
In 2021, Germany's caravan sales exceeded 100,000, and the prospects of the caravan industry in the post-epidemic era are even more promising

In 2021, Germany's caravan sales exceeded 100,000, and the prospects of the caravan industry in the post-epidemic era are even more promising

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According to data released by the European Caravan Industry Association (ECF), the number of motorhomes in Europe by 2020 is about 5.898 million. Germany is the european champion of motorhome ownership, with a total of 1.397 million motorhomes sold (including 674697 self-propelled motorhomes and 722516 trailers).

In 2021, Germany's caravan sales exceeded 100,000, and the prospects of the caravan industry in the post-epidemic era are even more promising

In terms of new car sales, in 2021, the total annual sales of RVs in Germany were 106138, compared with 107203 in 2020, down 1% year-on-year. Among them, the total sales of self-propelled motorhomes reached 81,420 units, compared with 78,055 units in 2020, an increase of 4.3% year-on-year; the total sales of trailer RVs were 24,718 units, compared with 29,148 units in 2020, a year-on-year decrease of 15.2%.

In 2021, Germany's caravan sales exceeded 100,000, and the prospects of the caravan industry in the post-epidemic era are even more promising

According to the above data, it is not difficult to find that the key to the decline in the total sales volume of caravans in Germany in 2021 compared with 2020 lies in the reduction of trailer caravan sales. At the same time, since the second half of the year, whether it is a self-propelled motorhome or a trailer-mounted caravan compared with the same period in 2020, there has been a significant downward trend in sales, but fortunately, the annual sales gap is not large.

In 2021, Germany's caravan sales exceeded 100,000, and the prospects of the caravan industry in the post-epidemic era are even more promising

2021 is a bit difficult for the domestic and foreign caravan industry. If you have to use an idiom to describe it, you think it must be "success is also Xiao He, and defeat is also Xiao He".

Since the beginning of the epidemic in 2020, Germany has also quickly introduced relevant epidemic restriction policies, so people's enthusiasm for RVs has continued to rise, and its annual sales in 2020 have exceeded 100,000 units in a historic way. So why its sales will decline in 2021, we think there are two main reasons:

First, due to the impact of the epidemic, the continuous shutdown of production has led to the tightening of supply chains in Germany and the world, and there has been a shortage of many assembly parts necessary for the production of RVs, and the overall production of RVs has declined. There have been significant delays in the production and delivery of RVs, which is the main reason for the decline in RV sales in Germany in 2021.

Secondly, similar to the domestic epidemic prevention restrictions, many offline crowd gathering caravan exhibition activities have been repeatedly postponed or suspended, and the RV and consumers cannot communicate products in time, which has also led to a great impact on RV sales.

In 2021, Germany's caravan sales exceeded 100,000, and the prospects of the caravan industry in the post-epidemic era are even more promising

In terms of the development prospects of the German caravan leisure industry, GfK, Germany's largest market research institute, recently published a survey study report. According to the report, nearly a quarter of respondents (22%) said they could imagine going on vacation in their motorhome within the next five years.

If this figure is extrapolated to the nationwide population, it is about 14.2 million people. What's more, the study also found that 5.3 million Germans are considering motorhome vacations in the coming year alone.

In 2021, Germany's caravan sales exceeded 100,000, and the prospects of the caravan industry in the post-epidemic era are even more promising

Among those who are considering a motorhome vacation, 25% of households interested in a motorhome holiday have a monthly income ranging from two thousand euros to three thousand euros. 38% of households have a net income of more than 3,000 euros per month (about 21,000 yuan).

It's also worth noting that the purchasing power of these motorhome vacationers is also above average. Research shows that in 2018 alone, people who opted for a motorhome vacation generated €14 billion in revenue for the German economy during their vacation time.

Millennials are particularly interested in being able to take a motorhome on vacation. According to research projections, 23% of people who are likely to start a motorhome vacation within the next five years are between the ages of 25 and 34, and the vast majority of them are under the age of 45.

This also shows from the side that the stereotype that RVs are only suitable for the elderly or retirees has long changed.

In 2021, Germany's caravan sales exceeded 100,000, and the prospects of the caravan industry in the post-epidemic era are even more promising

While more than two-thirds of the study respondents did not have a motorhome, nearly half (42%) of these respondents are considering buying or renting a motorhome in the future.

34% of these respondents are between the ages of 23 and 37, making them the largest group likely to buy or rent a motorhome in the future. Around 4.7 million Germans are considering renting motorhomes over the next three years, with millennials being the largest group of motorhome rentals.

The report also concludes with a revelation of europe's most popular motorhome destinations for Germans. At the top of the list is Germany, where 85% of respondents said they would prefer to stay within their home country during their motorhome vacation.

58% of motorhome enthusiasts said they preferred France as a destination, while 58%, 57% and 56% said they would like to travel to the Netherlands, Denmark and Italy respectively during their recreational car holiday.

In 2021, Germany's caravan sales exceeded 100,000, and the prospects of the caravan industry in the post-epidemic era are even more promising

Written in the end: From a global perspective, the production and sales of RVs are mainly concentrated in Europe and the United States. In the European caravan market, Germany is among the top motorhome owners and sales, and it is also one of the most developed countries in the tourism industry. Although the full year of 2021 Sales in Germany is not as good as the previous year, this is also the second year in the history of the German caravan industry since 2020 that the annual sales volume exceeded 100,000 units. Therefore, we have reason to believe that under the premise of the stability of the impact of the epidemic, with the gradual recovery of the German tourism industry in the future, it may further promote the demand for RVs, and the development space is huge.

Copyright notice: This article is the exclusive manuscript of "Lucheng Network x RV Line", if you need to quote/reprint, please indicate the source!

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Editor of this issue: Li Lang

Proofreader: Ying Zi

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