
New Hero Renata: W skill can be revived once in 20 seconds!? R Enemy infighting!

Hello, dear League of Legends players, I am Little Peach~

Today's new hero Renata has officially landed in the United States, and it is reported that the national service will be officially updated on the 18th. Little Peach will bring you a complete skill analysis of the new hero Renata in this issue.

Passive Skill - Mercenary: Renata's Flat A Attack will deal an additional 1%-5% (1% increase per 100 mana) maximum health damage to unmarked enemies, and mark them for 6 seconds. A friendly flat A or skill detonates the marker and deals an additional 2%-11% (1% increase per 100 mana) maximum health damage. Leonarda can mark up to one enemy hero at a time.

New Hero Renata: W skill can be revived once in 20 seconds!? R Enemy infighting!

Q Skill - Overbearing Wrist: 16 seconds cd time, 80 mana costs. When cast first, Renata fires a missile that imprisons the first hit enemy for 1 second and deals 80/125/170/215/260 (+80% spell strength) magic damage, such as 80/125/170/215/260 (+80% spell strength) magic damage, and when cast again, Renata pulls the target in one direction, and if the hit enemy is thrown as a hero, they will all be stunned for 0.5 seconds.

New Hero Renata: W skill can be revived once in 20 seconds!? R Enemy infighting!

W Skill - Emergency Rescue: CD Time: 26/24122/20/18 seconds, Mana costs 80. Leonarda increases the attack speed of a friend by 10/15/20/25/30% (1% increase in spell strength per 100 spell strength), and 10/12.5/15/17.5/20% (1% increase in spell strength per 100 spell strength) when moving toward enemies, and these bonuses will continue to increase over a period of 5 seconds, up to double. If allies die during the buff effect, they will resurrect and gain 100% maximum health, and health will decay within 3 seconds If friendly troops participate in killing enemy heroes during resurrection, they stop decaying health and health becomes 35% of their maximum health. If Renata kills multiple enemies, she can also refresh the duration of W, W can only be revived once at a time, even if she still carries the effect of W after resurrection, but it will not be resurrected when it dies again.

New Hero Renata: W skill can be revived once in 20 seconds!? R Enemy infighting!

E Skill - Rewarded: CD time: 14/13/12/11/10 seconds, mana cost 70/80/90/100/110 points. Renata fires a biochemical missile that deals 65/95/125/155/185 (+65% spell strength) magic damage to enemies along the way, slowing them down by 30% for 2 seconds. Allies along the way will receive a shield of 50/70/90/110/130 (+50% spell strength) for 3 seconds. And E's judgment range is that as long as the enemy or friendly forces that E encounters will affect its effect.

New Hero Renata: W skill can be revived once in 20 seconds!? R Enemy infighting!

R Skill - Hostile Takeover: CD time 150/130/110 seconds, mana costs 100 points. Renata unleashes a biochemical mist, and enemy heroes on mission go berserk, giving them 100% attack speed wells and attacking all surrounding targets (prioritizing their own friendly) for 1.25/1.75/2.25 seconds. The range of R skills is large, but the ballistic speed is very slow, so Little Peach suggests that the priority Q skill stun the enemy and then connect the R skill control effect is better. And when enemy troops fight each other, the resulting economy will be owned by Renata.

New Hero Renata: W skill can be revived once in 20 seconds!? R Enemy infighting!

At present, Renata has been officially launched in the United States, but there are still some innocuous display bugs, the national service is expected to be officially launched on the 18th, and anxious children can also log in to the United States to experience the new hero Yo ~

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