
Middle-aged women have real feelings for you, and there will be these three "reactions"

Middle-aged women have real feelings for you, and there will be these three "reactions"


Middle-aged women, they have walked through the immaturity of youth, experienced the vicissitudes of the world, and experienced the cold and warmth of human feelings... They will live more soberly and authentically.

When people are young, they will always long for an emotion to be vigorous, to be romantic and passionate, and after middle age, what they often want is only a stable and steadfast.

Only because the premise of wishing to be a person with one heart is to be able to meet people who are not separated from each other.

Perhaps, when she was young, she also longed to meet the hand of the son, and the person who was old with the son, but the red face grew old, the white hair was spawned, and they only longed for someone to accompany her in the storms of life and to be able to hold an umbrella with her.

Therefore, middle-aged women are realistic and sincere in love.

Once she feels that you are the right person for her and she has a true feeling for you, she will love you very sensibly and give you the most sincere love.

Middle-aged women have real feelings for you, and there will be these three "reactions"


Middle age is the most difficult time in life.

For middle-aged women, their faces are gradually aging, there is no youthful vitality, life is more tired, they are eager for love in their hearts, and they will have a little uneasiness about the coming of love, especially some women, after divorce, want to find true love again, more or less in their hearts, will be a little more cautious.

Therefore, when they have true feelings for a person, they are either cautious and reserved, or after determining their own intentions, they give you the initiative and let you feel her love.

When a middle-aged woman has these three "reactions", most likely she has a real feeling for you and wants to have a relationship with you.

"Proactive" to take care of you

There is a saying that really likes, is that you can't help but want to take the initiative.

Middle-aged women are no exception.

She is moved by the truth, will not say anything sweet, but will use practical actions to confess to you.

Seeing that you work weekdays, she will worry that you will not eat well, cook for you, take the initiative to cook your favorite meals, worry about your health; she will help you clean up the health of the home as soon as she has time, take the initiative to care for you, take care of your life, and want to give you a sense of home; see that you are in a bad mood, will want to give you comfort and encouragement, soothe your emotions, make you feel at ease, give you gentleness and strength, and persuade you to open up everything.

Only because, a middle-aged woman, more or less than a young girl, has more life experience, she will know how to think differently, and also understand the true meaning of companionship on the road of life.

She likes you, she will put these loves into practice, and her desire to take care of you is actionable, not just lip service.

Perhaps, she will also be full of longing for love like a girl, but she knows better about a beautiful love, and she needs to understand and take care of each other in ordinary ordinary days.

Middle-aged women have real feelings for you, and there will be these three "reactions"

Accompany you "at the right time"

Young love is always full of speculation and ambiguity, while the love of middle-aged people tends to be more straightforward and true.

Middle-aged women, although she will have some hesitation and uneasiness in her heart for the people she likes, she will no longer pretend to test and pull each other, she will be more direct, and she will not want to waste time again.

Remember that Zhu Jun once interviewed Wang Zhiwen to the effect that he asked him why he still didn't become a family? Wang Zhiwen said: I did not meet the right one.

Then Zhu Jun asked: What kind of one do you want to find? Wang Zhiwen replied: I want to find someone who can chat at any time.

Perhaps, the meaning of this "can chat" is to be able to accompany him anytime and anywhere, and to understand his thoughts.

People reach middle age, the pressure is multiplied, if there is a person who understands himself, it is no different from meeting a soul mate, but the road of love, to find a person who can really understand himself, it is too difficult.

And, middle-aged women, they have experienced emotional waves, but also know what a woman a man really wants, what it looks like, so even if they don't understand the mind of the person they like, they will also give him a warm acquaintance and a deep companionship in a timely manner.

She will patiently listen to your voice, want to be close to you, listen to your story, take the initiative to contact you, give you companionship when you need her, and at the same time, she will also have a definition of your feelings. Is it appropriate to be together?

Perhaps, she will also have the shyness and reticence of a young girl, but when a woman reaches middle age, youth has left, time keeps passing, and if they meet someone they really like, they will try their best to seize all the opportunities that can be with you, and will not let this emotion be lost in vain.

Middle-aged women have real feelings for you, and there will be these three "reactions"

"Anxious for what you are anxious", to give you financial help

Qian Zhongshu once said in "Siege of the City": Elderly people move love, just like the old house is on fire, hopeless, they are emotional and rationally burning themselves at the same time.

Therefore, once a middle-aged woman has moved her true feelings, when you encounter any critical situation, she will do her best to give you financial help.

It is only because, in her heart, she has decided that you are the person she has spent the rest of her life, so she will be relieved to share her money with you.

When people are young, they will always have love for a person, they will fight hard and pay everything for themselves, and after middle age, they will experience the wind and rain of life and the warmth of human feelings, and will often cover their own money tighter and see their property more strictly.

Therefore, if a middle-aged woman always wants to "make" money from you, and never lets you know her financial situation, so much and half, she is not really touched by you.

If she has you in her heart, she will definitely have the determination to go with you in the future, so she will treat you as a family, invest in you, and help you solve problems when your career is in trouble.

She loves you, that is, she will spend the rest of her life on you, she wants to be with you, she will show her true heart, want to form a warm home with you.

Middle-aged women have real feelings for you, and there will be these three "reactions"


A woman has reached middle age, the wind knife and frost sword have been experienced, and the love and hatred have been experienced.

Under the polishing of time, they will live more smoothly, more calmly, and treat feelings with a little more fate and a little more transparency.

Life is always like a drama, women's lives are often more funny than men, a little sour, only because women are always too emotional, too focused on the family, so it is easy to get lost in a relationship.

When a woman reaches middle age, she has not yet started a family, either she has not met the right relationship, or she has been injured in her former marriage.

Therefore, they will no longer treat their feelings with sincerity, but will be cautious and careful, but once they meet true love, they will know how to cherish it more than young people.

Therefore, if a middle-aged woman takes out her initiative and wants to take good care of you; takes out her companionship and wants to give you peace of mind; takes out her wealth, is anxious for you, gives you help in your career, and gives you help in life.

Then, please cherish her well, because she has given you everything she can give you, and used all the love of the rest of her life on you.

Middle-aged women have real feelings for you, and there will be these three "reactions"

Author, Frank Fox

Figure, network

May you find in my words the ordinary years, a strong affection! Thanks for your attention!

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