
Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee: Three Factors Help To Host Wonderful Games "Cold" ice and snow have become "hot" sports

On February 6, a regular press conference at the Beijing Winter Olympics was held at the main media center. Christopher Dolby, director of the Olympic Department of the International Olympic Committee, Mark Adams, spokesman of the International Olympic Committee, Han Zirong, full-time vice chairman and secretary general of the Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee, Zhao Weidong, spokesman of the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee, and Huang Chun, deputy director of the Epidemic Prevention Office of the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee, answered questions from domestic and foreign reporters at the main venue and sub-venues.

Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee: Three Factors Help To Host Wonderful Games "Cold" ice and snow have become "hot" sports

On February 6, a regular press conference was held at the Beijing Winter Olympics

The Beijing Winter Olympics are in full swing. At the beginning of the press conference, Zhao Weidong said that in addition to congratulating the athletes who fought for gold, he also paid tribute to the German speed skater Claudia Peschstein. In his view, the 49-year-old veteran, who has participated in eight Winter Olympic Games, represents a kind of "Olympic spirit of continuous progress and self-transcendence." ”

Dolby also stressed at the press conference that one of the major concepts of the Beijing Winter Olympics is to focus on athletes.

Green, science and technology, culture, to help the Beijing Winter Olympics "wonderful" to hold the competition

At the press conference, Han Zirong introduced to Chinese and foreign reporters how the Beijing Winter Olympics achieved "wonderful" Olympics from three aspects: strong green flavor, strong taste of science and technology, and strong taste of culture:

"First, the green flavor is very strong, 11 of the 25 venues of the Beijing Winter Olympics are the 'heritage' of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, such as the bird's nest and the ice cube." At the same time, carbon neutrality is achieved through low-carbon venues, low-carbon transportation, and low-carbon energy, and 100% of the venues are provided with green electricity supply during the race, and 80% of the transportation facilities are composed of energy-saving vehicles or clean energy vehicles;

Second, the taste of science and technology is very strong, such as the use of carbon dioxide ice technology to create the fastest ice, the setting up of weather forecast radar equipment and track weather stations in Yanqing and Zhangjiakou areas to achieve '100 meters, minutes' meteorological forecasts, and broadcasting is also based on 5G broadcast technology;

Third, the cultural flavor is very strong, and many venue designs reflect Chinese characteristics, such as ice ribbons, snow ruyi, etc., as well as the design inspiration for the emblem and mascot of the Winter Olympic Games, which are wonderful everywhere. ”

Ice and snow sports are attended by 346 million people, and "cold" ice and snow are becoming "hot" sports

When Beijing bid to host the 2022 Winter Olympics in 2015, China made a solemn commitment to "bring 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports." Today, this goal has moved from vision to reality.

Zhao Weidong introduced at the press conference that with the successful bid for the Winter Olympics, the popularity of ice and snow sports in China has also been accelerated. "According to statistics, there are 654 standard ice rinks and 803 ski resorts in China from north to south," he said. This figure is up 317% and 41% respectively from the beginning of China's Olympic bid in 2015. ”

Zhao Weidong affirmed, "China has achieved the goal of 'driving 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports', and the number of people participating in ice and snow sports in the country has reached 346 million." In China, what was once "cold" ice and snow is becoming a "hot" sport. In this regard, President Bach also gave a high evaluation: "China's extraordinary achievements in winter sports have opened a new era of global winter sports."

The Beijing Winter Olympic venues have left a valuable Olympic wealth for the future

Christopher Dolby said at the press conference that he was also a witness to the dramatic changes in the venues in each division: "I went to Zhangjiakou and Yanqing in 2015, and I was still in the preparation stage. This time, I went to the various competition areas, saw all the venues, and saw all the details prepared for the competition. It's really a huge change. The 'innovation' in all the venues exceeded our expectations. ”

Dolby firmly believes that the venues of the Beijing Winter Olympics will leave a valuable Olympic wealth for the future.

Photo/Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee official website Wang Mengru Liang Lina

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