
The price of the new machine is benchmarked against Apple Samsung, which is about to enter the European market! "Next Huawei" appears?

The price of the new machine is benchmarked against Apple Samsung, which is about to enter the European market! "Next Huawei" appears?

In 2020, Huawei's mobile phone sales once surpassed Apple and Samsung, and successfully won the throne of the world's first mobile phone sales, which is also the first time that domestic mobile phones have reached the top in the international market. However, after Huawei's mobile phone was forced to withdraw from the competition, other domestic mobile phones failed to continue this scenery.

Recent data show that Huawei's high-end mobile phone market in China is now almost completely taken down by Apple, which also makes Apple's mobile phone rank first in the global sales ranking. It can be seen that Apple has become the biggest winner of Huawei's exit from the market. So, will there be "next Huawei" in other domestic mobile phones?

The price of the new machine is benchmarked against Apple Samsung, which is about to enter the European market! "Next Huawei" appears?

The latest news shows that another domestic mobile phone brand is planning to enter the European market, and the price will be benchmarked against the two major overlords of the global mobile phone market - Apple and Samsung, which has the momentum of becoming the "next Huawei". Which phone brand is this? millet? OPPO? Or vivo?

Not really. The correct answer is the domestic brand Realme. To many, the brand doesn't seem well-known, yet the brand has taken the first place in the Philippines and the second in India. According to the data released by the company, In 2021, Realme's global mobile phone sales exceeded 60 million, up 50% year-on-year, ranking 6th in the world.

The price of the new machine is benchmarked against Apple Samsung, which is about to enter the European market! "Next Huawei" appears?

Now, the company's CEO Li Bingzhong revealed that next month Realme's highest-priced mobile phone GT 2 Pro will officially enter the European market, the phone is priced at 700 to 800 US dollars (about 5057 yuan). It can be seen that this pricing is actually the high-end mobile phones of Apple and Samsung.

Li Bingzhong said that Europe is a very important market, and a major market for high-end mobile phones. From another point of view, if it can get a share of the "cake" of the European high-end mobile phone market, then the brand may have a better chance of winning the next competition in other high-end mobile phone markets around the world.

The price of the new machine is benchmarked against Apple Samsung, which is about to enter the European market! "Next Huawei" appears?

Finally, are you bullish on Realme's strategy? Why?

Text | Lu Shuoyi title | Zeng Yi reviewed | Lu Shuoyi

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