
Debbie Frank_ Horoscope for January 24-30, 2022

The Aries universe whispers in your ear, but uses a friend or colleague as a mouthpiece. So listen carefully and grasp the amazing pieces of information that connect the key points together. You're ready to play a vital role, but everything is still in the works. Gather information, get rid of restrictive beliefs, communicate with the right people, and you're ready to go.

Taurus this week, everything is finally back to normal. You finally understand something. The key message has arrived. With this understanding, you can begin to plan ahead for better days and expand the breadth of your horizons, not as dreams, but as real-world intentions.

The Gemini Sun is so close to Mercury that your mind flies higher. At the same time, you are immersed in cooperative giving and taking, connecting you to others. Geminis like to be free, but this is a time when you, together with others, will do better.

Mars Cancer enters your relationship zone, and for the next 6 weeks, the dynamic energy between you and the significant other or your significant other is activated. You've been thinking about what to do and revisiting your past, and with Venus returning to its tracks over the weekend, you're ready to move forward.

Signs that Leo sees things differently show that you're out of your old situation. This week, a whole new cycle has begun around your lifestyle choices, job choices, and happiness. Changing your approach is crucial to overcoming any thoughts that limit you or get you into trouble. Choosing how to think can greatly improve your perception.

Virgo If you feel like you're back to square one again, blame mercury's reversal and subsequent encounter with the shadowy Pluto. You're right, you've experienced the same thing before, so follow the main line back to the choices that bring you to this point and make sure that from here you will gain awareness of consciousness.

Libra in the last week of January, you need more ego time. In particular, your scales often revolve around others. How you feel about yourself is a good barometer of whether you've lost balance, and some retrospective reflections will give you clues as to how you got there. Maybe it's time to change and put yourself first.

Scorpio, your ideas, voices, messages, and plans are being propelled by the vast universe, as Mars, an action planet, will enter your communication and connection zone for six weeks. With a new understanding of what really matters, expressing those intentions must be a priority.

Mars Sagittarius will spend time wandering around your self-worth and net worth areas, both of which will increase. Although there are still some details to work out, you are on track to recover and rebuild. With alchemy, you can now make time crash and make up for everything you've lost or waited for. It means you have to focus on what you want.

Capricorn's fiery Mars arrives in Capricorn on Monday, allowing you to accelerate and achieve more, so you'll be super busy in the early spring. This weekend, Venus will also be going along within your sign, and some ongoing questions about relationships will be answered or understood. Actually, you know it all the time.

On Aquarius Sunday, the Sun and Mercury are in Aquarius, deeply combining and highlighting your ability to perceive. It confirms your own instincts and guides you on what you need to do next. You don't need to push, but let it unfold as you imagine.

Pisces shows bravery when it comes to group activities, which will allow you to grit your teeth and keep going. However, your patience is gradually declining. If others insist on giving orders, perhaps it's time for you to take the lead.

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