
2021 Automotive Industry Swastika Insights: Reconstructing the Relationship between Car Companies and Customers in the Digital Age (Part 1)

2021 Automotive Industry Swastika Insights: Reconstructing the Relationship between Car Companies and Customers in the Digital Age (Part 1)

Image source @ Visual China

Text | Little stone monkeys

Looking back at China's automotive industry in 2021, production capacity and sales are not the focus of everyone's attention, and the impact of new players, new tracks, new technologies and their development is talked about by people inside and outside the industry. The development of intelligent networking and industrial digitalization has never touched people's hearts as in the past year, and really makes everyone realize that the times are changing, and the problem facing them is that today's achievements do not represent the existence of next year.

In the more than ten years of rapid development of communication technology and various sensors, the Internet of Everything has become a new direction, boosting the leap from informatization to digitalization in the consumer field. The new operating model linked by data and services has made many previously seemingly unrelated industries no longer islands in the user journey. It is also in this context that the user's cognition of the life consumption experience has changed, the profit and business model have changed, and the combination of technology and product to service has changed, thus realizing the change of the organizational form of the enterprise.

First, in the 1980s, buds that sprouted but did not sprout

Over the past five years, catfish, which has stirred up China's auto industry, are considered new car-making forces. From concept design to mass production delivery, from survival anxiety to rapid growth, the iteration cycle of new brands is extremely short. Looking back at the history of the automotive industry, no brand can achieve such a rapid rise. The "new four modernizations" blow a shareholder wind from product upgrades, which has promoted the flame of new species to shine, and in the context of the times, let consumers perceive different cognition and experience. Among them, the most prominent ones include Tesla, Weilai, Xiaopeng, Ideal and a number of other pioneers.

Where does the pressure on traditional cars from new brands come from? The vitality of capital investment, the leadership of differentiated technologies, the innovation of heavy experience products, the humanization of services, more diversified talents and culture, etc., these have some outstanding places in every enterprise to a greater or lesser extent. For traditional automobile manufacturers, the market sales squeezed by new brands are more from the traditional brands eliminated at the end, and there is no direct impact and impact on short-term interests. I think it's the business model.

The older generation of automakers may know that before Tesla, there was already a car brand in the United States that began to expand a new operating model, which is "Saturn Motors", an independent sub-brand of General Motors.

"Saturn" appeared in the 80s of the last century, is a new species, known as "the revolution of partnership, the revolution of products, the revolution of culture." In addition to establishing more cross-functional team operation and goal-oriented incentives in the company's internal management, which is different from the management mode of the huge functional system of traditional car companies, the biggest change is that the concept of reconstructing the relationship between car companies and customers is proposed.

Give users enough respect and friend-like care, such as inviting tens of thousands of users to the factory to participate in activities and parties at a time, conducting in-depth exchanges with many employees of the company, and integrating and recognizing the company's philosophy and culture. And this type of activity is also regularly held by dealers around the world, to close the relationship with users, is it a bit like the current car companies in various cities stores? And this model, in fact, has happened 40 years ago.

Until now, in the stores of most car brand dealers, users will be surrounded by sales breath after entering the store, and will be taken by salesmen to test drive, sell new products, negotiate prices, and negotiate discounts. 40 years ago, the Saturn car dealership store was centered on the showroom, and the sales consultant took a fixed salary to guide and provide consulting answers for customers who came in. These sales consultants are professionally trained not only to answer questions from customers about the product, but also to convey the company's brand and service philosophy and explain the true characteristics and value of the product. Bargaining sales methods are absolutely prohibited, in the distribution network and sales store management, Saturn Automobile has made a series of reforms and management actions, so that the entire sales system to improve the purpose of service for the purpose of operation.

Do you think this scene is familiar? Now the new car manufacturing forces, including the independent new brands of traditional car companies, are moving in this direction. Yes, in fact, traditional automobile manufacturers have been aware of the changes and development trends of consumer relations as early as decades ago, but on new routes, 10,000-ton large ships are not so easy to turn as small boats. Reconstructing the relationship between car companies and customers, in the era of information vehicle networking and industrial digitalization, there is both a direction of guidance and the necessary soil for development, in the process of the transformation of the mobile Internet to the industrial Internet, more consumption of the real economy has shaped a more diversified user contact point and experience environment.

As an important mobile unit and service carrier of the Internet of Everything, the value of the automobile in the user's life journey in the digital era is self-evident. Changes in consumption habits, changes in consumer perception, and changes in consumption guidance channels and methods have made traditional marketing and service strategies stretched thin. A traditional industry that has developed for more than a hundred years is also transforming itself in order to adapt to such an environment. In addition to the essence of industry, the attributes of science and technology, network services, and digital marketing have made the traditional value chain more and more open, the channels that can reach users are getting wider and wider, and the relationship between the two sides is also undergoing more changes.

Second, the cake is divided into six: the current situation of the industrial value chain

The value generated by the car, from car selection, car purchase, maintenance car, travel car to purchase, the long sales and service chain, supports many subdivided value chains. The figure below illustrates the distribution of value chains under the life cycle of traditional automobiles, which are relatively concentrated into six value chain entities, which have been very dispersed in the past few decades.

2021 Automotive Industry Swastika Insights: Reconstructing the Relationship between Car Companies and Customers in the Digital Age (Part 1)

From the perspective of the service chain of the automobile life cycle, the value relationship has been generated since users contact the automobile brand through different channels.

Overview of the automotive value chain


Most of the transactions occur in the purchase of cars, and the brand value, product value and necessary value-added service value of the vehicle support most of the enterprise groups in the research and production and marketing links.

The second category is the maintenance cost after the delivery of the vehicle, including maintenance, insurance, rescue, repair, daily cleaning, etc., this type of service is just needed and the unit price of the customer is relatively stable, the frequency and object are relatively fixed.

The overall scale of the service value of the third type of car travel is the second largest, mainly including refueling, charging, parking and road transactions, which are inseparable from the national infrastructure.

The fourth category is derivative incremental service transactions based on modifications, accessories, jewelry, leasing services, and used car transactions, which vary from person to person and car, and the market is unstable and the objects are scattered.

From the perspective of major value chain clusters:

1. Automobile design and development and manufacturing value chain with car companies as the core

This is the most core part in the traditional sense, as a large product composed of tens of thousands of parts, this industrial chain has occupied the most important manpower and resource investment in the R&D and manufacturing process centered on car companies in the past few decades. At the same time, it also links the supplier groups in various fields and forms a pyramid structure of value distribution system.

At the top is the car company as the general design and R & D integrator of large products, down to the Tier1 of each key module, and then down to the more layers of parts suppliers, all the way to the most basic raw material layer. This is a large and meticulous organizational structure, involving the whole body, so it has formed a very systematic R & D management system, supply chain management system to ensure product consistency, quality stability, inventory turnover efficiency and cost control. But it is also such a huge ship of 10,000 tons, in the context of mobile Internet and business service model change, it is very weak to complete the transformation.

2021 Automotive Industry Swastika Insights: Reconstructing the Relationship between Car Companies and Customers in the Digital Age (Part 1)

2. Automobile marketing value chain with dealer-car company as the core

We can see from the financial reports of most domestic car companies in the previous year that sales expenses accounted for 5% of expenditure, and advertising expenses accounted for more than half of sales expenses. In the traditional car marketing framework of the past few decades, this is a huge and sustained growth value market, which is paid by car companies and dealers in the first-hand transaction, but the final marketing expenditure will still be attached to the user from the cost of the car purchase transaction.

2021 Automotive Industry Swastika Insights: Reconstructing the Relationship between Car Companies and Customers in the Digital Age (Part 1)

The core of the automobile marketing system is information, all kinds of advertising, promotion means, marketing activities, sales policies and rebate commission actions, all in order to occupy more user minds and obtain effective potential user leads. The entire value segment consists of three segments, and the following are the breakdowns and their share of automotive marketing spend:

An overview of digital marketing spend in the automotive market


01 Advertising and agency as the core of the system: 10%-20%

Advertising and agency companies as the core of the system is the closest to the car companies, in the marketing end of the design, planning and delivery, most car companies are based on the set of indicators to the agency to complete, including the production and output of content. In addition to the large service fee of the annual box, the share of advertising agencies in the delivery value line of directly obtaining leads is about 10%-20%.

02 The value chain of delivery technology and advertising platform companies: 20%-40%

This part of the proportion is not very large in the automotive field at present, the domestic auto brand investment budget through this line is expected to release no more than 20% of the whole, the main reason is that the traditional automobile sales chain is too long, basically offline sales, so compared with the FMCG industry, the efficiency and frequency of transactions are very different, and the value of the play is greatly reduced. Through the value line of this delivery channel, the share of income of such value groups is about 20%-40%. All whether it is through the advertising agency directly through the big media channel delivery or the car vertical portal lead purchase, or through the technology platform route of the segmented traffic channel reach, occupying the largest proportion of the entire value line is the value group of the third part, that is, the channel in a broad sense.

03 Media platforms: 60%+

The third part of the interest group, the proportion of the entire value system is basically more than 60%, including the major media platforms including traditional media channels and Internet service channels, as well as the vertical media and portal platforms of the automotive industry, and a relatively small proportion of small media scattered in various types.

2021 Automotive Industry Swastika Insights: Reconstructing the Relationship between Car Companies and Customers in the Digital Age (Part 1)

3. Supporting service value chain based on banks and insurance companies

In the process of new car purchase, financial loans are experienced by most people, and insurance is also a just need for repeated consumption of the vehicle cycle. The reason why these two blocks are listed separately is because there are certain thresholds for entering these two value chains, including qualifications in relevant professional fields and license access requirements. Behind this value chain are numerous banks and insurance companies, mainly state-owned capital. At the same time, in recent years, many car companies have also entered the financial and insurance fields, focusing on supporting services for their own brand models.

The route of this value chain is relatively clear, from sales methods, business models to benefit distribution, are dominated by financial insurance companies, basically following the traditional financial insurance operating model, and there is no excessive design for automobile scenarios. In the process of purchasing a new car, the dealer can play a role in draining from the sales end, so it can obtain a certain commission.

4. After-sales service value chain based on 4S stores and community stores

Here is the most important layer when it comes to the operation mode of "people's freight yard", whether it is a 4S store or a community store, it is the most direct window for the traditional automobile industry to serve users. Looking at the domestic automobile market, nearly 300 million cars are retained, which requires normalized, regionalized and differentiated services. Maintenance and repair is the most important activity of automotive after-sales service, and it is always the incremental value that runs through the life cycle of the car.

The 4S stores and agreement maintenance stations of major dealer groups are still relatively controllable ports in the car enterprise system, so we have drawn a horizontal line in the entire traditional automobile industry value chain map, and the part within the horizontal line is still the link that traditional car companies can reach users, and it is also the part that can generate benefits. With the growth of the car's life, with the end of the warranty period, the loss of users year by year is also the most concerned issue in the store. If the new user base brought about by new car sales is not guaranteed, stores will also face the most direct operating pressure, especially cash flow pressure.

According to statistics from automotive aftermarket agencies, the share of branded 4S stores and protocol repair stations in the aftermarket has decreased to 55%. Community stores include chain stores and mom-and-pop stores, and their overall scale has grown significantly in the past few years, but its profitability is still a certain gap compared with brand 4S stores. According to the post-service industry structure data, the overall revenue of 4S stores accounts for nearly 70%. Nearly one million large, medium, and small stores in China, with the current level of car ownership, correspond to an average of about 300 vehicles.

2021 Automotive Industry Swastika Insights: Reconstructing the Relationship between Car Companies and Customers in the Digital Age (Part 1)

At the same time, in recent years, we can also see some Internet manufacturers, with the advantages of logistics, warehousing, and merchant sources, are also pushing operations at the terminal, and whether the use of brands and Internet + models can extend their tracks is still unknown, and the effect is not obvious from the current market share and influence. The principle of after-sales gold 5 kilometers, in the traditional community-based after-sales service market, relies on refined operation and relationship contacts.

5. The travel service value chain based on oil and electricity, parking and highways

Refueling, charging, highway as a necessary service content of the car in daily travel, accounting for most of the cash flow after the appearance of the car, from energy, transportation to service facilities depends on the national infrastructure, the source of services is a non-open market, and the differentiation lies in the service link, which is reflected in the emerging charging service field. Parking services also depend on infrastructure, its service scenarios are decentralized, and the change in the past period is to improve the efficiency of the service model through informationization and online payment models.

2021 Automotive Industry Swastika Insights: Reconstructing the Relationship between Car Companies and Customers in the Digital Age (Part 1)

6. Value-added consumption value chain based on post-installation and leasing services

The aftermarket has always been a hot topic in the traditional automobile industry, but in the eyes of many people, it is very chicken ribs, and the overall market size is considerable from the perspective of domestic car ownership, the diversity of products that can be covered and the cost of delivery customization. However, from a certain segment of technology and product field, as a very TOC attribute of the business, this market size does not seem to be worth mentioning.

Why is there a aftermarket in the traditional model? The Model T was introduced by the Ford Motor Company in 1908, and a product model was introduced for large-scale assembly line assembly operations with a large number of general-purpose parts. Each car company will have its own model matrix, there will be a certain differentiated configuration, but it must be difficult to meet the actual needs of different users.

In addition, due to cost considerations, to enhance the cost-effective advantage of new cars, many auto parts, jewelry and electronic products demand, left to users to choose. In recent years, the boutique model through the independent channels of car companies, to provide users with services in the optional mode, from the results of the unsatisfactory, product diversity, price does not have advantages, long supply channels to make the service efficiency also greatly reduced. In addition, similar to the modification of professional equipment such as audio, it is also difficult for the traditional car company channel terminal team to complete the delivery.

Third, the challenges faced

Above, we have roughly dismantled the relationship and status quo of the automotive value chain from the perspective of traditional industries, and there are more complex relationships and historical stories within the value chain of each segment, which are the cornerstones of development and may also become stumbling blocks for progress. With an average of 5 years of car insurance, the cycle is sometimes very long, and the overall value is considerable, but the core interests are distributed in the early stage of automobile marketing and R & D and manufacturing, as well as relatively closed service scenarios. As the automotive industry is also facing unprecedented changes in a century, let's first look at the challenges faced by traditional industries.

1, the changes in the surrounding environment, the automotive industry is no longer an industrial age.

The rules of the game in traditional industries are being broken by external forces, and the boundaries between automobiles and Internet services, life consumption, cities, transportation, and technology in the network of all things have become blurred. The rapid development of basic technical capabilities such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, 5G communications, and vehicle-grade chips is revolutionizing the definition of automobiles as a typical consumer product. As new cross-sector enterprises become more and more out of accordance with the rules, the development environment of traditional automobile manufacturers has become complex, and there may be a generational difference in competition at the brand, market and user levels. Losing a city and a pool is not terrible, losing your habits of the battlefield is the defeat.

2, consumption behavior and consumption habits are changing.

The upgrading of consumption power, when the car is no longer a personal asset of a niche group, but becomes a tool for each family's life, the user's consumption concept tends to mature, with the improvement of disposable income, the average unit price level of car purchases increases year by year, higher consumption also corresponds to better products, higher performance, more complete functions, better quality services, these needs are transformed into the value of products and services, bringing greater market increment.

Mobile Internet has entered the user's life for nearly two decades, the Internet era of user consumption habits to develop, so that people in more and more scenarios, enjoy convenient services and non-insensitive consumption, this habit into the driving travel scene, will also make the dull way of experience from the coherence of digital life greatly reduced.

Entertainment consumption, paid experience, in people's living time and expenditure accounted for an increasing proportion, the development of society to bring greater work and life pressure behind, to the new space under the entertainment activities are indispensable, entertainment consumption economy is also one of the major economies for a long time to come. Under such a unique space and travel scenario as the car, the value that can be given will also come into being. By paying to enjoy more value-added services, subscriptions can personalize high-quality needs, and it is also subtly affecting more scenarios.

2021 Automotive Industry Swastika Insights: Reconstructing the Relationship between Car Companies and Customers in the Digital Age (Part 1)

3, the group of automobile consumers is becoming diversified.

The automobile consumer population has undergone tremendous changes in the new era, and I still remember that the small town young family group in the last decade has supported the rapid growth of domestic cars in a certain period of time, and also promoted the popularization of fuel vehicles. Today's more diversified population structure, more subdivided, personality, and opinionated people should be treated with a variety of new car purchase choices and travel service choices, and how to deal with products and services?

Exchange, purchase group is mainly composed of post-85 young families, began to enter the middle age of the post-85s shouldered the burden of the family, with the expansion of family life members, based on better economic strength, larger space, better quality performance, more intimate service and more valuable brands, is an important influencing factor of car purchase. For such groups, in addition to considering the needs of the driving seat, it is also necessary to take into account the use value of the seat space, so the concept similar to the "Queen Co-driver" has also been implemented to meet the overall satisfaction of the driver.

Female car owners are also a segment of the market that continues to grow for a long time from now to the future, compared with smart phones, do some differentiated features in color, and the differentiation of the car has more room to play. Whether it is a woman who buys more from home or a woman who lives alone, this huge group of new car buyers pays more attention to details and needs to be paid attention to and cared for. In addition to the difference in design style and sensory experience, the driving process, especially the focus on the independent driving process, as well as the familiarity and interactive use of the function of the vehicle itself, the maintenance of the vehicle and the handling of auxiliary services in special cases, need to be different from the design of male owners. A unique feature and service designed for women that can quickly enter the mind to gain recognition.

Single groups and young people who are increasingly concentrated in big cities, including the female users mentioned above, will grow in number under the new concept of marriage and childbearing and the faster pace of life and greater pressure of life, and this background has been very obvious in the recent census of population and marriage and childbirth. A large amount of solitary time to cope with the new independent and direct attitude to life, lifestyle, on the one hand, in the travel and vehicle-related services can have safe and convenient functions, as well as comfort, attention to the service experience, on the other hand, you can use the car as a connection point to create more online and offline living space. The car and its related life scenes will become the most important "fourth space" for single young people outside the bedroom, office, and restaurant, a space that can be private or openly connected.

Generation Z, an incremental consumer group that is highly concerned by all walks of life, this generation of Internet natives represented by the post-95s or post-00s, is entering the society from school in large numbers year by year. There has been a lot of detailed analytical lessons about the personalities and living habits of such groups. For the group of "not dropping the line", the automotive space as the fourth type of space, more importantly, the "malleability", which is the primary consideration in the design of products and services. How to connect life consumption and entertainment in the travel scenario, as well as the continuation of the interaction and consumption habits in the mobile Internet in the traditional automobile scene, is the embodiment of brand affinity and new vitality.

2021 Automotive Industry Swastika Insights: Reconstructing the Relationship between Car Companies and Customers in the Digital Age (Part 1)

The new market environment, the new user group, and the continued delivery of products and services in the traditional industrial way will also bring new problems. We regard the left side of the aforementioned automobile life cycle value chain as a user journey, a discrete service model, and different interest intersections, which bring an unfriendly experience to users who have become accustomed to the demand under the mobile Internet and the transparency of the e-commerce price service process, and bear higher consumption costs. Therefore, when new things appear, they will quickly attract everyone's attention, and also establish differentiated brand advantages faster, and then accumulate over time, like the growth effect of bamboo and lotus, and win the new user market to complete the era change.

Fourth, car companies must face the problem directly

The sales volume of new cars in the Chinese auto market will maintain a fluctuating but relatively stable level in recent years for a long time to come, and the overall scale of the market has reached a bottleneck, which means that major brands have transitioned from the era of grabbing production capacity to promoting development to the stage of "inner volume" grabbing users. In the face of such a development background, whether traditional car companies can continue to maintain brand competitiveness, have the advantage of product performance, and do not fall behind in various service experiences, which determines the basis for survival and development.

Looking back at the industrial value chain of the whole life cycle of traditional automobiles, as well as facing the new consumption and market environment, from the perspective of traditional car companies, we can see many problems. Many of these problems have always existed and are obvious, but they have no intention of changing in the process of development and operation management. Some problems are brought about by new market changes and competitive environments, and many car companies are forced to accept and blindly invest a lot of resources to try to catch up. Below we also analyze from all dimensions of the value chain to face these problems.

1, production and research value system - large and redundant

Any addition of a node in the value chain will bring more costs, lower input and output expectations, and will be more difficult to control and change. The product design and development supply chain of traditional car companies has also maintained such a large and redundant organizational structure for a long time.

First of all, such a pyramid-type interest structure will reduce the management costs of car companies to a certain extent, and will also bring greater burdens to the overall composition of product costs of car companies, and at the same time, from the management can only take a simple and rude cost reduction model, a one-size-fits-all approach brings the core competition modules and conventional components to face the same development pressure, thus further losing the advantages of partners, which is not conducive to long-term development.

At the same time, in the face of the white-hot competition, under the background of the rapid iteration of new technologies and new models in the field of relevance, the innovation efficiency and landing speed of OEMs also determine the value of the final transformation. Complex supply chain structures and coupled product integration relationships will make point-like innovation unable to shake the effect of overall iteration. In the pyramid structure, if a supplier in the third layer upgrades a certain technology and performance, it is necessary to coordinate with its superior integrators and other suppliers at the same level to match, and finally after a lengthy design and verification process, and a high cost, it can be reflected in mass production. Such efficiency and such cost investment are very unfavorable for traditional car companies to build and maintain iterative product advantages.

We can also see that in recent years, the concept of Tier0.5 has been proposed, many underlying technology suppliers have been able to pull to a higher position, from the perspective of practical effects alone, this elevation is more at the planning and design level, traditional car companies can have more direct dialogue and communication with related enterprises, and in the actual development and application process, it is still limited by the traditional framework, and loses the advantages originally expected.

In addition, because of this organizational structure, in the actual travel service after the user purchases the car, as well as various non-safe small after-sales problems, the solution and iteration are inefficient. From the user experience, behind their own vehicle is a huge black box, and experiential related problems, it is difficult to get timely and effective feedback, in the long run, users will naturally lose patience to lose interest in the brand, but also how to retain users.

In the field of product design, research and development and manufacturing, we see the problems brought about by the traditional organizational structure, and return to the essence, or the problem of users, car companies and users maintain this relationship between manufacturers and consumers, it is bound to be unable to enhance their product service competitiveness from the source, nor can they use a more efficient system to support the historical mission of transforming from an industrial enterprise to a technology enterprise.

2. Marketing value system - focus on "sales" and ignore "camp"

Marketing is a systematic area of expertise, in the automotive industry from the above data can be seen, most of the car companies in the annual sales costs in the annual investment accounted for a large proportion, most of which are invested in advertising and dealer incentives. From another point of view, most of the marketing costs are invested in the sales line of the transaction conversion efficiency, that is, the "sales" part, and the part used for the "camp" is not common, if you say, it may be that some brand advertising can barely be counted. Such an investment structure, the same enterprise's long-term and long-term marketing strategy must be mismatched.

I've attended some forums in the field of automotive marketing, and the course content I've listened to is basically nothing more than the strategy of the funnel of business opportunities. The overall orientation is tactical, from the collection of sales leads, data management, online and offline conversion measures, to the user transaction deadline. Most of the car companies' brand strategy and "camp" action is not clear, I think there are several reasons for this, on the one hand, the operating pressure requires car companies and directly related dealer groups to pay more practical attention to inventory and cash flow pressure, so that there is a clear tilt in resource investment.

On the other hand, as a car company at the end of the entire value chain, it lacks the ability to traffic to the public and private domains, as well as the ability for users to reach and manage. Among them, the channels of mastering resources have obtained most of the benefits, and this input is basically one-time, which may be constrained by the conversion efficiency in a certain transaction input, but through communication with industry insiders, it is known that the water of fraud also exists.

2021 Automotive Industry Swastika Insights: Reconstructing the Relationship between Car Companies and Customers in the Digital Age (Part 1)

So looking back, car companies will most of the marketing investment, into benefits to the value chain of marketing channels, in exchange for exposure and sales leads, and the actual sales process, relying on the dealer's own management efficiency, the entire sales network for the regional user invitation and the ability to reach a deal. In the whole process, the car company is completely out of control of the effect of the actual "sales". The "camp" part, limited by the positioning of car companies in the traditional value chain, lack of actual operation, from a long-term perspective for the development of brand power and the accumulation of user mental reputation, so as to win long-term market competitiveness is very unfavorable.

This kind of far away from users, the management and operation of consumers "camp" work, full authority to only know how to make traffic "fast money" channel providers, to focus on improving efficiency, facing inventory and cash flow pressure dealers, and even the brand building program is handed over to outsourcing companies, it is impossible to build user perception, enhance user satisfaction, maintain user activity and stickiness, it is difficult to support the brand upward, long-term growth of the goal.

3, post-service value chain - the overall disconnect

In the whole life cycle of traditional cars, most users can not perceive the existence of car companies after purchasing a car, within the warranty period, most of the services are completed by dealer agents, after the warranty period, more than 50% of the users will be lost outside, which is also outside the horizontal line in the figure, the car companies will lose value related problems.

First of all, the automotive aftermarket itself is a huge market, and there is no doubt that the value points included are also rich, and this value is long-term and sustainable. For car companies that have become saturated with the new car sales market and entered the "inner volume" stage, automotive after-sales services are the most direct way to complete the development through incrementalization, and it is also the fastest way to intervene. Car companies and the post-sales network in the system lack the full life cycle penetration and care for car owners, the return rate is low, the after-sales service market faces intensified competition from other sites such as chain stores, and the lack of life cycle service connection and operation for car owners' travel life. These issues are addressed first and foremost.

At the same time, the after-service for car companies is not just a market so simple, this link is the most critical part of the "camp" of marketing that we mentioned earlier. The new car transaction is an order for the user, no matter what factors the user chooses this model of this brand, regardless of whether the upfront investment in the cost of sales has generated value, this is only the first step in the long march, and the car companies in the traditional model will stop at this step.

4, incremental business value chain - can only be viewed from a distance

For the development of incremental business, traditional car companies have begun to have some investment and layout in finance and insurance, which are directly related to sales actions, while the current cross-industry layout is more, and the design of linkage with actual business scenarios is not reflected. Therefore, it can be seen that even if the car companies have invested in this type of business, the market scale and service competitiveness are not prominent, and more business expansion is carried out through policies and bundling. Although the status quo of this value system is not satisfactory, it is also a very good start, how to combine its own business and user service scenarios to bring out the personalized advantages of finance and insurance, you can form your own core advantages.

For the increase in travel services, many car companies have begun to explore the subscription model, with the improvement of the configuration rate of vehicle intelligent networking, the functions and services that can be included in the scope of operation will become more and more abundant, to put it bluntly, after the vehicle is sold, the car company has new products and services through the 2 core ports of the car machine and mobile phone APP, so that there is a longer cycle of user access opportunities and business models.

However, from the perspective of the current situation, the model of traditional car companies in this regard is still conservative, on the one hand, the pressure of cost, on the other hand, the limitation of technical architecture. The hardware-first strategy has many restrictions on the operation assessment of traditional car companies, especially in the price range of independent brands, if you bear the pressure of product gross profit in sales, it is extremely difficult for the state-owned system. Some car companies choose the route of spin-off, mixed reform and listing, presumably also hoping to seek a solution outside the system.

On the other hand, the technical architecture, a model of a sample, endless combination of ways and version branches, the final result is the increase in operating costs, said good OTA for many old car owners, with the age can no longer enjoy, you can see the first generation of "Internet car" Roewe continuous upgrade and service action, there are many user activity.


The same is the cloud + terminal software and hardware integration industry, the car has a higher threshold than the mobile phone and PC, the car as a large product in the technical difficulty, functional applications, direct service scope, there is greater complexity. At the same time, car manufacturers have more independent and controllable hard power accumulation than mobile phones and PC OEMs, which is why the smartphone industry has undergone great subversion in the era of mobile Internet, but the automobile industry has made emerging brands and cross-field enterprises feel pressure after entering the market.

Therefore, traditional automobile companies have the capital and opportunity cost of transformation and development, and in the face of historical problems, institutional problems and development problems in the transformation, in the past few years of practical accumulation, I believe that the planning level has gradually become clear. The author believes that the essence is to solve the problem of the relationship between manufacturers and consumers, that is, the key point of reconstructing the relationship between car companies and users.

Above we have reviewed the current environmental changes, user changes, market and competition changes, as well as the value structure and problems under the traditional model, next, in the next part, we will explore how to achieve this goal more efficiently from the emerging brand practices and traditional enterprise transformation actions.

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