
After watching "The Hidden Corner", I would like to recommend "Kids Are Not Stupid 2" of the Department of Healing 1.When was the last time you were praised? It's been a long time, right? 2. One-sided spitting communication, the child slowly becomes dumb. 3. Companionship is the best love for children 4. Tell children what they shouldn't do, but they are happy to do it 5. If "bad children" are rotten apples, then who makes them rot? End

author:Cheng Dahua
After watching "The Hidden Corner", I would like to recommend "Kids Are Not Stupid 2" of the Department of Healing 1.When was the last time you were praised? It's been a long time, right? 2. One-sided spitting communication, the child slowly becomes dumb. 3. Companionship is the best love for children 4. Tell children what they shouldn't do, but they are happy to do it 5. If "bad children" are rotten apples, then who makes them rot? End

Recently, casually opening a website or APP is talking about this Douban high-rated TV series "The Hidden Corner". As a mother of two, after watching this TV series, I was anxious: What are the children thinking now? How do we as parents educate our children so that they can grow up healthily?

Today I recommend to you a 2006 Douban high-rated family education film "Kids Are Not Stupid 2", the same teenage rebellious teenagers, the same for various reasons to go to crime, but finally lost the way to return to the campus of the healing department story. I hope to use this film to soothe everyone's anxious hearts after watching "The Hidden Corner".

The film revolves around the daily life of a middle-class family of five. Its biggest feature is realism, when you watch it, you feel funny, laugh and look back, feel that all the plots in it are being staged in our daily life, and the parents in it are exactly what we look like in life as parents.

<h1>1. When was the last time you were praised? It's been a long time, right? </h1>

After watching "The Hidden Corner", I would like to recommend "Kids Are Not Stupid 2" of the Department of Healing 1.When was the last time you were praised? It's been a long time, right? 2. One-sided spitting communication, the child slowly becomes dumb. 3. Companionship is the best love for children 4. Tell children what they shouldn't do, but they are happy to do it 5. If "bad children" are rotten apples, then who makes them rot? End

His younger brother Jerry did his homework, but he did not get a word of praise from his mother, but instead questioned him why he could not take the test higher. My brother was commended by the school for his good blog writing, but his mother questioned him why his composition was only 65 points, and as the editor of Chinese magazine, he felt that his son was very humiliated.

After watching "The Hidden Corner", I would like to recommend "Kids Are Not Stupid 2" of the Department of Healing 1.When was the last time you were praised? It's been a long time, right? 2. One-sided spitting communication, the child slowly becomes dumb. 3. Companionship is the best love for children 4. Tell children what they shouldn't do, but they are happy to do it 5. If "bad children" are rotten apples, then who makes them rot? End

The brother helped his father fix the poisoned computer, and happily sent it to his company, thinking that he would get his father's appreciation, but what he got was his father's reprimand: he suspected that the computer was damaged by his brother, so that he would not touch his own things in the future.

After watching "The Hidden Corner", I would like to recommend "Kids Are Not Stupid 2" of the Department of Healing 1.When was the last time you were praised? It's been a long time, right? 2. One-sided spitting communication, the child slowly becomes dumb. 3. Companionship is the best love for children 4. Tell children what they shouldn't do, but they are happy to do it 5. If "bad children" are rotten apples, then who makes them rot? End

When the child was young, he just learned to walk, and under the encouragement and praise of his parents, he fell and stood up again, how happy. But I don't know when it started, and the words of praise and encouragement slowly became less and replaced by more doubts and scolding.

<h1>2. One-sided spitting communication, the child slowly becomes dumb. </h1>

Brother's monologue: "Adults always think that talking to us a lot is communication." In fact, they are all talking by themselves, and they are cool on their own. And we're usually pretending to listen, and then we're going in and out. Whether we listen or not, they don't care. As long as they have spoken, forget it. Adults talk so much, why don't they understand, there are more indigestible truths? Sometimes we really want to make it clear, and adults blame us for talking back. So slowly, we became dumb. ”

After watching "The Hidden Corner", I would like to recommend "Kids Are Not Stupid 2" of the Department of Healing 1.When was the last time you were praised? It's been a long time, right? 2. One-sided spitting communication, the child slowly becomes dumb. 3. Companionship is the best love for children 4. Tell children what they shouldn't do, but they are happy to do it 5. If "bad children" are rotten apples, then who makes them rot? End
After watching "The Hidden Corner", I would like to recommend "Kids Are Not Stupid 2" of the Department of Healing 1.When was the last time you were praised? It's been a long time, right? 2. One-sided spitting communication, the child slowly becomes dumb. 3. Companionship is the best love for children 4. Tell children what they shouldn't do, but they are happy to do it 5. If "bad children" are rotten apples, then who makes them rot? End

Communication is the process of transmitting and feedback ideas and feelings between people. It shouldn't just be the parents expressing it. When parents talk to their children about their ideas and ideas, can they stop and listen to their ideas?

<h1>3. Companionship is the best love for children</h1>

The school children's drama performance, the classmate's family that played a flower, not only mom and dad, grandparents, seven aunts and eight aunts are coming, and the younger brother stole the money of the school commissary aunt after several times and three times without success, and was caught.

After watching "The Hidden Corner", I would like to recommend "Kids Are Not Stupid 2" of the Department of Healing 1.When was the last time you were praised? It's been a long time, right? 2. One-sided spitting communication, the child slowly becomes dumb. 3. Companionship is the best love for children 4. Tell children what they shouldn't do, but they are happy to do it 5. If "bad children" are rotten apples, then who makes them rot? End

Dad thought his brother was stealing money to buy game cards and scolded loudly. The aggrieved brother whispered the reason: the reason for stealing money was because he wanted to buy his father's one hour to watch his performance for 500 yuan. Because the last time Dad called the customer said, "My 1 hour 500 yuan, give me 500 yuan, this hour is yours!" ”

After watching "The Hidden Corner", I would like to recommend "Kids Are Not Stupid 2" of the Department of Healing 1.When was the last time you were praised? It's been a long time, right? 2. One-sided spitting communication, the child slowly becomes dumb. 3. Companionship is the best love for children 4. Tell children what they shouldn't do, but they are happy to do it 5. If "bad children" are rotten apples, then who makes them rot? End

My brother's blog recorded that he had just missed the bus on the first day of junior high school, got lost after getting off the bus, and called his father, but his father replied that he was very busy now and did not have time to take care of him. The brother was very scared at that time, and he had to return home, but he was greeted by his mother's scolding: Why did you come home so late?

After watching "The Hidden Corner", I would like to recommend "Kids Are Not Stupid 2" of the Department of Healing 1.When was the last time you were praised? It's been a long time, right? 2. One-sided spitting communication, the child slowly becomes dumb. 3. Companionship is the best love for children 4. Tell children what they shouldn't do, but they are happy to do it 5. If "bad children" are rotten apples, then who makes them rot? End

Parents are focused on their careers, feeling that they are responsible for their children by working hard for their families and children. However, it is often overlooked that children may need some companionship in addition to good financial conditions.

<h1>4. Tell your child what you shouldn't do, but you enjoy doing it</h1> yourself

The family was eating, my brother's mobile phone rang, and my mother said: "It is not healthy to use your mobile phone when eating." Then Dad's mobile phone rang, and Mom said, "Because the person looking for Dad must have something very important, the list of millions of minutes may not be there." Immediately after the mother's mobile phone also rang, the mother continued to explain: "People who are looking for me have very important things." "But Dad's phone call was asked him where a restaurant was?" And her mother's phone call was the other party telling her that her favorite skirt was discounted...

After watching "The Hidden Corner", I would like to recommend "Kids Are Not Stupid 2" of the Department of Healing 1.When was the last time you were praised? It's been a long time, right? 2. One-sided spitting communication, the child slowly becomes dumb. 3. Companionship is the best love for children 4. Tell children what they shouldn't do, but they are happy to do it 5. If "bad children" are rotten apples, then who makes them rot? End
After watching "The Hidden Corner", I would like to recommend "Kids Are Not Stupid 2" of the Department of Healing 1.When was the last time you were praised? It's been a long time, right? 2. One-sided spitting communication, the child slowly becomes dumb. 3. Companionship is the best love for children 4. Tell children what they shouldn't do, but they are happy to do it 5. If "bad children" are rotten apples, then who makes them rot? End

When Dad was educating my brother, he kept answering, "Hmm! yes! oh! He was very annoyed by his brother's reaction. But when he answered the child's grandmother's words, he always said: "Hmm! yes! oh! ”

After watching "The Hidden Corner", I would like to recommend "Kids Are Not Stupid 2" of the Department of Healing 1.When was the last time you were praised? It's been a long time, right? 2. One-sided spitting communication, the child slowly becomes dumb. 3. Companionship is the best love for children 4. Tell children what they shouldn't do, but they are happy to do it 5. If "bad children" are rotten apples, then who makes them rot? End

Chengcai's father told Chengcai not to fight, but he has always inflicted domestic violence on Chengcai.

After watching "The Hidden Corner", I would like to recommend "Kids Are Not Stupid 2" of the Department of Healing 1.When was the last time you were praised? It's been a long time, right? 2. One-sided spitting communication, the child slowly becomes dumb. 3. Companionship is the best love for children 4. Tell children what they shouldn't do, but they are happy to do it 5. If "bad children" are rotten apples, then who makes them rot? End

As a parent, always tell your child what to do, what not to do, and how to do it. And I've been doing these things I shouldn't have done.

<h1>5. If the "bad boys" are rotten apples, who makes them rot? </h1>

In the impression of the teacher's parents, the brother's friend Chengcai is a bad boy who does not love to learn and loves to fight. Under the persuasion of his brother, Cheng Cai finally turned in his homework once, but he was ridiculed by the teacher, saying that his homework was messy, and there was no difference between him and not handing it in. Students like Chengcai are said to be "rotten apples". Chengcai angrily asked, "If I'm a rotten apple, who made me rot?" ”

After watching "The Hidden Corner", I would like to recommend "Kids Are Not Stupid 2" of the Department of Healing 1.When was the last time you were praised? It's been a long time, right? 2. One-sided spitting communication, the child slowly becomes dumb. 3. Companionship is the best love for children 4. Tell children what they shouldn't do, but they are happy to do it 5. If "bad children" are rotten apples, then who makes them rot? End
After watching "The Hidden Corner", I would like to recommend "Kids Are Not Stupid 2" of the Department of Healing 1.When was the last time you were praised? It's been a long time, right? 2. One-sided spitting communication, the child slowly becomes dumb. 3. Companionship is the best love for children 4. Tell children what they shouldn't do, but they are happy to do it 5. If "bad children" are rotten apples, then who makes them rot? End

Even if it's a rotten apple and cuts out the bad parts, it's still a good apple.

After watching "The Hidden Corner", I would like to recommend "Kids Are Not Stupid 2" of the Department of Healing 1.When was the last time you were praised? It's been a long time, right? 2. One-sided spitting communication, the child slowly becomes dumb. 3. Companionship is the best love for children 4. Tell children what they shouldn't do, but they are happy to do it 5. If "bad children" are rotten apples, then who makes them rot? End

Every child's body is inhabited by a good child and a bad child. As long as they awaken the good children in their bodies, they will take out the best performance, there is a good saying: resources, misplaced is garbage; and garbage placed right is resources.


To educate children, parents need a key. This key is praise, listening, companionship, and the goodness of discovering children. With this key, we can open the door to the healthy growth of children.

The end of the film:

Because she saw the world-weary plot in her brother's blog, her mother quit her magazine job to concentrate on taking care of her children;

Dad does not hesitate to be fired, but also to save his son who was chased and beaten by passers-by because of robbery;

The older brother who mixed with the youth of the society, with the help of his father, lost his way and returned to school;

The family went to see their brother's children's drama performances together;

The teacher who scolded chengcheng as a "rotten apple" began to praise the students who scored 12 points on the test, because she improved by 2 points compared with the last time;

The brother's good friend Chengcai, a bad apple who likes to fight, was recommended to learn martial arts, and finally stood on the podium of the international martial arts competition to win glory for the country.

As the father of the talented man said on his deathbed: There are no children under the sky who cannot be taught, only parents who cannot be taught.

After watching "The Hidden Corner", I would like to recommend "Kids Are Not Stupid 2" of the Department of Healing 1.When was the last time you were praised? It's been a long time, right? 2. One-sided spitting communication, the child slowly becomes dumb. 3. Companionship is the best love for children 4. Tell children what they shouldn't do, but they are happy to do it 5. If "bad children" are rotten apples, then who makes them rot? End

Author: 80 Years Later Cheng Dahua. After the age of 30, I learned that the confusion at the age of 20 was because there were too many choices. Follow me and we get better together!

*Note: The pictures in this article are screenshots of the movie "Kids Are Not Stupid 2", if there is infringement, please contact us to delete.

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