
(Weekly Fortune) Kelly Fox_ Horoscope for May 9-15, 2022

This week, there are two major astrological events: Jupiter, the planet of luck and good luck, moving to Aries, and Mercury retrograde in gemini.

The change of Jupiter blesses anyone who is willing to take their future into their own hands. Don't wait for someone else to tidy up your life – take the initiative and take the initiative. This way, you can create your own luck, because Jupiter will help you achieve your dreams.

However, due to Mercury retrograde, communication is slow, misleading, or unpredictable. Speak very clearly and make sure others understand. Similarly, if someone says something that you feel confused or unclear about, don't hesitate to ask for clarity.


When Jupiter arrives in Aries, you'll be at your best – it's a great idea to plan major projects that coincide with this, as your positivity, energy, enthusiasm and vibrancy will take you through anything!

Use that energy this week to plan some grand adventures for the near future. Travel is a great option, and you'll also find it easier than usual to pitch your vision and ideas to the people you want to impress.

However, when Mercury is retrograde, your ability to communicate will take a direct hit. You may need to explain yourself very carefully, or take the time to re-read the instructions several times.


Your spiritual guidance surrounds you this week as Jupiter reaches the most spiritual part of your astrolabe. This will be the perfect time to explore your spiritual gifts and practical performance, gratitude and spiritual skills.

Use Jupiter's highest willingness this week to volunteer or help those who are vulnerable or vulnerable.

When Mercury is retrograde, Taurus, you need to pay attention to your consumption. It's easy to forget about your finances during this time, so make a budget and monitor it closely. You may also be more inclined to spend comfortably – but does that solve any problem?


Teamwork is crucial, especially once Jupiter changes the constellation and reaches an area of your community. It's time to work with others for charitable or humanitarian purposes – or meet people who resonate with you.

Your guardian planet Mercury is about to retrograde, however, this may temporarily undermine your confidence. If you find yourself running out of words, take a step back from social situations for a day or two until you get used to it.

During the water retrograde, you can sometimes get confused. Don't worry, it will pass – but while it lasts, make a lot of checklists to evoke your memories.


Thanks to the generosity of Jupiter climbing to the top of your chart, Cancer, you can expect a lucky break in your career or good progress towards your ambitions. Jupiter represents abundance, so a promotion and a raise is certainly impossible – but don't fool yourself into thinking that it's just good luck: it's your hard work that earns that "luck."

When Mercury is retrograde, you may want to hide for a while. You may not like to socialize much, but you can still contribute a lot to the world. During this time there will be some strange and vivid dreams, all of which have messages from your higher self.


For Leo, jupiter's change means adventure and travel. If you're stuck in stereotypes, that's what you need to break free of. Do what you can to make a difference in your life. From a major lifestyle shift to simply taking a different path home from work, every little novelty will help refresh your spirit.

When Mercury is retrograde, social relations may be affected a little. There's nothing to worry about; It's just that you're less able to express yourself, so your friends may not know where they stand. Go the extra mile to express your gratitude.


This week, Virgo, Jupiter change seats will bring you a huge windfall. This can be economic – especially in the form of an inheritance – but it can also be emotional. Emotions of intimacy, jealousy, and revenge are all swept away by a positive new attitude and warm-hearted generosity. Suddenly, everything seems to work, and the problems you face no longer seem so impossible.

However, Mercury, your guardian star, is retrograde this week. This can be tricky for you in your work life because your career field has been affected. Be particularly clear in any written work that you have to provide or present – if you're vague, your words may also be misunderstood.


This week Jupiter arrives at the love zone where you were born, Libra, and blesses your love life with warmth, optimism, kindness, compassion, and joy. It can be a rich time with lots of cute memories to create – don't wait, grab the moment!

This horoscope will also promote your other relationships. Quite simply, your personality will make you more attractive, which is perfect for doing business and meeting new people.

Watch out for Mercury retrograde. Double-check travel arrangements and other important details. Delays and setbacks are very likely, but if you plan ahead and incorporate those expectations, you'll be able to keep smiling.


Get rid of those bad habits this week. As Jupiter changes its sign, you'll feel more empowered to replace harmful habits with new, positive habits — which is good news for your health and well-being.

Jupiter also brings vast good news to your daily life. Better time management will free you up extra time each day, so you'll feel less stressed.

However, there may be some communication issues in intimate relationships, especially when dealing with sex or intimacy. Mercury is retrograde in this area of your astrolabe, so be especially careful to tell the truth, clearly and simply, from the heart.


Jupiter, your dominant planet, enters your happy zone this week, Sagittarius – what's not to like? Hopefully, you'll be freer than usual, have more independence, have more opportunities, and have fewer things holding you back.

This energy is suitable for travel, stimulating sports, country adventures and crazy new hobbies. Jupiter can overdo things, however, so be mindful of your safety if you plan something exciting.

Mercury is retrograde in your love zone this week, so you'll want to be very clear when you're communicating plans and goals with your lover. Don't think they're going to support you. You can be confusing, vague, or incomprehensible!


Capricorn, need more space? As Jupiter has changed its sign this week, your home and family are blessed by this vast, ever-growing nature – so the real estate issue is good because it really is a new member of the family!

You can channel this energy by pouring love and attention into your living space and redesign it the way you see fit. There's also a connection to the past here, so you might be inspired by vintage and nostalgia.

However, with Mercury retrograde in your blissful zone, you need to pay extra attention to your mental health during this time. It's crucial not to suppress your emotions – open up to someone and say how you feel.


Jupiter encourages you to improve your skills, Aquarius - new training, new knowledge, new intellectual discoveries will make you excited to no end. This energy is also warm and expansive for your neighbors and neighbors, so you may want to get more involved in places near you.

However, Mercury is retrograde in your creative district, so don't be surprised if you feel a little stuck in your good ideas or artistic issues.

Aquarius, Mercury retrograde will also inhibit your judgment in making decisions. Impulsive or reckless behavior is more attractive than usual, but don't do something you will regret later.


As Jupiter now reaches your abundance zone, you are truly blessed by this rich, wealth-bearing planet. Pisces, you can expect a lot less financial pressure and you'll also find it easy to discover new sources of income.

Jupiter also shines very positively on your values and other invisible blessings, helping you feel truly with your world.

However, Mercury retrogrades in pisces' family area, which can lead to tense confrontations between some relatives. It's best to let the family vent when necessary, rather than trying to avoid arguments.

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