
The Beijing Winter Olympics will contribute to the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind

In two days, the ancient and enterprising China will join hands with the great Olympics again. Looking back at Beijing in 2008, China hosted an unparalleled Olympic Games, and "one world, one dream" has left a deep mark on the Olympic River. In 14 years, the world will go to a simple, safe and wonderful Olympic event. On February 1, coinciding with the first day of the Chinese New Year, the Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee held a press conference with the theme of "Winter Olympics, Sports and Culture" in the Lichun Hall of the main media center. After more than 6 years of preparation, the Beijing Winter Olympics have everything in place, just waiting for the curtain to open.

The Beijing Winter Olympics will contribute to the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind

On February 1, Zhao Weidong, director of the Information and Publicity Department of the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee and spokesman of the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee, paid tribute to the New Year at the press conference.

Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Xue Yuge

China is ready

Under the background of the still severe covid-19 epidemic, it is not easy for the Beijing Winter Olympics to be held as scheduled. After more than 6 years of preparations, all the preparations for the Beijing Winter Olympics have been completed and will be held as scheduled, as scheduled and smoothly held on February 4.

The Beijing Winter Olympics will contribute to the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind

The Olympic five rings logo of Prince Edward City in Zhangjiakou Is particularly eye-catching Chinese sports pictures taken by Wei Zheng

Zhao Weidong, spokesman for the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee, used eight words to describe the venues and infrastructure: completed on schedule and running well. "All 12 competition venues will be completed in 2020 and will be fully operational by the International Winter Federation." Zhao Weidong also introduced that non-competition venues such as three Winter Olympic villages and the main media center were also delivered and used as scheduled. In addition, the barrier-free environment of the venue has also been further improved, fully meeting the construction standards of the Winter Paralympic Games. At the same time, in terms of the service guarantee system of the Games, the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee adheres to the standards of the three competition areas, comprehensively prepares for various preparations, and the work of hotels, catering, medical and health care, transportation support, and volunteer services are running in a healthy and orderly manner.

In terms of sustainable development and Olympic heritage that the world is concerned about, Zhao Weidong also used 8 words to describe: the goal has been achieved and the results have been remarkable. The International Olympic Committee adopted the Olympic Agenda 2020 in 2014, and the Beijing Winter Olympics successfully bid for the 2015 Olympic Games, "from bidding, preparation to hosting, the Beijing Winter Olympics have always implemented the Olympic Agenda 2020.". Zhao Weidong said.

The Winter Olympics showcase the charm of Chinese culture

The Winter Olympics is not only a sports event, but also a cultural feast, but also an opportunity for the outside world to understand the host city and experience the culture of the host country. Yan Jiarong, spokesman for the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee, said: "We are willing to take this opportunity to promote mutual understanding between different nationalities and civilizations and contribute to the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind." ”

The construction of the venue highlights the Chinese style. The Shougang Ski Jumping Platform incorporates the flying elements of Dunhuang murals; the Appearance of the National Ski Jumping Center is like the traditional Chinese mascot "Ruyi"; the National Speed Skating Hall "Ice Ribbon" combines sports competition with the romantic meaning of "who holds the color to practice the air dance"; the "Snow Dragon" National Snowmobile Bobsleigh Center adopts the creativity of the Chinese cultural totem dragon; and the 7 tracks of the "Xuefeiyan" National Alpine Ski Center let people appreciate the magnificent scene of "Suspected to be the Nine Days of the Galaxy Falling". Non-competition venues such as the Beijing Winter Olympic Village and the Winter Paralympic Village adopt the design concept of the courtyard, which reflects the importance that Chinese attaches to the family, attaches importance to the cultural core of family harmony, and is highly consistent with the Olympic spirit of pursuing peace, unity and fraternity.

The Emblem of the Winter Olympics, "Winter Dream", skillfully combines Chinese calligraphy with ice and snow sports, which not only reflects the vitality and passion of winter sports, but also conveys the unique charm of Chinese culture. The strong New Year flavor reflects the Chinese New Year culture, and the three Winter Olympic villages and main media centers, as well as some resident hotels, have arranged Spring Festival ornaments. Outside the National Speed Skating Hall, the shape of the ice pier of the Winter Olympics mascot, was placed to celebrate the New Year, attracting many athletes to take photos with it. In terms of catering, special foods such as dumplings, spring rolls, and roast duck have created a New Year atmosphere, and everyone can still eat the Lantern on the fifteenth day of the first month. "I hope that through the food culture with Chinese characteristics, athletes, journalists and guests from all over the world can enjoy the competition while also experiencing the charm of the Winter Olympics on the tip of their tongues." Yan Jiarong said.

The Beijing Winter Olympics will focus on athletes

Since the beginning of the bid for the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, it has proposed to "host an Olympic Games centered on athletes." Yang Yang, chairman of the Athletes Committee of the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee, introduced that 19 members, including her, have put forward nearly 100 opinions and suggestions in the past six years, all of which have been paid attention to by the organizing committee. For example, sewing kits are provided for athletes in case of emergency. "In the end, we not only provided the athletes with sewing kits, but also equipped with sewing masters to help athletes in need solve the problem of clothing sewing." Yang Yang introduced, "In the critical period of the preparation process of each organizing committee, whether it is the construction of venues or the planning of the Olympic Village, we have repeatedly visited the scene to understand the relevant situation. ”

Yang Yang said that the Olympic Village has designed many displays of Chinese culture for athletes, hoping that athletes can relieve tension and prepare for battle while feeling Chinese enthusiasm. She wished all athletes to be able to realize their dreams in China, "We will also do our best to serve and make the Beijing Winter Olympics an Olympic experience they will never forget." ”

In the Spring Festival, the most important traditional festival of the Chinese nation, it is the honor and pride of Beijing, the "City of The Two Olympics", to extend an invitation to the world with a feast of ice and snow that has attracted worldwide attention. Zhao Weidong said: "The Beijing Winter Olympics will be held during the Spring Festival, which is a New Year gift from the international Olympic family to China. ”

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