
The Swedish Navy reported that the Russian landing fleet was heading for the Black Sea, and several nuclear submarines disappeared from their berths

author:Peak Military Watch

The simultaneous mobilization and deployment of Russia's three major fleets has been rare in recent years!

The Swedish Navy reported that the Russian landing fleet was heading for the Black Sea, and several nuclear submarines disappeared from their berths

A maritime detachment of russia's Pacific Fleet arrived at the Iranian port of Sabahah over the weekend, and media reports distributed pictures of the Russian Navy's supply ship Boris Bhutma moored in the harbor lanes.

In addition to interaction with countries bordering the Indian Ocean, the Russian naval detachment has one of its most important tasks, which is to participate in joint exercises with the Chinese and Iranian navies. The trilateral joint exercise in the Arabian Sea in the Indian Ocean may become an annual regular exercise, but the exercise seems to make more sense for Russia and Iran, as Iranian President Rasi is currently visiting Russia and negotiating a cooperation agreement with Russia for the next 20 years.

The Swedish Navy reported that the Russian landing fleet was heading for the Black Sea, and several nuclear submarines disappeared from their berths

Demonstrating a maritime presence in the Middle East is an important shift in the Russian Navy since September 2015. Up to now, the Russian Navy has reached a lease agreement with Syria for the long-term use of the Mediterranean port of Tartus, and on this basis, the Russian Navy's Mediterranean Squadron has been restored. The move re-consolidated the Russian Navy's strategic bridgehead in the Middle East.

Using this as a springboard, the Russian naval power will gradually restore and expand its influence in the Red Sea, the northern Indian Ocean, the Arabian Sea and the Persian Gulf. The enhancement of comprehensive strategic relations with Iran is conducive to the expansion and stability of the above-mentioned strategies. To this end, a small fleet of Russia's Northern Fleet may also rush to Iranian waters to participate in the tripartite maritime exercise.

The Swedish Navy reported that the Russian landing fleet was heading for the Black Sea, and several nuclear submarines disappeared from their berths

In the sensitive period of obvious tension in Eastern Europe, the three major fleets of the Russian Navy changed at the same time, which aroused the great concern of NATO and especially European countries. Although it is not certain whether the ships of the Russian Pacific Fleet participating in the trilateral joint exercise will kill the Black Sea after the exercise, the ships of the Russian Northern Fleet and the Baltic Fleet are already on their way to the Black Sea.

On 19 January, the Swedish Navy reported that six large landing ships of the Russian Northern Fleet and the Baltic Fleet were currently sailing in the direction of the Black Sea. This large landing ship formation consisted of the Type 11711 landing ship "Peter. Morgunov", Type 775 landing ship " Oregnagorsk. Gorniac", "Georgi. Pobiedo Nossets, Minsk, Korolev and Kaliningrad.

The Swedish Navy reported that the Russian landing fleet was heading for the Black Sea, and several nuclear submarines disappeared from their berths

The Swedish Navy report also said that a task force of the Russian Northern Fleet, consisting of the guided-missile cruiser Marshal Ustinov, the guided-missile frigate Admiral Kasattonov, and the large anti-submarine ship Vice Admiral Kulakov, was also sailing in the direction of the Black Sea. Moreover, several nuclear submarines of the Russian Northern Fleet and the Baltic Fleet suddenly disappeared from their berths.

NATO sources revealed that NATO satellites are closely monitoring the land and sea movements of the Russian military. It has been discovered that the Russian army is transporting more main battle tanks and armored fighting vehicles to the Russian-Ukrainian border. Ground and air defenses on the Crimean Peninsula have also been strengthened as never before, and powerful land-based anti-ship missile systems have been deployed.

The Swedish Navy reported that the Russian landing fleet was heading for the Black Sea, and several nuclear submarines disappeared from their berths

In addition to Ukraine and Georgia, US Deputy Secretary of State Newland recently also threw an olive branch to Finland and Sweden, saying that NATO intends to absorb Finland and Sweden, two Nordic countries, as long as the two countries apply, the United States will seriously consider. Therefore, the Swedish Navy's release of information on the movements of Russia's two major fleets at this time is likely to make its situation passive. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zakharova warned that if Finland and Sweden join NATO, "there will be serious military and political consequences" and trigger a full response from the Russian side. For Russia, the most powerful counterattack against NATO at this time is to "kill one hundred people", so wait and see.

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