
Is love coming?

author:The construction site is small and strong

April 2005 Sudden love Sweet I was very happy every day, in a helping person to meet her now, may be nothing to help her move, I don't know if she touched my hand deliberately or accidentally, this time it was not like going to school to play hand in hand like an electric shock, I never felt such a feeling, I felt that love came, I thought about that scene every night, I thought about her all the time, and then I went home to work every day and drove my three-in-one car every day, and I just wanted to meet her every day and waited in her house for more than half an hour every day It wasn't until she came home to wash up and turn off the lights, and I came home silently, and after a long time, she slowly found me, and by chance, she was alone with her, shopping together, eating together, taking pictures together, buying things together, buying things for him, buying things together, buying things together, sending her home, or just trying to create a chance to meet her every day, and the Emperor didn't pay off, and one day we saw her again, and we ate together, skating together, in the dark corner of the ice rink, and I didn't know where the courage came from, holding her and kissing her, which was my first passionate kiss to a familiar stranger It took a long time, and during a meal, we ordered her favorite dish as usual, and this time I ordered a beer, and I never drank, and I called the boss to take a case of beer, and she suddenly shocked her, and she said that it was better to take two bottles, more than Enough to drink, and I boldly said take six bottles, and then I couldn't finish drinking and then I opened three bottles, and I drank half a bottle and went back to the rest of the two and a half bottles, and she drank it herself, and she helped me back to her place.....

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