
Bad breath holding during chest CT scan? So solved!

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Chest CT scan is the most encountered part of our day, and the role during the new crown epidemic is needless to say, but in the scan, many times encounter the elderly and critically ill patients holding their breath, the scanned image is not very good, the following are some images that everyone often encounters.

Bad breath holding during chest CT scan? So solved!
Bad breath holding during chest CT scan? So solved!
Bad breath holding during chest CT scan? So solved!

But the images that satisfy the diagnosis are:

Bad breath holding during chest CT scan? So solved!

For indeed acute critically ill patients need to complete the examination urgently, and for some elderly patients with short breath holding time, how to deal with it, in the chest CT scan, a large part of the elderly patients, and lesions are generally more common, only good image quality is conducive to disease diagnosis.

How to scan patients who hold their breath badly

1. Patients with short breath holding time

In a routine chest CT scan, the scan is done in the direction of the head to the foot side, as shown below:

However, for patients with short breath holding hours such as the elderly, the order can be reversed and the lateral side of the foot is used to scan the head side, as shown in the following figure:

For patients with short breath holding time, because when training breathing, the patient can hold his breath, but the time is short, if we sweep from the side of the head to the side of the foot, when we have normal breathing when we sweep to the position of the diaphragm at the base of the lungs, the diaphragm moves normally, resulting in respiratory movement artifacts at the base of the lungs.

The use of foot to the head side of the scanning direction, just to avoid respiratory movement artifacts, because when the patient begins to hold his breath, the scan is the lung floor diaphragm site with a large range of motion, and the tip of the lung is less affected by the respiratory movement artifacts, in actual work, if the lesion at the tip of the lung has been clearly identified in the X-ray and other examinations, then the normal use of head-to-foot, and clear in the lung floor should be foot to head.

2. Patients who cannot hold their breath

For patients who cannot hold their breath, the method that can be used is to adjust the rotation time to the fastest and use a large spiral distance scan, so that the scan is fast and the motion artifacts can be alleviated.

In the actual scan, according to the different patients, the scanning direction, rotation time and pitch can be matched, the purpose is not to make the chest CT image blurry and undiagnosed. Have you learned?

Source丨Image Technology Zhang Chunhong

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