
The new Kunchu Expressway is opened to traffic in sections Chuxiong traffic police are stationed in Baochang at the same time

author:Chuxiong traffic police

At 14:00 on January 21, the Kunming (Minshan) to Chuxiong (Guangtong) Expressway (hereinafter referred to as the "New Kunchu Expressway") and the Chuxiong (Guangtong) to Dali Expressway (hereinafter referred to as the "New Chuda Expressway") were opened to traffic in sections.

The new Kunchu Expressway is opened to traffic in sections Chuxiong traffic police are stationed in Baochang at the same time
The new Kunchu Expressway is opened to traffic in sections Chuxiong traffic police are stationed in Baochang at the same time

Among them, the New Kunchu Expressway opened the northwest bypass interchange to the starting point of the New Chuda Expressway, and opened the Gulu, Heping, Lufeng and Yipinglang toll stations. The new Chuda Expressway opened the main line starting point to the Guangtong North Hub interchange section, the Guangtong North Hub interchange to the Guangtong South Hub interchange section, and the rest of the road sections were temporarily closed.

The new Kunchu Expressway is opened to traffic in sections Chuxiong traffic police are stationed in Baochang at the same time
The new Kunchu Expressway is opened to traffic in sections Chuxiong traffic police are stationed in Baochang at the same time

On January 21, the opening ceremony of Kunming (Minshan) to Chuxiong (Guangtong) Expressway was held at the Lufeng Toll Station of the New Kunchu Expressway.

The state party committee and the state government attach great importance to the traffic safety management of the newly built expressway, and approve the state public security bureau to add the Kunguang Expressway traffic patrol police brigade and the vast highway traffic patrol police brigade.

The new Kunchu Expressway is opened to traffic in sections Chuxiong traffic police are stationed in Baochang at the same time

On January 20, the Traffic Police Detachment of chuxiong prefecture public security bureau kunguang expressway traffic patrol brigade was officially established, and the unveiling ceremony was held in the brigade camp.

The new Kunchu Expressway is opened to traffic in sections Chuxiong traffic police are stationed in Baochang at the same time

△ Wang Minghui, member of the Standing Committee of the Lufeng Municipal Party Committee and secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, and Zhou Zengxian, vice mayor of Lufeng City and director of the Public Security Bureau, unveiled the plaque for the Traffic Patrol Police Brigade of the Kunguang Expressway.

The new Kunchu Expressway is opened to traffic in sections Chuxiong traffic police are stationed in Baochang at the same time

In the early stage of highway construction, the traffic police detachment intervened in advance, communicated and consulted with the construction party many times, and built a fully functional business technology room in accordance with the business needs of the high-speed traffic police.

The new Kunchu Expressway is opened to traffic in sections Chuxiong traffic police are stationed in Baochang at the same time

At the same time, to overcome the reality of the serious shortage of existing police strength, 3 police cars were dispatched from the detachment organs, 8 police officers were dispatched, and 17 auxiliary police officers were stationed in the Traffic Patrol Brigade of the Kunming-Guangzhou Expressway in advance, performing their duties according to law, carrying out normal management, and achieving a seamless connection of traffic safety management after opening to traffic, ensuring that the personnel, services, equipment, and support before the opening of the traffic were "four in place".

The new Kunchu Expressway is opened to traffic in sections Chuxiong traffic police are stationed in Baochang at the same time
The new Kunchu Expressway is opened to traffic in sections Chuxiong traffic police are stationed in Baochang at the same time
The new Kunchu Expressway is opened to traffic in sections Chuxiong traffic police are stationed in Baochang at the same time
The new Kunchu Expressway is opened to traffic in sections Chuxiong traffic police are stationed in Baochang at the same time

In the next step, the Chuxiong traffic police will continue to tap the potential according to the actual situation of the new Kunchu Expressway, orderly strengthen the police force and equipment support of the Kunguang Expressway Traffic Patrol Brigade and the vast expressway traffic patrol police brigade, effectively strengthen the road patrol control, prevent and reduce the occurrence of traffic accidents to the greatest extent, and ensure the safety and smoothness of the New Kunchu Expressway.

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