
Demand for new energy vehicles has driven the water-based nature of automotive coatings

Demand for new energy vehicles has driven the water-based nature of automotive coatings

In 2021, automobile production and sales showed year-on-year growth, ending the decline of three consecutive years since 2018. Among them, new energy vehicles have become the biggest bright spot, with annual sales of more than 3.5 million vehicles, and the market share has increased to 13.4%, which further shows that the new energy vehicle market has shifted from policy-driven to market-driven; driven by the recovery of the international market, the improvement of Chinese brand competitiveness and other factors, the mainland automobile exports have performed well, since April, many times refreshed the historical record, the annual export exceeded 2 million for the first time, achieving a breakthrough that has been hovering around 1 million for many years; Chinese brand cars are affected by new energy, The pull effect of the export market is good, and the market share has exceeded 44%, close to the best level in history.

Demand for new energy vehicles has driven the water-based nature of automotive coatings

The "new" of new energy vehicles not only refers to the new type of vehicle power energy, but also the upgrading of many aspects such as lightweight materials used in automobiles, lightweight structural design, and environmental protection of coatings and coating processes.

Among them, the lightweight application of materials also makes high-strength steel, aluminum alloy body and composite materials better applied in the field of vehicle manufacturing; at the same time, the lightweight body and modular body structure connected by multiple materials also put forward new requirements and challenges for the coating and coating process of new energy vehicles.

In order to meet the development trend of lightweight body structure materials of new energy vehicles, high-strength steel, aluminum alloy body and composite materials have gradually been popularized and applied. Waterborne, high solids differentiation and powdering of automotive coatings have become the main development trends.

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