
The windfall of pregnancy

Many women see pregnancy as a "ordeal" and think that getting pregnant in October is more like an unpleasant experience before happiness comes. Expectant mothers always give people the impression that they are bulky, have a bad temper, vomit, cramp their legs, are tired and troubled... In fact, the baby is not the only gift brought to you by the 10th month of pregnancy.

The windfall of pregnancy

Pregnancy can lead to healthy lifestyle habits

After pregnancy, many women abandon their bad habits. Experts believe that pregnancy is one of the most effective ways to promote smoking cessation, and it is also a great motivation for women to breathe fresh air and exercise. Women with diabetes, in particular, make the most of this stage of pregnancy to learn how to control their condition. These new healthy habits will benefit you for life.

Pregnancy can prevent disease

Pregnancy and childbirth can make the body's various functions exercised, integrated, and improved at one time, thereby enhancing the body's ability to detoxify, fight infection, fight cancer and fight cardiovascular disease. Compared with women of the right age, women who have not given birth or postponed childbearing are more likely to suffer from diseases such as uterine fibroids, breast cancer, benign tumors of the ovaries and even ovarian cancer because they do not receive effective protection from progesterone. Breastfeeding after childbirth can effectively reduce the risk of breast cancer. Recent studies have shown that pregnancy allows women to produce an antibody against ovarian cancer, which can effectively prevent the occurrence of ovarian cancer.

Pregnancy can treat endometriosis

Endometriosis is a common gynecological disease, which is a condition formed by the appearance of endometrial tissue with growth ability and function in the parts outside the uterine cavity, commonly found in the ovaries, uterine muscle layer, fallopian tubes and other places on both sides. Ectopic endometrium under the action of ovarian hormones, the same cyclical bleeding, pelvic endometriosis occurs, common dysmenorrhea, menstrual disorders, painful sexual intercourse and infertility. During this period of pregnancy, because there is no periodic bleeding, the ectopic endometrium may atrophy, so some endometriosis patients can achieve cure by pregnancy and birth of a baby, even if they cannot be cured, their symptoms will be alleviated.

Pregnancy can treat dysmenorrhea

It is often seen in daily life that when menstruation resumes again, the original annoying dysmenorrhea inexplicably subsides, and some women even find that dysmenorrhea basically disappears after childbirth. This is a very common phenomenon, but no one understands the exact reason for it. One of the more likely is that fertility eliminates certain prostaglandin receptor points in the uterus. Prostaglandin is a hormone with a variety of functions, one of which is to cause the uterus to contract during exercise, which is also one of the causes of dysmenorrhea.

Pregnancy relieves symptoms of sagging stomach

Young women who pursue "bone feeling" are relatively thin, with a narrow chest, a weak bone, a lack of subcutaneous fat, and the muscles and ligaments that suspend and fix the position of the stomach are relaxed and weak, so that the entire position of the stomach is reduced and the stomach peristalsis is weakened. After pregnancy, on the one hand, the enlarged uterus may top the sagging stomach; on the other hand, after pregnancy, women will generally gain weight and become fat, which will also enhance the pull of the stomach ligaments, thereby reducing the symptoms of gastric sagging.

More "sexual bliss" in the second trimester

During pregnancy, you don't have to worry about how to use contraception, not only will sex be improved, but the role of hormones during pregnancy will also make you more attractive and sexier. Vomiting and exhaustion in the early stages of pregnancy can hardly make you recall any "sexual pleasure"; in the later stages of pregnancy, the bulky body is not suitable for sex. But in the second trimester, more blood flows to the pelvis, which increases sensory sensitivity when couples are intimate, making it easier for women to reach their peak. Don't worry that intimacy with your husband will hurt the fetus, unless you encounter special circumstances, such as placenta previa, as long as your husband is gentle, you can enjoy it in the second trimester.

Pregnancy makes feelings more sensitive

Pregnancy boosts your sense of smell and even taste. Of course, such a sensitive sense of smell may exacerbate the nausea of waking up in the morning in the early stages of pregnancy, but in the later stages, it will make you enjoy a variety of delicacies. Some experts blame this "radar nose" on the high levels of estrogen in pregnant women; others believe that a sensitive sense of smell will make pregnant women consciously resist harmful substances, such as smoke or expired food, and the body learns to protect itself.

Pregnancy allows you to understand your body's potential

Pregnancy is a completely hands-on project and a special way to build self-confidence. Some women find that their physical condition has changed greatly during pregnancy. For women who once thought they could not have children, pregnancy was a relief that convinced them that their bodies could accomplish this miraculous mission as well.

Pregnancy makes women mentally healthier

Pregnancy and childbirth make women more physiologically mature at the same time, and their psychology will be healthier. Sociologists point out that a person's complete process of "socialization" should include the experience and experience of having children. In the process of nurturing life, women will more deeply appreciate the philosophy of life, learn selfless love from the hard work of raising children, and also enable couples to cultivate valuable feelings of helping each other in the same boat, which is an important emotional pillar for stable families. Pregnancy and childbearing will make you more optimistic about life, and when you realize that a small life is being conceived in your body and will be brought into this world by you, believe that you can't help but treat him kindly. These are the unexpected gifts that women really get when they experience a pregnancy in October and have a healthy baby.

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