
The sound of firecrackers in the one-year-old except


The sound of firecrackers in the one-year-old except



The New Year should have a sense of ceremony

The wise ancients have long been clear.

A song by Wang Anshi of the Song Dynasty, "Yuan Ri", is just four sentences, prompting three major rituals.

In the sound of firecrackers, the spring breeze sends warmth into Tu Su.

Thousands of households always exchange new peaches for old charms.


In ancient times, there was a monster "year" on the bottom of the sea, and every time it came to Chinese New Year's Eve, it would go ashore to attack people. Although the Nian beast was fierce, it was afraid of loud noises. Those who find their weaknesses ignite bamboo and use the crackling roar of bamboo to drive them away. This is firecrackers.

With the invention of gunpowder, firecrackers replaced firecrackers. However, the name of firecrackers is still used today. Setting off firecrackers in the New Year has also become a rule.

The sound of firecrackers in the one-year-old except

▲Qing Dynasty multicolored firecracker-shaped lid box

Collection of the Guanfu Museum

Tu Su

Tu Su is a kind of medicinal liquor, which has the effect of dispelling wind and cold and avoiding epidemics, and is said to have been created by hua Tuo, a famous doctor at the end of the Han Dynasty, and spread through the hands of Sun Simiao, the king of medicine, in the Tang Dynasty.

The production of Tu Su liquor begins on the night of Chinese New Year's Eve. It was night, using silk sacs to pack various flavors of Chinese medicine - rhubarb, baishu, Shu pepper, etc. - into the well for a night, the first day of the New Year took out the medicine sac, soaked and heated with wine, and drank it facing the east.

When drinking, first young and then long, the young celebrate the New Year, and the elderly wish for a long life.

The sound of firecrackers in the one-year-old except

▲Ming Yongle Red glazed goblet

Peach charm

The peach wood depicting the gods and the yu lei is the peach symbol.

The two brothers, Shen Di and Yu Lei, are good at catching ghosts, and if there is an evil ghost harassing the people, the two will ambush them and feed them to the tiger's mouth. Peach wood itself has the effect of warding off evil spirits.

Hanging such a peach charm on the door can drive away evil spirits and avoid evil. This is also the origin of the custom of the god of the door.

The sound of firecrackers in the one-year-old except

▲ Traditional New Year paintings: door gods - Shendi, Yulei

Collection of the National Art Museum of China

Set off firecrackers, drink Tu Su wine, stick to the door gods, drive away evil spirits and avoid evil, greet Nari, and open the new year with beauty.

One night is two years old, five is divided into two years. All the blessings condensed into one sentence:

Happy New Year!

The sound of firecrackers in the one-year-old except

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