
When Huang Taiji met Hai Lan Zhu, love came, do you still want Jiangshan?

author:Nange Water Brother

Wen 丨 Nange Water Brother

On the ninth night of the first month of August in the eighth year of Chongde, Emperor Taiji, who had finished handling administrative affairs, returned to the Qingning Palace and fell asleep on the kang of dongnuan Pavilion. Suddenly there was a "bang" sound from inside the house, and the eunuch waiting outside the house hurriedly pushed the door to enter, only to see huang Taiji's eyes closed, but without breathing, and a tea bowl on the ground shattered.

When Huang Taiji met Hai Lan Zhu, love came, do you still want Jiangshan?

In the midst of silence, the 52-year-old Huang Taiji died without a problem. Some people say that this is the life span given by God. And more people think that it is missing Hai Lan Zhu and the heart is haggard. This day is less than 2 years after the death of the "Yuan Concubine".

How affectionate Huang Taiji really was for Hai Lan Zhu may have been doomed from the first time he met him.

In 1634, when a 26-year-old Mongolian girl walked into the harem of Emperor Taiji, the 43-year-old Emperor Taiji suddenly had a fiery and passionate look in his eyes. In his opinion, this may be called love.

How fascinating the hype beads are, there are no paintings left in the world. Perhaps before the founding of the Qing Dynasty, no one thought of leaving a portrait of the harem concubines, which became a regret of history.

When Huang Taiji met Hai Lan Zhu, love came, do you still want Jiangshan?

But before her, the Horqin tribe sent two other beautiful women, one became an empress, and the other was Xiaozhuang, who stabilized the Qing Dynasty, and it can be said that this tribe is indeed a surprising woman.

It's just that Xiaozhuang, who entered the harem at the age of 13, really doesn't have much advantage over the 26-year-old Hai lanzhu. Therefore, it was only natural that Huang Taiji fell in love with this Mongolian girl.

In 1636, the Qing Dynasty was established. Hai Lanzhu became the Great Fu Jin of the Eastern Palace, and was given the title of "Concubine Chen". This is second only to Empress Zhezhe in rank. Confucius said, "For example, the North Star dwells in its place and the stars are together." "Concubine Chen, that is the star in the emperor's heart."

When Huang Taiji met Hai Lan Zhu, love came, do you still want Jiangshan?

Emperor Taiji also gave her a solemn canonization ceremony and gave her the name of "Guan Ju".

Anyone who has read the poetry knows that "Guan Guan Ju Dove, in the River Continent" represents the man's pursuit of love for women. The use of this as the name of the palace can be imagined.

Huang Taiji thought, this time I finally met love.

A year later, Hai Lanzhu gave birth to the eighth prince for him. Emperor Taiji was very happy and issued the first amnesty decree of the Qing Dynasty: "Now that the heavenly family is born, The Concubine of Guan Sui Palace has given birth to an imperial heir, so that the world will be granted amnesty, so that all the people will be blessed." ”

When Huang Taiji met Hai Lan Zhu, love came, do you still want Jiangshan?

What is an imperial heir? That is the future crown prince, the emperor Taiji has already thought about it, when the child grows up, then entrust the country to him. This is the love of the father, but also the love of the mother.

This can no longer be described in words. Huang Taiji had given all the best of his own to Hai Lan Zhu, which was really enviable and jealous.

Unfortunately, love sometimes does not stand up to fate.

The eighth prince died in only half a year. The heartache of losing a child is understood by all mothers.

The same goes for Highland Pearl.

When Huang Taiji met Hai Lan Zhu, love came, do you still want Jiangshan?

Since then, The Highland Pearl has changed. She was depressed and didn't think about tea. No matter how much grace the emperor gave, in her eyes it was not worth the life of a child. Because Hai Lan Zhu understood. A 30-year-old woman may have a hard time having a second spring.

Immersed in the pain of losing his son, Hai Lanzhu was sick in the end.

Jiangshan and beauty, which is more important Huang Taiji of course understands.

When Huang Taiji met Hai Lan Zhu, love came, do you still want Jiangshan?

In 1641, Hong Chengzu, the governor of Jiliao, led an army of 130,000 to rescue Jinzhou. Emperor Taiji Imperial Conquest. However, when he went to Songshan to set up camp, the news came from the rear that Hai Lanzhu was seriously ill.

On the one hand, it is the battle of national fortunes, and on the other hand, the lover is critically ill. Emperor Taiji unexpectedly made a surprising decision, and the deployment of the crowd would continue to besiege Xingshan and rush back to Shengjing all night.

When the country is gone, it can be fought again, and the beauty is really gone.

5 days and 5 nights, we don't know what Huang Taiji really thought in his heart, but when he rushed back to Shengjing in the starry night, Hai Lanzhu did not wait for his lover and died the night before.

The palace cried loudly, and the emperor Taiji also cried. The day was like a child losing his beloved toy.

In order to express his love for Hai Lanzhu, a solemn funeral was specially held and given the titles min Huigong and Yuan Concubine, which was the largest number of concubines in the history of the Qing Dynasty.

When Huang Taiji met Hai Lan Zhu, love came, do you still want Jiangshan?

Why Can Hailan Zhu be treated with such a high standard. Maybe that's love.

Every time the Emperor Taiji went out hunting, he would go to her grave to stand on horseback, mourn in silence, and pay tribute to tea and wine, because every sacrifice was "weeping and weeping", the tea and rice did not think, and even fainted, and the ministers of the DPRK were all worried.

"Emperor, take care of the dragon body." The Great Qing Dynasty still depends on you! ”

Emperor Taiji had heard these words a lot, and he didn't want to say anything more. You can only put this thought in your heart and become a burden for a lifetime.

When Huang Taiji met Hai Lan Zhu, love came, do you still want Jiangshan?

Finally, on that night, Huang Taiji went.

Go and see the Hyland Pearl he loves.

"After I die, the flood will be terrible!"

The Great Qing Kingdom left behind by Emperor Taiji was immediately plunged into a crisis of successors.

But he couldn't handle it anymore.

Here I come, Highland Pearl. I'm still your Emperor Tai Chi.

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