
【Market】Xiaomi 200w new LOGO registration success, why is it black and white?

At the beginning of last year, Xiaomi released a new LOGO, which is a small change, only the previous square LOGO became a circle, but it also cost more than 2 million yuan, causing a lot of heat, on the quite many hot searches. Overall, the 2 million yuan is worth it

【Market】Xiaomi 200w new LOGO registration success, why is it black and white?

Recent enterprise investigations show that the status of a number of new LOGO trademarks previously applied for by Xiaomi Technology Co., Ltd. has been changed to "registered", and the international classification of trademarks includes scientific instruments, design research and so on.

【Market】Xiaomi 200w new LOGO registration success, why is it black and white?

Of course, many small partners will be more curious, why apply for a black and white trademark, because if you apply for black and white, you can customize the color in the future. If you only apply for orange, you can only use orange in the future. I don't know if you are now used to Xiaomi's new LOGO?

【Market】Xiaomi 200w new LOGO registration success, why is it black and white?

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