
Many Taiwan entertainers will participate in the Spring Festival theatrical performances on the mainland, and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council responded

The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council held the second regular press conference of 2022 on January 26, where spokesperson Zhu Fenglian answered reporters' questions.

Many Taiwan entertainers will participate in the Spring Festival theatrical performances on the mainland, and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council responded

A reporter asked: As the Spring Festival approaches, it is reported that many Taiwan entertainers will participate in the Spring Festival cultural performances on the mainland. I would be grateful if the Spokesperson could provide a briefing on the situation. Regarding the increasing number of Taiwan entertainers coming to the mainland to participate in performance activities, what does the spokesperson think?

Zhu Fenglian said that the Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival of the Chinese nation. The sons and daughters of the Chinese people on both sides of the strait celebrate the festival together, feel the flesh and blood affection of compatriots on both sides of the strait in a peaceful and festive atmosphere, and feel the warmth and warmth of the big family of the Chinese nation, which is a vivid embodiment of the family on both sides of the strait. Taiwan entertainers and mainland literary and art workers jointly participated in the festival performance activities, and audiences on both sides of the strait liked it very much and looked forward to it. During the Spring Festival, colorful Spring Festival cultural performances will be held in various parts of the mainland, and we welcome Taiwanese entertainers to participate in the performances and look forward to their wonderful performances.

Source Beijing Daily Client | Reporter Bai Bo

Edited by Wang Haiping

Process Editor Liu Weili

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