
Wang Manyu is good! 5 months of wild 7 gold, the bonus is considerable, encouraged by the People's Daily

She began to learn to play table tennis at the age of 5, and was selected for the training team at a young age, and her life was destined to be extraordinary. As a national table tennis team, Wang Manyu bears the heavy responsibility of national honor. She has shown a certain talent for table tennis since she was a child, and over time, she has successfully stood at the top of the national table tennis strength. In recent days, after the WTT Macau Championship, we will review Wang Manyu's achievements in the past six months and find that he is very excellent, winning 7 gold in 5 months, and has been encouraged by the People's Daily, I have to say: Wang Manyu is good!

Wang Manyu is good! 5 months of wild 7 gold, the bonus is considerable, encouraged by the People's Daily

Wang Manyu's excellence also has to start from the Tokyo Olympic Games, in fact, her personal strength is very good, and she also has a good team consciousness in the team competition. A few of her accolades will make her personal strength clear: the 2014 National Youth Table Tennis Championships Women's Singles Champion, the 2018 World Table Tennis Championships Women's Team Champion, the 2019 World Table Tennis Championships Women's Doubles Champion, etc. Since she was a child, she has been diligent and studious, likes to imitate, and practices basic skills and related techniques. It is precisely because of his own efforts that Wang Manyu has achieved success in the future.

Wang Manyu is good! 5 months of wild 7 gold, the bonus is considerable, encouraged by the People's Daily

From the time of the Tokyo Olympic Games, the women's team gold medal was won, the women's singles and women's doubles gold medals of the National Games, the women's singles gold medal and the women's doubles gold medal in the World Table Tennis Championships, and then the team championship won by the Table Tennis Super League, plus the women's singles gold medal at the WTT Macau Competition. The speed at which you can get the gold medal in this way can be described as terrifying. In the past five months, she has been able to win an average of one gold medal per month, which is enough to prove her strength. At the same time, there are more and more fans who like Wang Manyu. Then many fans will want to know how much bonus Wang Manyu can get this time, according to news reports, her bonus this time is still considerable.

Wang Manyu is good! 5 months of wild 7 gold, the bonus is considerable, encouraged by the People's Daily

The organizing committee issued a champion check for Wang Manyu for 75,000 US dollars, which was converted into about 525,000 yuan, which is equivalent to the salary of many white-collar workers for 2 years. Wang Manyu also received official roll call praise, and the People's Daily spoke out and alt Wang Manyu after the competition. Although the WTT Macau Championship officially ends, this does not mean that Wang Manyu's road is here. She also has a long career path to go, as a new generation of young players, it can be seen that there are greater possibilities than the old players, and as the domestic training skills increase, there will be more richness.

Wang Manyu is good! 5 months of wild 7 gold, the bonus is considerable, encouraged by the People's Daily

Some netizens commented: Chen Meng, Liu Shiwen, Sun Yingsha restrained each other and won and lost, but Wang Manyu can always be a pot, and won 3 major championships in just half a year! Both the body style of play are on par with the men's team. This sentence gave Wang Manyu a huge evaluation, but I personally feel that every player has his own advantages, Wang Manyu is indeed a new star player, and the future is also very likely. But be sure to be humble and ask for advice, and don't be too proud.

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