
In February, the energetic wind sign, actively and pragmatically to meet the change, take the initiative to show affection

Entering February, we ushered in the festive Spring Festival. For the 12th sign, February is the month when the wind element rises, what kind of performance will the wind sign usher in in February? First, look at the main astrological signs of February and their influence on the wind signs:

Early In early January: The new moon at the beginning of the month occurs in Aquarius, and most wind elephants may appear energetic, suitable for adjustment, and look forward to the future with confidence; a small number of people may encounter some tense or stressful situations, and there may be some uneasiness in their hearts.

On the 4th, Mercury began to move in Capricorn, and many wind-elephant people may have an increase in self-confidence and action, or can make some plans and decisions, or can discover the truth of something; a few people may be a little anxious, and there may be some cognitive improvement.

Mid-term: February 14 Mercury enters the constellation of Aquarius. Many wind elephant people may encounter some fluctuations, such as a reversal of something, there will be a dispute with someone, etc., when there is a crisis, do not panic too much, learn to calmly adjust and cope.

February 17 full moon occurs in Leo, most of the wind elephant people will be passionate, the mentality will gradually become more open, began to know how to give up the past; a few people or will usher in some exciting change, to learn to consciously adjust at the right time.

Late December: February 24-25, Mercury in Aquarius tetraus Uranus, most people may encounter interpersonal tension, or because others want to show themselves in a new way, or they want to break the shackles of the convention, communication with others may be a little difficult; a few people may feel some pressure, to learn to effectively adjust themselves.

Let's take a look at the specific performance of the wind signs in February:

1. Gemini

Gemini's career performance:

In February, the energetic wind sign, actively and pragmatically to meet the change, take the initiative to show affection

Early October: The new moon at the beginning of the month indicates a new beginning, and many Gemini may want to travel to a place of interest, or prepare to study or take exams after the holiday, etc., ask more experienced people for advice, or get some valuable advice.

On the 4th, Mercury resumed its downward movement, and the vitality of most of the Twins seemed to increase, and they began to make positive preparations for the post-holiday work, such as making new year's work plans, etc.; a small number of people may be more likely to get help from others, which is more beneficial for the development of future work.

Mid:As Mercury enters the Aquarius. Most geminis may become busier, may affect the progress of work due to some cumbersome procedures, when the work plan or rhythm is disrupted, you need to maintain your patience and learn to deal with it carefully.

In February, the energetic wind sign, actively and pragmatically to meet the change, take the initiative to show affection

After the full moon, some Gemini may encounter temporary task arrangements, or encounter certain aspects of adjustment, do not have too much anxiety; a small number of people may find that they are deficient in some aspects, so they will have the intention of improving.

Late: With the arrival of the water and sky quadrangle, the vitality of some geminis may begin to recover, during which there may be more summary work, which needs to be reviewed and thought in depth, and some geminis who are cautious and active in thinking may be appreciated by the leadership, or even have the opportunity to be reused.

There are also some Geminis who may be more confident, but they may also attract the jealousy of others and need to maintain a down-to-earth work attitude; a few people's intuition may be enhanced, but they may also be easily emotional, do not indulge in pleasure, and do not inflate their desires.

Gemini love performance:

In February, the energetic wind sign, actively and pragmatically to meet the change, take the initiative to show affection

Single Gemini: Venus, Mercury in February have resumed anterograde, most of the Gemini emotional relationship or will become colorful, some people may encounter ambiguous objects or office romance, but pay attention to too much control is not conducive to emotional maintenance.

There are also some Gemini may fall into a kind of love and can not be in the emotional relationship, when the desire for love can not be satisfied, or will be deeply depressed, or will self-doubt, let go of the obsession of feelings; a small number of Gemini or will encounter rotten peach blossoms, to stop the loss in time.

Twins with companions: Many geminis in love may feel difficult to grasp the current emotional relationship, such as some people can't get the satisfaction of feelings, some people will often be misunderstood by each other, etc., to deal with it in time, otherwise it may cause emotional crisis; a small number of geminis may usher in a good time to talk about marriage.

Most married Gemini and their partners can get along harmoniously, for some human exchanges, housework and other matters, the two sides can have a deal, or have a long-distance arrangement; a small number of Gemini may encounter an emotional crisis of trust, to calmly and timely resolve.

2. Libra

Libra's career performance:

In February, the energetic wind sign, actively and pragmatically to meet the change, take the initiative to show affection

Early Month: After the emergence of the new moon at the beginning of the month, most Libras may become creative and expressive, and also know how to think about others and be good at creating their own image, can give positive guidance to others, pay warmly and warmly or can get the respect of others, and also help to improve popularity.

After Mercury resumes its anterograde on the 4th, most of the Libras may begin to prepare for the new year's work, and the mind is more active, but when interacting with people, be careful not to overestimate their abilities and make unrealistic promises; a few people may reunite with old friends.

Mid-Term: Mercury enters the constellation of Aquarius. Some libras appear to be more energetic, or can be more generous to treat or help others, and when colleagues ask for help, they will also actively assist and cooperate, so that they may be valued by their superiors, or even have the opportunity to be promoted.

In February, the energetic wind sign, actively and pragmatically to meet the change, take the initiative to show affection

After the full moon, some libras may become nostalgic, which makes it seem a little dull, if there is a deep reflection from it, or it can stop some negative emotions or ineffective interpersonal relationships; a few people may be more resistant to working with others.

Late in the month: With the advent of the water and sky quadric phases, the overall performance of some libras begins to improve, work efficiency and activity may also be enhanced, can know how to seize the opportunity to self-expression, but can not excessively show off some of their achievements and provoke the jealousy of others.

There are also some libras that may be busy, but they may be easily emotional because of the contrast between reality and their own expectations, which will lead to disputes with others; a small number of people's desire to control may be enhanced, so that their expressiveness in interaction will decrease.

Libra's love performance:

In February, the energetic wind sign, actively and pragmatically to meet the change, take the initiative to show affection

Single Libra: Most people's confidence and desire to get rid of the single to improve, can have the courage to show their charm, may encounter a relatively fresh relationship, or can meet a good object through the introduction of friends and relatives, some social platforms and other channels.

A small number of Libras who have a favorite object or ambiguous relationship may have a sense of frustration, such as being coldly rejected by the other party, the relationship between the two sides has changed, etc., so there may be a lot of inherent confusion in the heart, rather than self-doubting alone, it is better to take the initiative to communicate and deal with it.

Libra with companions: Many people's relationship with lovers may have the opportunity to advance, even if there are occasional differences, but as long as they can lower their posture, they can usually be solved; some people's emotional relationships may encounter challenges in some aspects, such as facing different places, emotional changes, etc., and need to adjust their mentality.

Most of the married Libra and their partners have stable feelings, and can have a deal in pure human relations, appearing to be loving and happy; a small number of people seem to have a sense of security, prefer to suspect some of their partners' words and deeds, and frequent temptations are not conducive to the maintenance and stable development of feelings.

3. Aquarius

Aquarius's career performance:

In February, the energetic wind sign, actively and pragmatically to meet the change, take the initiative to show affection

Early Part 1: The New Moon takes place in the house of life in Aquarius. Most water bottles may become more independent and confident, and may begin to prepare for a new job, a new project, or try to transform, etc.; a few people may be responsible for an important matter in the family, and may encounter the pickiness of others.

After that, Mercury returns to the downward trend, many water bottles may encounter some happy news, such as visiting elders or get more feedback, etc.; some water bottles may have some fluctuations in mood, and pay attention to controlling their temper when communicating with people.

Mid-Term: Mercury enters the house of life in Aquarius. Some water bottles may become more proactive, and some good news may encourage themselves, such as the establishment of a partnership, the corresponding preparation of new work, etc., these achievements may benefit from the continuous efforts of water bottles.

In February, the energetic wind sign, actively and pragmatically to meet the change, take the initiative to show affection

After the advent of the full moon, many water bottles may become more cheerful, perhaps due to the smooth implementation of some things, such as finding a new job, getting a promotion opportunity or a new change in the residence, etc., and thus beginning to devote themselves wholeheartedly.

Late October: With the advent of the four phases of water and sky, many water bottles may begin to become busy, but it may also be easy to get help from others, thus alleviating some busyness. Remind the water bottle to be more down-to-earth style, do not think more and do less.

There are also some water bottles or easy to breed some unrealistic ideas, can not just have a perfect imagination and do not want to return to reality. At the same time, you also need to beware of being deceived, and don't make impulsive decisions because of your hot head, which is not conducive to the maintenance of some relationships.

Aquarius love performance:

In February, the energetic wind sign, actively and pragmatically to meet the change, take the initiative to show affection

Single Aquarius: Some people may begin to work on new changes, such as changing their appearance, attitude towards people, adjusting mate selection standards, etc., so that personal charm will be improved, more attention can be paid, more initiative or can hold hands to a new relationship.

Some water bottles after the previous emotional trauma, when encountering a new object, or can know how to perceive the attitude of the self more objectively, although it is conducive to the establishment of new emotional relationships, but also pay attention to more initiative; a small number of people may be addicted to ambiguous relationships.

Companion water bottle: Many water bottles in love may determine the emotional relationship between the two parties, and may usher in engagement, marriage, etc.; a small number of people and lovers may feel the difference in temperament between the two sides after getting along through the festival, which will have some emotional swings.

Some married water bottles and partners get along quite well, no longer pursue personal independent space, when there is something to do with each other, they can also communicate smoothly, and the temperature of feelings will increase; a small number of people or because of one of their secrets are discovered by their partners, which may lead to misunderstandings, to be honest with each other.

E-Way Love Star Wish:

In February, we ushered in the bustling Spring Festival and the Lantern Festival. When the laughter is still in our ears, we have to pack our bags and embark on a new journey, even so, let us adjust our state, do not think about the past, and do not fear the future.

It is said that "the plan of the year lies in the spring", we will come out of the cold winter and usher in a harmonious spring, from obsessing about the past to opening a new pursuit, dreams and loves are already brewing, everything can be expected!

May the tender and watery February bring good luck to the wind signs, and rub love into the poetic days, and the best future.

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