
Apple CEO Tim Cook is threatened by a strange woman: claiming to be his wife and having twins

Recently, according to CNN, Apple has obtained a temporary restraining order against a woman in Virginia, USA.

Apple said the woman had been tracking CEO Tim Cook since at least 2020 and had labeled him on social media, traveled to his home and sent him a photo of a loaded pistol.

So Apple believes she may be carrying a weapon, somewhere in the San Francisco Bay Area, intending to return to "Apple CEO Cook's residence or otherwise find him" in the near future, posing a threat to her.

It is reported that from the end of October 2020 to the beginning of November 2020, the woman sent about 200 emails to Cook, and the tone gradually escalated and became threatening, asking Cook to give her $500 million.

At the same time, the woman appeared near Cook's residence at least twice and claimed to be Cook's wife, the father of her twin children.

Apple CEO Tim Cook is threatened by a strange woman: claiming to be his wife and having twins

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