
Once the annual meeting is always persuaded to drink? There are 4 signs, the "six-pound brother" who fights wine, and advises you to hang around

Once the annual meeting is always persuaded to drink? There are 4 signs, the "six-pound brother" who fights wine, and advises you to hang around

At the end of each year, there will always be a variety of annual meetings, tail teeth and so on.

And on these occasions, it is natural to drink alcohol, what deep feelings, a mouthful.

Although more and more people also know that drinking hurts the body, Xiaokang doctors have repeatedly persuaded the harm of drinking, but often every New Year's Holiday, they will still be unable to resist the persuasion of alcohol.

Once the annual meeting is always persuaded to drink? There are 4 signs, the "six-pound brother" who fights wine, and advises you to hang around

Drinking alcohol really hurts the liver

The liver is a very important organ of the human body, and damage to the liver will affect the health of the whole body, and long-term drinking of alcohol is very harmful to the liver.

You know, after alcohol enters the human body, it needs to rely on the liver to metabolize, and after excessive drinking, the liver will be overworked, and damage will inevitably occur.

Although the body also repairs the liver, this repair mechanism is not perfect.

Once the annual meeting is always persuaded to drink? There are 4 signs, the "six-pound brother" who fights wine, and advises you to hang around

Just like a deep hole in your skin, it will become a scar over time, and it will not be able to do "no trace repair", and the liver is the same, with a large number of fibrous tissues, which in turn causes "liver fibrosis".

If liver fibrosis continues to develop, the liver will gradually lose its elasticity and harden, which will cause cirrhosis.

Take alcoholic cirrhosis, which is caused by long-term alcoholism, and once you have this disease, it may also lead to cirrhosis of the liver and even liver cancer.

Once the annual meeting is always persuaded to drink? There are 4 signs, the "six-pound brother" who fights wine, and advises you to hang around

In long-term drinkers, if these phenomena occur, vigilance is the liver to send a distress signal

For people who like to drink alcohol and have been drinking for more than 8 years, they should pay more attention to liver health, especially those who show the following symptoms after drinking, which is a signal that the body suggests that the liver is not good.

First, the palms of the hands turned red

If a drinker notices a change in the color of their palms and that there are often erythema around the palms, they need to suspect liver damage.

Because alcohol can harm liver cells and lead to abnormal metabolic function, estrogen in the body cannot meet the indicators, so that estrogen accumulates, resulting in cinnabar spots and erythema in the palm of the hand and small fish.

Once the annual meeting is always persuaded to drink? There are 4 signs, the "six-pound brother" who fights wine, and advises you to hang around

Second, liver pain

Many people often do work that harms liver health, which can also lead to impaired liver function, and many people will feel liver pain after it occurs.

Sometimes liver pain can also cause liver enlargement, and once infected, the pain in the liver area will be more pronounced, which is a manifestation of the liver bearing a greater burden.

Therefore, be sure to protect the liver and avoid inducing more diseases.

Once the annual meeting is always persuaded to drink? There are 4 signs, the "six-pound brother" who fights wine, and advises you to hang around

Third, spider moles

Spider annular nevus is a small round hemangioma that grows on the face, neck, chest, etc., and it is surrounded by many visible capillaries that look like a red spider, and when pressed hard, the spider mole will disappear.

Of course, spider angioma can also occur under normal physiological conditions, such as in adolescent and pregnant women, and if they do not fall into this range, they need to be suspected of liver damage.

Once the annual meeting is always persuaded to drink? There are 4 signs, the "six-pound brother" who fights wine, and advises you to hang around

Fourth, drink wine and blush

The so-called drinking on the face refers to the redness of the face when drinking, and no matter what kind of wine is drunk, this will happen.

In fact, such people are not suitable for drinking because their bodies cannot exclude alcohol, which causes alcohol to stay in the bloodstream for a period of time.

In addition to this reason, if the liver is damaged and metabolic function is reduced, there will also be a blushing performance after drinking alcohol.

Once the annual meeting is always persuaded to drink? There are 4 signs, the "six-pound brother" who fights wine, and advises you to hang around

If I have to drink alcohol, how do I adjust it?

1. Control alcohol intake

In some cases, when you have to drink, you should properly control the amount and frequency of drinking, pay attention to drinking slowly, and drink more water during the drinking process, so as to speed up the excretion of alcohol with urine.

Whenever you drink alcohol, you can't drink it on an empty stomach, and you can't take medicine and drink alcohol.

2. Dietary conditioning

Protecting the liver should ensure balanced nutrition, pay attention to a light diet, and eat more foods rich in high-quality proteins, vitamins and minerals, so as to improve the detoxification and metabolic function of the liver and promote the repair and regeneration of liver cells.

3. Normal work and rest

In addition, pay attention to normal work and rest, such as having to enter a deep sleep state before 23:00, but also eliminate bad emotions in time, enhance resistance through more exercise, actively control weight, and avoid obesity.

But still that sentence, drinking alcohol is harmful to health, this wine can drink less, drink less!

Once the annual meeting is always persuaded to drink? There are 4 signs, the "six-pound brother" who fights wine, and advises you to hang around

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