
Chinese elders, the ceiling of human socialization

Chinese elders, the ceiling of human socialization

Author 丨 郭恩一 Editor | Yan Ruyi

"Family, I seem to have that social cow fever."

This opening sentence is the standard for many short videos of recent fires.

What is Social? I carefully studied this new word that has become popular this year, and found that it is more or less a positive word -

"Referred to as 'social cow', it describes being socially unflinching and being able to converse with anyone with ease."

Chinese elders, the ceiling of human socialization

However, it is puzzling that under the interpretation of some Internet celebrities, social has gradually become a sensational and confusing behavior:

Suddenly singing to the clerk when buying milk tea, shouting on the subway that you dare to eat, shouting It's the taste of your mother when eating noodles at a restaurant, wearing a strange green tights to eat hot pot...

Chinese elders, the ceiling of human socialization

It has to be said that there is still a delicate scale between and social terrorism.

Come to think of it, can accurately grasp this scale, the social talent of human beings to the full point, really worthy of this sentence "bull", but also the Chinese elders.

Chinese elders, the ceiling of human socialization

China's most cattle civilian scouts, collectively known as Uncle And Aunt.

In the places they are familiar with, they can often establish the most perfect communication network in the world: up to where in the county town to be demolished, down to which little grandson has hemorrhoids, it is simply omniscient, such as several family treasures.

Chinese elders, the ceiling of human socialization

Someone once refreshed the cognition of social talents in his own father:

"I went out for a walk with my dad, he knew everyone along the way, and for at least 20 minutes he was greeting people passing by for 40 minutes: Did you eat?" I eat stone grinding bean blossoms at night! Yes, this my girlfriend..."

And the "acquaintance" in the mouths of the elders is by no means a "like friend" lying in the friend list like the young people.

They can accurately say who someone's surname is, how many people in the family, which corner they live in, how many times they have moved, how the child is in this exam, how many times he has been beaten recently.......

Chinese elders, the ceiling of human socialization
Chinese elders, the ceiling of human socialization

The most profound and profound social cow disease of the middle-aged and elderly is their "aliens can also put on the almost" self-cooked.

No matter where you are, no matter who you are with, whether you sell vegetables, set up stalls, sell clothes, or sell water heaters, rub glass... They can all talk hotly every minute.

Chinese elders, the ceiling of human socialization

The speed of the elders' friendship does not even require a meal, and from the first word of the mouth, the small river of friendship begins to flow.

Because one of their social skills is to recognize relatives.

The same surname is the family door, the same province is the hometown; see the rich called the boss, see the money called the teacher; don't care about things you and me, five hundred years ago were all one.

If you really can't do it, you will be on the ultimate weapon - as the saying goes, you are not afraid to travel thousands of miles, and an "old watch" is bigger than the sky.

Chinese elders, the ceiling of human socialization

As for the elders in the north, they are even more powerful, a "we" word can instantly turn strangers into friends, and passers-by into relatives.

"Where does my girlfriend work?"

"Eh, our grandson is really handsome!"

There is no social network that middle-aged and elderly people can't take, and if there is, it must be that it has not been talked about yet.

Chinese elders, the ceiling of human socialization

The same is the car, you put on the headset to sit and wait until the station, and your father can talk to the person sitting next to him, began to call brother and brother, and when he got off the car, he had an extra bottle of water that others stuffed him.

The same is to buy things, you silently choose to pay people to leave, and your mother can climb up to distant relatives with the boss lady, from husbands and children to micro-business agents, affectionately as if they were long-lost good sisters, and finally take away a new dress with the purchase price.

Don't ask the elders what is so good at socializing, the question will answer you:

Silly child, what we are looking at is an eye rim.

Chinese elders, the ceiling of human socialization

The second social skill of elders is to be good at using questions to open up new interpersonal relationships.

When my grandmother walked on the road and saw that people's clothes looked good, she would cross the street and ask: This dress is beautiful, where did you buy it?

My mom had a meal at the restaurant, and I always liked to probe to the next table and ask: What is this dish? Delicious, not?

My dad wanted to nag with anyone, and the year before he met an international friend by the West Lake, he directly rushed over a very lame sentence: how are you?

There are questions and answers, one after another, this is considered familiar.

Chinese elders, the ceiling of human socialization

How good is a question in a social situation? If you are in a place where middle-aged and elderly people are gathered, that one question is thrown out, and a group of people can be recalled.

For example, at the bus stop, a sentence "When will this 985 bus come?" ", can quickly summon the uncles and aunts waiting for this bus." They would follow this question and chat, then greet each other to get into the car, sit together and continue to nag.

Give Archimedes a fulcrum, he can lift up the whole earth; give the uncles and aunts a reply, he can give you a nagging day until the end of the universe.

Chinese elders, the ceiling of human socialization

However, nothing can be forced, the elders throw out the questions like Jiang Taigong's fishing rod, willing to take the bait, even if no one really answers, it will not affect their social interaction at all.

More than once I've seen my mom try to talk to someone in front of me, but the other person didn't pay attention to her, so she answered her question by herself after 5 seconds, and then turned her head and quickly inserted into the chat between the two aunts in the next line with a "yes is" without a trace.

Chinese elders, the ceiling of human socialization

At that moment, I looked at the figure of three middle-aged women chatting fiercely, and suddenly felt that the world seemed simpler than I thought.

Chinese elders, the ceiling of human socialization

If embarrassing a child is a sin, almost all middle-aged and elderly people will have to be sentenced to life imprisonment.

The social of the elders tends to peak when traveling. When their free souls began to surge, it was the children who accompanied them who were embarrassed.

Chinese elders, the ceiling of human socialization

Some people said that they were most afraid to go climbing with the elders of the family, because once they climbed to a relatively high place, they liked to be loud, aaaah, a louder sound than the other.

The scene was like a group of apes howling excitedly together.

Chinese elders, the ceiling of human socialization

Some people also said that their father liked to sing mountain songs, and every time they went to the scenic spots together, her father would sing two voices from time to time. Every time she found her father ready to sing, she quickly sped up and walked forward, who ever thought that her father would call her name in the tune of a mountain song behind her, telling her to slow down:

"XXX Oh——, you wait for me yo ~~~"

Chinese elders, the ceiling of human socialization

Traveling with the elders, I learned that taking pictures is not a technical job, but a psychological trauma.

Someone used up all the faces of his life in order to capture a picture of "The Mermaid Jumping Out of the Sea" for his mother who wielded a silk scarf.

Chinese elders, the ceiling of human socialization

A colleague in the office once shared the moment when he traveled with his father:

"Other old men and old ladies go to the attractions to take pictures the most, and my dad has to take videos because he still has lines." Once, when I took a photo by a tree by the waterfall, my father felt that it was particularly like a water curtain hole, so he took my mobile phone and climbed up the tree to make a monkey shape.

Watch him standing in the tree shouting 'Old Sun Lai ya!' At the moment, to be honest, I even forgot about the embarrassment, thinking in my heart that it was worthy of my father, it was really a sparrow pecking the cow's ass, and the bird was eating bull. ”

Chinese elders, the ceiling of human socialization

If you go back to the daily life, the social of the elders summed up in a famous saying:

Go your own way and let others say go!

Some young people are embarrassed to suffocate just thinking about it, and the elders can just do it with a straight face.

Chinese elders, the ceiling of human socialization
Chinese elders, the ceiling of human socialization
Chinese elders, the ceiling of human socialization

With the blessing of social bulldog disease, the middle-aged and elderly people are definitely the most enthusiastic masses in society, and they truly implement Lu Xun's sentence "Infinite distances, countless people, are related to me."

The young people of social terror are where few people go to hide, and the uncles and aunts are where the people are more and where to tie up, high-speed rail, airplanes, shopping malls where can find someone to talk to, play a little residual heat.

The most enthusiastic uncle I have ever seen, even when I cross the zebra crossing to see the green light on, I have to loudly greet the people who are waiting for the green light together:

Okay, let's go!

Help, my dad will get out of the car to help the traffic police dredge when he encounters traffic jams at the intersection...

My grandfather was old, and there was a fight on the side of the road the day before yesterday, so he hurried over. I thought he was going to watch, but he stood there for 5 minutes and then began to join the quarrel, and I was stunned!

My mother heard someone fighting downstairs at eleven o'clock in the middle of the night and immediately put on a slippers to go downstairs to watch, and after watching it, she had to pull the police to discuss the case, and I couldn't drag it back.

Chinese elders, the ceiling of human socialization

Don't ask why the elders don't feel embarrassed, in fact, there are some embarrassments.

It's just that because they are older and have lived a long time, they want to open up.

Chinese elders, the ceiling of human socialization

Just as fathers do not understand the social fears of young people, young people do not understand their social cattle.

But in fact, for these post-50s, post-60s and post-70s, the background of the social cattle is a disobedience to lose.

They grew up in an era without the Internet, there is no way to hide behind the screen and talk, and dealing with people face to face is an essential skill for survival.

Young people should be in charge of the family early, adults should be able to support the family, they never want to lie flat, let alone have the opportunity to be a social terror. If you want to live and live better, you must be open-minded, pull down your face, and speak out.

The philosophy of life they pursue is "don't die and face the guilt" and "one more friend and one more road".

So in the long practice of life, in order to live better, they exercised a hundred percent direction rate, bargain rate and dating rate.

Where there are social geniuses, but they are all cheeky people forced out by life.

Chinese elders, the ceiling of human socialization

And as they get older, they can't keep up with the Internet age, so to this day their main window of understanding the world is still interpersonal social networking.

They can't see the changes on the Internet, they can't see the wonderful things in the circle of friends, and only when they chat with others can they feel that they have not been abandoned by this high-speed society.

The world used to chase them, and now they are chasing the world.

Some people say that they are nosy, but what confused young man living on the street has never felt the warmth and enthusiasm of uncles and aunts?

Chinese elders, the ceiling of human socialization

Some people think they are noisy and annoying, but it is boring to think about it without these people who are happy all day.

As for those "awkward moments" that are ridiculed by young people, they are just a return to their egos.

Because of being a decent adult, they're tired of it.

When the children grow up and go away, and the center of the world is no longer themselves, it is better to party in the corner where no one pays attention:

Use your eyes to chat with all kinds of people, dance silk scarves between heaven and earth, or sing mountain songs while climbing stairs, or fart on the street.

Chinese elders, the ceiling of human socialization

There is only one kind of heroism in this world, and that is to fulfill oneself in the way of a social cow.

I have not suffered the hardships of life, where do I mean to say that I love life.

I don't even love life, and how can I say that I have social.

Scatter, uncles and aunts have learned the philosophy of life for decades, you can't learn it casually.

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