
In winter, are you dressing your baby right?

The baby is cold in winter, not necessarily because there are not enough clothes, but also because he is not wearing the right clothes, ignoring some of the places where the baby should be warm! Mothers must pay attention to these places on the baby's body to pay attention to keep warm

1. Belly

Babies have a cold stomach, which may cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, indigestion and other diseases. Although we usually cover the stomach when we dress the baby, it is easy to pull the clothes up to the chest and abdomen when the baby moves, such as rolling over on the bed, or when the parents are holding the baby and playing with him. Therefore, mothers should pay attention to often help the baby sort out the clothes and pants, usually underwear can be worn longer for the baby, and the small belly is covered tightly.

2. Head

The younger the baby, the greater the proportion of heat dissipation in the head to the heat dissipation of the whole body. Therefore, when wearing clothes or covering quilts, we must first pay attention to keeping the head warm, if it is a windy weather to go out, we must pay more attention to wearing a hat for the baby.

In winter, are you dressing your baby right?

3. Feet

The skin of the foot is rich in nerve endings and is the most sensitive place to the outside world. The surface fat of the baby's feet is very small, and the heat preservation ability is very poor, so in winter, we must pay attention to keeping the baby's feet warm.

If the baby is not willing to wear shoes, you can put on socks to keep them warm, and taking the baby to exercise can also avoid their hands and feet from being cold.

We understand the more fragile and easy to catch a cold part of the baby's body, but some parts should not be covered too tightly, especially if there is a grandmother or grandmother who loves to add clothes to the child, mothers must remind them to avoid covering the child.

Let's take a look at it together

1. Neck

Sometimes adults are worried that the child's neck is cold, so they pile up several layers on the neck, what a turtleneck sweater and scarf. However, wrapping the neck too tightly, although it can block the wind, it will compress the baby's carotid sinus, hinder the blood supply to the brain, and the baby is prone to dizziness and nausea.

2. Chest

Wrapping the baby into small rice dumplings, wearing thick and bloated, may compress his chest, affect normal breathing and heart function, and easily cause internal heat. Therefore, when dressing, the baby's heart and chest position should not be too heavy, and the intimate clothes should not be too tight, otherwise it will make him feel oppressive.

3. Feet

Baby's little feet can't be frozen, but remember not to cover them too tightly! Covering too tightly not only does not keep warm, but also easily makes the baby feel cold! Because too thick and tight shoes and socks will slow down the blood circulation in his lower body, the heat cannot effectively reach the feet, so the chance of foot frostbite is also increased.

So how to dress so that the baby is neither cold nor afraid of being damaged?

Xiaobian has a suggestion, do not look at how other people's children wear, but according to their own children's body judgment. Let his body tell you that he has worn enough

There's a simple way to do this, and that's to touch the back of your child's neck.

If it is dry and the temperature is appropriate, it means that it is just dressed well;

If it is a little cold, then it is to wear less and need to add a piece of clothing;

If the back is sweating, quickly undress the child because he is really hot.

In addition, parents should not judge whether their children are cold by touching their hands and feet, because their peripheral circulation is poor, and their hands and feet will be cooler than their bodies in winter.

In winter, parents are afraid of their children catching a cold, especially in the cold northeast, it is easier to "three layers inside and three layers outside". This will not only not help the baby, but may affect the health. Therefore, parents must pay attention to the baby's clothes in winter, some places should be covered, some places should not be covered!

I hope all babies can spend the winter in good health


Source: Encyclopedia of Pregnancy and Obstetrics

Reporter: Chen Xutong Producer: Baby Uncle

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