
From civilian-controlled god cars to niche unpopular cars, who "killed" the Ford Focus?

Once upon a time, Fox has always been the control king of compact cars, and even considered to be a "civilian control god car", in 2014, Ford's global sales reached 390,000 vehicles, with an average monthly sales of more than 30,000 vehicles, and today's Volkswagen Langyi heat is almost the same, but today's 2021, Ford Focus's average monthly sales have been less than 2,000, the cumulative sales of 22,857 vehicles for the whole year, less than the sales of the past month. How did the Ford Focus get here?

From civilian-controlled god cars to niche unpopular cars, who "killed" the Ford Focus?

Is it the impact of the three-cylinder engine? Not all, in November 2018, a new generation of Fox went on the market, all three-cylinder engines, but before that, The Decline of Fox has long been a sign, three-cylinder engine is only the last straw to crush the camel.

After reaching the peak of sales in 2014, Fox's sales began to decline year by year, 240,000 in 2015, 220,000 in 2016, 170,000 in 2017, and 60,000 in 2018.

The story of Fox, starting from 2005, in 2005, the second generation of Fox was introduced into China, when Volvo still belonged to Ford, Ford also had a stake in Mazda, and Ford Focus, Mazda 3 and Volvo S40 were all from Ford's C1 platform. At that time, Fox actually used a Mazda engine, codenamed MZR, and the gearbox used the transmission of the old Mazda 6, and the 4AT gearbox produced by Gatco. Features Ford's iconic SLA rear suspension.

From civilian-controlled god cars to niche unpopular cars, who "killed" the Ford Focus?

Since the Time Of Mazda, the label of excellent handling has been firmly printed on the Fox, in addition to the high fuel consumption, the first generation of Fox is a good car without compromise, excellent handling, stable quality, high value, and a hit.

The third generation of Fox, listed in 2011, uses the improved platform of C1, basically continuing the design of the second generation of Fox, but adding a direct injection system, improving the power level, but the failure lies in the replacement of a dual-clutch transmission, this LUK OEM dual-clutch transmission, infamous, abnormal problems, obvious setbacks, high failure rate, ford focus decline has also begun. As the quality problems of the dual-clutch transmission slowly fermented, Fox sales began to decline. In order to save the decline, in 2015, Ford also launched a small modification of the Focus, replaced by a Martin face, but it did not save The Fox sales.

From civilian-controlled god cars to niche unpopular cars, who "killed" the Ford Focus?

Then there is the generation of Fox that we are familiar with, launched in 2018, with a full range of three-cylinder engines with low-equipped torsion beam suspension. If the first two updates were just the beginning of Fox's decline, this replacement directly welded the door to Fox's decline.

From civilian-controlled god cars to niche unpopular cars, who "killed" the Ford Focus?

In fact, Fox's three-cylinder engine, in fact, is the best of all the three-cylinder engines on the market, can not be added, NVH control is excellent, power and fuel economy are both, torque beam suspension is not cheap in the eyes of many people, Ford's set of torque beam suspension is still a little something, but the problem is that the Chinese people's resistance to the three-cylinder engine is not expected by Ford. In this way, the Fox slowly degenerated from a hot selling god car to an unpopular and niche model.

Fox's sales decline, not all three-cylinder pots, slow product replacement, quality problems in the dual-clutch transmission, and Ford's consistent carelessness in quality control are one of the reasons for the decline of the God Car Fox, which also tells us that there is no tree that cannot be sawn down, there is no bell that cannot be ringed, and maintaining continuous progress is the key to the longevity of a God Car.

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