
The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council said it welcomed Taiwan entertainers to participate in the Spring Festival performances

On the 26th, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council responded to the participation of Taiwanese artists in the Spring Festival performances on the mainland. Spokesperson Zhu Fenglian said at a regular press conference that during the Spring Festival, various parts of the mainland will hold colorful Spring Festival cultural performances, and we welcome Taiwan entertainers to participate in the performances, and we also look forward to their wonderful performances. The sons and daughters of the Chinese people on both sides of the strait celebrate the festival together, feel the flesh and blood affection of compatriots on both sides of the strait in a peaceful and festive atmosphere, and feel the warmth and warmth of the big family of the Chinese nation, which is a vivid embodiment of the family on both sides of the strait. (People's Daily reporter Zhang Shuo)

The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council said it welcomed Taiwan entertainers to participate in the Spring Festival performances

Source: People's Daily