
Postpartum weight loss is urgent and easy to enter the misunderstanding, which is the correct way to lose weight after childbirth

Introduction: When pregnant, expectant mothers are concerned about how much weight gain they have gained every day, and after the baby is born, how much weight has been reduced has become a problem that expectant mothers care about. The weight remains high, the figure is out of shape, the clothes before the baby are completely unable to wear, and the mothers are "forced" by this series of troubles, and the idea of losing weight as soon as possible is getting stronger and stronger.

Postpartum weight loss is urgent and easy to enter the misunderstanding, which is the correct way to lose weight after childbirth

Postpartum weight gain is very normal, and every expectant mother is looking forward to returning to the size of the baby as soon as possible. This requires a lot of effort, and the desire to lose weight is not achieved quickly, and if you go into the wrong area, it will be counterproductive.

Xiaona gave birth to a baby more than 30 pounds more than before pregnancy, looking at her own figure in the mirror, she felt that she was more than ten years old. Cortana is very disappointed, and Cortana thinks that during pregnancy and confinement, the supplement is too much nutrition, so that the weight surges.

Postpartum weight loss is urgent and easy to enter the misunderstanding, which is the correct way to lose weight after childbirth

After confinement, she has conscious dieting, she has changed her eating habits during pregnancy and confinement, and now prefers vegetarian food and deliberately eats less. The mother-in-law is distressed that her grandson's breast milk is affected, and she is also worried about Xiaona's physical recovery, so she has been advised that it is not the time to lose weight. But Xiaona thinks that it will be more difficult to lose in a few months, and according to her own way, she wants to lose weight.

In less than a month, Xiaona did lose more than 5 pounds, which obviously did not meet expectations, and Xiaona decided to reduce the staple food again in the next month. During a physical examination of the baby who was 3 months old, he was told by the doctor that the baby was slightly malnourished. Knowing that Bao Ma Xiaona was dieting and slimming down, the doctor immediately said that he would stop immediately.

Postpartum weight loss is urgent and easy to enter the misunderstanding, which is the correct way to lose weight after childbirth

Dieting weight loss is not only easy to make expectant mothers malnutrition, but also endocrine disorders, if it is breastfeeding, due to the mother's diet, nutrition can not be fully supplemented, the baby's intake of milk nutrition will also be lacking, resulting in malnutrition, and even affect the development.

Xiaona did not realize that there were such serious consequences, and the doctor said that it was not suitable for deliberate dieting to lose weight within 6 months after giving birth, especially for breastfeeding mothers.

Postpartum weight loss is urgent and easy to enter the misunderstanding, which is the correct way to lose weight after childbirth

Many expectant mothers, like Xiaona, can't wait to lose weight after giving birth, and rushing to achieve blind dieting will go into the wrong area and bring adverse effects. If you deliberately lose weight too quickly, it is easy to have sagging skin, malnutrition and other phenomena. It needs to be done in a scientific and rational way, step by step.

1. Scientific and reasonable diet

Whether it is a mother or an ordinary person losing weight, dieting is an undesirable way to lose weight. Especially for pregnant women, dieting is harmful to health, is not good for postpartum recovery, and will also affect nursing babies.

Therefore, it is necessary to reasonably match nutrition, combine meat and vegetarian, and food can be light and less oily. Poultry eggs and meat and vegetables should be ingested, as well as grains and fruits, pay attention to drink more water can promote metabolism.

Postpartum weight loss is urgent and easy to enter the misunderstanding, which is the correct way to lose weight after childbirth

2. Breastfeeding

Actor Ariel Lin gave birth to a daughter at the age of 39, participated in public activities shortly after giving birth, fully recovered her figure, could not see that she had just given birth to a baby, and it should be known that she was more than 20 pounds fatter than before pregnancy after she became pregnant and gave birth to a baby.

When asked how to achieve such a rapid recovery of body, Ariel Lin replied, insisting on breast milk, a large number of calories are consumed every day, and slowly lose weight.

Postpartum weight loss is urgent and easy to enter the misunderstanding, which is the correct way to lose weight after childbirth

Promoting breastfeeding is good for your baby's healthy development and can also boost your baby's immunity. There are also many benefits for mothers, breastfeeding requires the consumption of mother's calories.

Tips: Insisting on breastfeeding consumes about 500 kcal more calories per day than non-breastfeeding mothers, which is equivalent to the calories consumed by doing 2 to 3 hours of housework or yoga for 1 hour.

3. Exercise correctly

After 6 months of giving birth to a baby is the best time to lose weight, at this time breastfed babies, most of them are no longer mainly breast milk, will add complementary foods. Expectant mothers can combine diet and exercise to gradually lose weight and regain their figure.

Due to the trauma of the mother's uterus and bodily functions after childbirth, it takes time to recover gradually. If strenuous exercise affects the recovery of the uterus, body function and pelvic floor muscles, so the mode of movement and the intensity of exercise should be paid attention to.

Excess fat in the human body is not directly consumed, and when the sugar in the body is consumed during exercise, the fat begins to be gradually consumed. Aerobic exercise contributes to fat consumption and also avoids the conversion of excess sugar into fat.

Doing more aerobic exercise is more helpful for weight loss, such as jogging, yoga, brisk walking, and swimming. Guaranteed about 30 minutes a day, about 3 times a week, exercise time and intensity gradually increase according to the physical situation.

Postpartum weight loss is urgent and easy to enter the misunderstanding, which is the correct way to lose weight after childbirth

Abdominal breathing can also be done, which can effectively reduce the abdominal circumference, inhale to expand the chest cavity, and tighten the abdomen when exhaling, which helps the abdomen to contract. This mode of exercise can also promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and prevent constipation.

Pillow Parenting Message:

Every mother who has given birth to a baby wants to quickly regain her body shape and lose weight. There are so many ways to lose weight now, so varied that sometimes people don't know how to choose. No matter how to lose weight, it should be based on the premise of health, if it is not worth the health because of the eagerness to lose weight, especially after the birth of the mother, a reasonable diet plus the right way to exercise is the shortcut to slimming.

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