
Chinese and Russian ships "almost circumnavigate the Japanese archipelago" Japanese government: highly concerned

According to Japan's Kyodo News Agency on October 25, Japan's Defense Minister Nobuo held talks with US Secretary of the Navy Del Toro at the Ministry of Defense on the 25th, expressing concern about the 10 naval ships of China and Russia after crossing the Tsugaru Strait and heading south along the Pacific Ocean, almost circling the Japanese archipelago. Kishi also referred to North Korea's launch of submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBM), saying: "The security environment in which our country is located has become more severe." ”

Chinese and Russian ships "almost circumnavigate the Japanese archipelago" Japanese government: highly concerned

The map of the Sino-Russian maritime joint cruise ship formation released by the Japanese Ministry of Defense is from the website of the Ministry of Staff Supervision

Del Toro responded: "Cooperation between navies is important. Efforts will also be made to strengthen partnerships in the future. ”

At a news conference, Japan's Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Hitohiko Isozaki said on the voyages of Chinese and Russian ships: "The government is highly concerned about this. Vigilance and surveillance activities will continue to be foolproof. He also revealed that for the take-off and landing of carrier-based helicopters carried out by the Chinese and Russian navies around the Izu Islands and in the East China Sea, the fighters of the Air Self-Defense Force took off and responded urgently.

According to the Observer Network, from October 14 to 17, the Chinese and Russian navies held a joint military exercise of "Maritime Joint-2021" near Peter the Great Bay in Russia. Then, from October 17 to 23, the Navies of China and Russia organized the first joint maritime cruise in the relevant waters of the western Pacific Ocean.

According to the Ministry of Defense's Unified Staff Supervision Department, on the 18th, for the first time, a formation of 10 Chinese and Russian ships passed through the Tsugaru Strait in Japan, causing a lot of shock among Japanese netizens. Subsequently, the Chinese and Russian warship formations approached the sea area of about 130 kilometers in Inuba Prefecture on the 20th, and came to the vicinity of the Izu Islands on the 21st, and the helicopters of the respective Frigates of China and Russia took off and landed on board. At about 1 p.m. on the 22nd, the Chinese and Russian warship formations sailed into the East China Sea through the Osumi Strait.

Japan's Defense Ministry said it was the first time it had been confirmed that a Chinese and Russian warship had passed through both the Tsugaru Strait and the Osumi Strait.

Chinese and Russian ships "almost circumnavigate the Japanese archipelago" Japanese government: highly concerned

The movement of Chinese and Russian naval vessels released by the Japanese side on the 23rd

According to the WeChat public account "Released by the Ministry of National Defense", from October 17 to 23, the Navies of China and Russia organized the first joint maritime cruise in the relevant waters of the western Pacific. The joint maritime cruise aims to further develop the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination in the new era, enhance the joint operational capabilities of the two sides, and jointly maintain international and regional strategic stability. The operation is a project within the annual cooperation plan between the Chinese and Russian militaries and is not aimed at third parties.

CCTV News reported on the 24th that Bai Yaoping, deputy commander of the Navy of the Northern Theater, said that the joint military exercise and joint cruise between China and Russia this time is of great significance, further consolidates and develops the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between China and Russia in the new era, deepens the friendly cooperation between the two militaries, further enhances the joint operation capability of the two navies in the far seas, and enhances strategic mutual trust; at the same time, we have also established a normalized organization and consultation mechanism for joint cruises to improve the ability and level of organization and command; in the course of the exercise, We have further enhanced the ability of the Chinese and Russian navies to jointly respond to maritime security threats.

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