
Why do computers start with abacus from the C drive? Where did the a disk b go?


Curious why the computer does not have a B disk, and usually the system disk is a C disk?

Why do computers start with abacus from the C drive? Where did the a disk b go?






I don't want to answer that question, that would make me look old.


Aren't you guys going to put me up too??

Wing wolf Elang

Animal Behavior

There used to be. Disk A and Drive B are equipped with 3.5-inch floppy disks and 5-inch floppy disks (Tears of the Times).

Why do computers start with abacus from the C drive? Where did the a disk b go?

Floppy disk was born before the hard disk, the computer at that time did not have a hard disk (hard memory), only floppy disk and memory (soft memory), if the information does not exist inside the floppy disk, as long as the power is disconnected! syllable! All the information disappeared...

The hard disk that appeared after that was naturally named from the C drive...

Downstairs @zorange correction: the 5-inch disk was born earlier than the 3.5-inch disk.


Everyone answered correctly on the "floppy disk", but they did not say why the two drive letters A and B were retained, indicating... It shows that everyone is not old enough

Why do computers start with abacus from the C drive? Where did the a disk b go?

Because before the popularization of hard disks, computers had two floppy drives!!

Correction @ Wing Wolf Elang: There are 5-inch disks first, and the size of the floppy disks decreases with the increase of magnetic storage density. In the earlier days when computers were not popular, there were larger 8-inch disks.

Why do computers start with abacus from the C drive? Where did the a disk b go?

And the A disk B is not necessarily a 3-inch and a 5-inch, nor does it stipulate that 3 inches should use A, 5 inches should use B, which can be two 5 inches or two 3 inches.

Since it is not a 3-inch and a 5-inch, then why is it necessary to keep two floppy drives? This is what people in the era of hard disks can't figure out:

In the era of no hard disk, you have two floppy disks, one of which has 1M data, you want to copy it into the other floppy disk, and the memory is 640K...

Can be exactly two or two

The floppy drive cable has two ports, the first socket is the A drive, and the second socket is the B drive (sometimes also need to be set with a jumper). Plug in a 3- or 5-inch drive into the port, and then the A or B drive appears.

A or B depends on which jack you plug in. A bit like today's sata, plug-in optical drives and hard drives.

Now it is difficult to see the jack of the floppy drive on the motherboard...


Miscellaneous engineers

In the early years, computers were equipped with 1-2 floppy drives, there were 5.25 and 3.5, occupying A and B disks, and C disks may not be there. Later, only one floppy drive was retained, and there was no B disk. Later, the floppy drive was not standard, and the AB was idle.

If you wish, you can assign AB to a hard disk in Disk Manager and there is no problem at all.

Why do computers start with abacus from the C drive? Where did the a disk b go?

@ can be two or two subst out of the A, B drive letters - you can still assign these two drive letters.

It is still possible to keep a 3.5 floppy drive in the server for installing the driver, so A and B are always left by default.

Shen Wei

Small stones in clinical trial studies

Show you the antique suit of the mother:

Why do computers start with abacus from the C drive? Where did the a disk b go?
Why do computers start with abacus from the C drive? Where did the a disk b go?
Why do computers start with abacus from the C drive? Where did the a disk b go?

Lonely Traveler

I want to use the computer back then, the memory is 2M! The hard drive is 200M!! If you want to play the Immortal Sword, you must configure the boot machine yourself, and lift the useless configuration.

At that time, A disk B disk has, the general A disk is a 5.5-inch floppy disk, really a "soft" disk, a paper leather sleeve and palm-sized plastic platter, a piece of documents that can hold hundreds of K. B disk is also a "floppy disk", but it is generally 3.5 inches, with a plastic hard shell on the outside and a 1.44M file. At that time, there were cattle people with a 4M memory, 500M of four eight six, twenty thousand... It was 20,000 in 1996, not 20,000 now. Twenty thousand in my house in '96 was almost the money for a house.

I wanted to bring back the Immortal Sword from school that year, and I took forty 3.5-inch floppy disks... A fairy sword has been played a hundred times and eighty times, and just teasing a dog can be teased for several hours, until the test shows the range of the dog...

Liang Bingbing


1992 I just used a floppy disk (5 inch disk) that moment, 100M hard disk expensive enough to fly up I would say?


I won't tell you that I also treasured a 42M hard drive, which is still good.

Speak people as much as you can

The two floppy drive interfaces of the AB are distinguished by twisting a portion of the wiring. Remember it was nine tears seven.

Intellectual hero Zhou Xiaoyu

I was relieved to see so many of my peers!

Nostalgic version of AI friendship translation

"I took an old floppy disk for my 12-year-old son to show...

Why do computers start with abacus from the C drive? Where did the a disk b go?

He said: Wow, cool! You 3D printed a [Save] icon yay! ”

Why do computers start with abacus from the C drive? Where did the a disk b go?

Although you have withdrawn from the stage, humanity will not forget you

...... Goodbye floppy disk!

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