
| Medicinal restaurant | moisturizing red face soup

author:A little medical news

Emollient red face soup

| Medicinal restaurant | moisturizing red face soup


Half a white ear fungus, half a sydney pear, 100 grams of fresh lilies, 5 red dates, rock sugar to taste.


1. White fungus foam hair cut open; red dates are pitted; Sydney pear is cored and cut into pieces.

2. Put all the ingredients into the stew cup, add the appropriate amount of water, and simmer for 1 hour.

Expert Comments:

Sydney pear, can moisturize the internal organs. White fungus, mild in nature, has the effect of strengthening the kidneys, replenishing qi and moisturizing the intestines, beautifying and rejuvenating the skin, and prolonging life. Lilies, while moisturizing the lungs, can converge the mind. Paired with sweet, tonic red dates, this soup is clean and nourishing, nourishing the face and nourishing the heart, and can improve the symptoms of dry skin, constipation, dry skin or dry throat and nose. It is suitable for beauty ladies, public autumn and winter anti-dry health care and vegetarians.


People who are overweight and have elevated blood sugar are deseged.

□ Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

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