity to reward yourself, pamper your family, welcome new members at home, and improve the parent-child relationship. Those who intend to change jobs will try in many ways. Blood loss in the purse. Love is happiness out of the box.


The fortune is in the head, and the master is victorious. The days when the guardian star and the battle star are a lucky omen and the career star is reversed, the morale is high, the combat strength is abundant, and the cause is officially free from the shackles of the constraints and enters a period of full speed forward. What is rare is that the profession is sharp and the intention is exuberant, but the behavior is not lost. The foundation laid years ago will yield beautiful results in the near future, and there are signs of fixing the lead. Many people enjoy the joy of the New Year, as well as the joy of love and the vanity of a small limelight. There is plenty of face. Also, remember to take the time to love and be loved. The career has shifted from passive to active, but the active transfer rate is not high, and most of them are flattened. Investment vision is precise. Love is bright and is an untamed heart.


The success is smooth, like a spring breeze. In these days when the star and the sun are lucky and auspicious, the timing is good, interpersonal relationships, emotional management, economic foundation and professional evaluation will be pushed to a more favorable state, and the success rate of chasing and setting goals will increase greatly. While enjoying a joyful and warm holiday, we have not stopped the professional mode of serious Capricorn people. A new work in the pipeline was published immediately a few years later, and the performance was amazing. Those who intend to change jobs have a good chance of doing so. Red envelope surprise. Love is a string of light jumping notes.


Greeting the blessings of spring and taking the lead in the first step. In the days when the guardian star and the battle star are in a lucky corner, the new year and the new situation will bring a number of changes and opportunities in the workplace, which are fleeting, and judgment, boldness and action are the keys to qualifying. The Spring Festival welcomes guests lively, enjoying the fun of reminiscing about old words and feeling at home. Those who intend to change the runway or adjust the working mode have multiple options. It is advantageous to develop the work content of the slash career or a multi-tasker. Steady financial growth, courteous door-to-door. Love is an insincere reserve.


Spring is full of joy and wealth. During this period of the patronage of the god of wealth, the blessing star shines high during the New Year's Festival, the wealth cornucopia effect is threatening, the materials are abundant, and the gift red envelopes are started, not only the 'fortune index' is optimistic, but also the lucky star that brings relatives and friends around wang. The New Year is pleasant, moist and fulfilling. Years later, the rework was socially active, and a number of small projects and temporary tasks were immediately started. Those who are interested in applying for a job and changing jobs should be carefully screened although there are many opportunities. Have fun shopping. Love is a brave adventure.

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