
Astrological events in May: Mercury retrograde, Jupiter into Aries

Astrological events in May: Mercury retrograde, Jupiter into Aries


Translation & Finishing/Rustling

May 2022 is a month to remember. The eclipse season is in full swing, Jupiter enters the constellation of Aries, and Mercury begins to retrograde.

In April, we see Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces; in May, most of the planets will move to Aries and Taurus, the two earliest constellations on the ecliptic. If April is the time to dream of the future, May is the time to put those visions into reality and act decisively.

Even if we're ready to act, things may not go as smoothly as we would like, as Mercury will start retrograde on May 10 and we may need to make adjustments in every way. Yes, we may need to wait a little longer. But there are so many signs on the astrolabe about "building something new, there's nothing stopping us from pursuing what we want.

Here are the most important astrological events of the month:

May 2, 2022 – Venus enters the constellation Aries

With Venus entering Aries on May 2, 2022, Sleeping Beauty finally woke up. Venus is still drawn to the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction, but she also knows that beautiful visions need to be sustained through bold action.

When Venus is in Aries, we tend to express emotions directly: "I want this, I want it now!" "

Of course, Venus in Aries can bring instant gratification. However, if we choose to have an open heart and the courage and vitality to tap into this energy, we can naturally connect with the truest and most sincere part of our hearts. In that part, we always face our real needs honestly.

May 3, 2022—Jupiter 6th Minute Pluto

On May 3, Jupiter (at 28° Pisces) and Pluto (at 28° Capricorn) formed a hexagonal phase, further providing us with the energy for collective action. Jupiter's sextant Pluto is a harmonious phase, and at this moment, the universe is on our side.

You will enter a state of energetic flow, especially if your planet is in the last two degrees of the negative sign (i.e. 28°-29° in Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces).

May 10, 2022 – Mercury begins to retrograde

On May 10, 2022, Mercury began retrograde at 4° Gemini. No one likes Mercury retrograde, in fact, not because of how bad the retrograde itself is, but because things are difficult to go according to plan when Mercury is retrograde.

If you're a Saturn type of person who likes to do things according to plan, mercury retrogrades can be particularly frustrating. But if you like learning by doing, if you're willing to be flexible with your strategy, then you'll appreciate the information energy that comes with this water retrograde. Mercury retrograde simply points out the things that need to be corrected anyway. Therefore, it is best to be vigilant before things escalate and know what you need to pay attention to.

May 11, 2022 – Jupiter enters the constellation Aries

On May 11, 2022, Jupiter entered the constellation Aries. This is one of the most important astrological signs of the year, as Jupiter changes its constellations on average every 12 months, making it an important indicator of the year's horoscope.

As Jupiter changes its sign, a whole new area of your life will come into focus. Suddenly something needs your attention, and that attention doesn't just last a week or two, but a whole year. In this area of your life (the house of Aries on your astrolabe), you will experience jupiter's expansive energy.

Jupiter's energy in Aries is enormous, confident, and adventurous. This is different from the "do what you want" that Mars has in Aries, but it is a kind of energy that "dares to make things bigger".

May 13, 2022 – The northern intersection of the sun

On May 13, 2022, the Sun meets the North Junction at 22° Taurus. Every year, the sun's rendezvous with the North Junction reminds us to see where our goals are, pointing out how far or how close we are to our goals.

This astrology may not necessarily bring very clear instructions, nor will it necessarily make you immediately understand "how to do it", but it will awaken something inside you. Improve your acuity and pay attention to what motivates you and attracts you. This is probably the part you want to focus on, develop and grow.

May 15, 2022 – Venus merges with Chiron

On May 15, 2022, Venus rendezvoused Chiron at 14° Aries.

Venus represents our feelings and our relationships with others, while Chiron is the healer of injuries. Chiron's role is to connect what needs to be integrated so that we can find our full selves. In order to do this, Chiron triggers feelings and emotions that are repressed or unrecognized, thus drawing our attention.

When our emotional trauma shifts from the unconscious to the conscious level, it is also triggered with certain harm. But it is a necessary and inevitable part of the healing process.

Venus combined with Chiron is our opportunity to heal the heart, allowing us to embrace our feelings, become more compassionate, and experience true love.

May 16, 2022 – Full Moon in Scorpio (Lunar Eclipse)

On May 16, 2022, we will usher in a full moon at 25° Scorpio, which is also a total lunar eclipse. All lunar eclipses have a sense of fate, and this one is even more so. Because a total lunar eclipse is the most intense and life-changing eclipse.

This is a lunar eclipse at the Southern Node – if the Eclipse at the North Node brings opportunity, then the Eclipse at the Southern Node is related to the removal of our past karma.

This total lunar eclipse is in phase with all slow-moving exoplanets: it is quadrant with Saturn, trichotomy with Neptune and Jupiter, sextant from Pluto, and diagonally from Uranus. Exoplanets carry collective energy, and when a lunar eclipse is phased with an exoplanet, the best way to succumb to the energy of the environment is to cling to individual positions.

Whatever happens before or after the lunar eclipse is predestined. Nothing to be afraid of. Whatever happens, be open to it.

May 18, 2022 – Mars meets Neptune in the constellation of Pisces

On May 18, 2022, Mars merged with Neptune at 24° Pisces. When Mars, which represents the will of the individual, is with Neptune, which represents divine guidance and obedience, the message is: Don't force yourself forward, listen to subtle messages, watch out for unexpected discoveries, and find a sense of meaning for your actions. When we open our hearts and accept the arrangements of the universe, our actions will have meaning and will have an impact on more people.

May 21, 2022 – The Sun enters gemini and the Sun merges with Mercury

On May 21, 2022, the sun enters Gemini – Happy Birthday Gemini! For you and others, this is the time of year when you're more like Geminis — staying open, curious, keeping information highly circulating, and exchanging ideas and insights with each other.

Soon after the Sun enters Gemini, it merges with Mercury. During Mercury retrograde, the conjunction of the Sun and Mercury marks the beginning of a new Mercury cycle. This particular Mercury cycle begins at 0° Gemini.

0 degrees in any constellation is a very powerful degree because it carries a primitive, new pioneering energy. 0° Gemini is especially critical for Mercury, which guards Gemini. So, if you have any Mercury-like plans in your head (like writing, communicating, traveling, doing any type of self-media), this is a truly extraordinary opportunity to put into action.

May 25, 2022 – Mars enters the constellation of Aries

On May 25, 2022, Mars entered the constellation Aries, which is the territory of Mars. If you've been feeling a little undermobile in Pisces for the past few weeks, that's all going to change.

In Aries, Mars does what it does best – take action.

When Mars is in other constellations, we can always find reasons not to act. For example, Mars "takes time to get used to" in Taurus, Mars may be "difficult to focus" on Gemini, and Mars in Cancer worries about "what if doing so hurts someone else's feelings?" Mars in Leo will worry "What if I'm ugly?" Mars will be afraid when Virgo is "What if this action is not perfect?" ”......

And now, Mars in Aries, there are no more excuses. We will find our own mobility more naturally.

The last time Mars entered Aries was in July-December 2020. Topics related to this particular period may once again come into focus. Mars is still retrograde in 2020, and this time, Mars is moving almost at its highest speed, so it will push us to get things done as fast as we can.

May 28, 2022 – Venus enters Taurus

On May 28, 2022, Venus entered her home, Taurus. When Venus is in Taurus, we are more likely to connect with our "senses" without feeling guilty or self-doubting.

Venus is an important astrology for everyone, so use the next few weeks to make sure you're doing what Venus wants: take care of yourself, eat well, eat nutritiously, and allow yourself to enjoy your senses.

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