
Guo Youcai announced the suspension of broadcasting, and the reasons behind it are thought-provoking

author:Wang Xinxi

Text/Wang Xinxi

Behind the suspension of the live broadcast at Heze Railway Station, the place returned to its former calm, and Guo Youcai also announced to on-site and online fans after the live broadcast today that he would stop broadcasting for two to three days to learn and learn.

Guo Youcai announced the suspension of broadcasting, and the reasons behind it are thought-provoking

Whether it is temporarily suspended for a few days or a longer period of time, it is not known for the time being, and there are several reasons behind Guo Youcai's announcement of the suspension of broadcasting.

First of all, Guo Youcai's popularity has caused more and more controversy, and it is gradually showing signs of reversal and personality collapse. Including as more details were picked up, Guo Youcai gradually distanced himself from the grassroots character design. Including Guo Youcai's car is a Tesla, as early as 2023, he has already founded Shandong Guo Zhongdao Culture Media Co., Ltd., with a registered capital of up to 3 million, in addition, Guo Youcai's barbecue incident turned out to be a farce written and directed by his girlfriend.

Guo Youcai announced the suspension of broadcasting, and the reasons behind it are thought-provoking

As the controversy gathered on Guo Youcai grew, some media commented: "We must cut off this cancer that endangers children." ”

Guo Youcai announced the suspension of broadcasting, and the reasons behind it are thought-provoking

A few days ago, he was an example of a counterattack at the bottom, but now he has been labeled as a "national Internet celebrity tumor", Guo Youcai needs to face this real pressure. In particular, the live broadcast of Heze South Station has been cleared, and many Internet celebrity live broadcasts have been banned, Guo Youcai can't turn a blind eye to this situation, if Guo Youcai continues to insist, he may also face huge pressure to ban the account.

For Guo Youcai, after the explosion, Guo Youcai's single live broadcast income was more than 1 million, and he was signed by a local MCN agency, with a signing fee of up to 50 million yuan. Therefore, once the account is blocked, the loss will be very large, which makes Guo Youcai have to stop the broadcast first, and then start the live broadcast after the follow-up limelight passes.

Guo Youcai announced the suspension of broadcasting, and the reasons behind it are thought-provoking

The main reason why the child was affected or Guo Youcai stopped broadcasting. Now more and more people think that Guo Youcai is teaching the next generation badly, which affects the mentality of more and more students.

"If you are admitted to 985 and 211 universities, you will not make more money than a live broadcast and have a great reputation. This kind of undesirable social phenomenon can easily mislead students, cause boredom with school, and affect children's growth and physical and mental health! ”

Now there is more than a month to go before the college entrance examination, many students in Heze are preparing for the exam, there are heroines in Heze complaining, the child no longer wants to go to school, now he just wants to broadcast live, Guo Youcai's popularity has made the whole Heze impetuous, and those workers and students are all ready to move. It has brought a bad social impact to the local area. Students are the future of the country, so there is a need to consider this locally.

In addition, Guo Youcai's controversy lies in the fact that the live broadcast form and trend behind him have conflicted with the industrial hard work that netizens are hotly discussed, some people in the industry believe that this is contrary to traditional values, and it has become popular overnight and rich overnight, which has disturbed the values and psychological state of young people, and also hurt those who work hard in industry and enterprises. Guo Youcai is not very good in terms of appearance and singing skills, why can he be popular and he can get rich?

Guo Youcai announced the suspension of broadcasting, and the reasons behind it are thought-provoking

Some netizens said that only by being down-to-earth and relying on hard work can the country achieve prosperity and strength, relying on illusory performances, you can't save the country, you can only mislead the country!

Guo Youcai announced the suspension of broadcasting, and the reasons behind it are thought-provoking

Therefore, Guo Youcai's grassroots counterattack road, which is not excellent in singing skills and appearance, makes a large number of grassroots Internet celebrities want to take a shortcut to get rich overnight, and regards Heze as a treasure of feng shui. Guo Youcai originally sang a cover of the song "Promise", because of the vicissitudes of his voice, he used the tablet packaging shell with a nostalgic filter, and the song resonated with netizens, and it exploded on the whole network, which was regarded as a grassroots counterattack.

Guo Youcai announced the suspension of broadcasting, and the reasons behind it are thought-provoking

But in the end, Heze Railway Station is full of Internet celebrities who want to rub Guo Youcai's traffic, and netizens in the comment area are satirizing the demons dancing wildly, the sadness of society, and many netizens lamented that Heze Railway Station has gradually changed its taste.

Guo Youcai announced the suspension of broadcasting, and the reasons behind it are thought-provoking

In view of this chaos, on May 20, Heze South Station issued a notice to cancel all kinds of cultural and entertainment activities, not to allow live broadcasts, and to dismantle all the stages built.

Guo Youcai announced the suspension of broadcasting, and the reasons behind it are thought-provoking

Therefore, Guo Youcai's popularity and the negative impact on society are becoming more and more controversial. Guo Youcai is under increasing pressure.

When he first became popular, Guo Youcai was considered a role model for the grassroots to grow up, stick to their dreams, and finally counterattack. Guo Youcai was born in 1999 and lost his mother at the age of 10. After his father restarted the family, he had to live with relatives. At the age of 13, he started a life of working to earn money. Repairing cars, working as waiters, selling houses...... People saw their own shadow from Guo Youcai, and from his singing, they heard the vicissitudes of life that did not match his age, awakening the most real resonance of the bottom group, and they were willing to give "Guo Youcai" a chance and be willing to make him popular.

Guo Youcai's explosion has brought hope to countless people who are confused in live broadcast entrepreneurship, and has given hope to many people at the bottom. Many people think that Guo Youcai is a typical example of self-struggle, although he graduated from primary school, he learned music with the help of short video live broadcasts while doing barbecue, transmitting positive energy, and one person driving a city, which also stimulated the local economy and consumption.

Guo Youcai announced the suspension of broadcasting, and the reasons behind it are thought-provoking

Douyin big V Dalan believes that Guo Youcai has aroused everyone's resonance, why should these people be ridiculed. Before they came to Heze South Station, many of them may also be setting up stalls to sell barbecue and deliver takeaways, and how many of them dare to wear strange clothes and scratch their heads on the crowded streets? Why should people who work hard to live and support a family be ridiculed?

Guo Youcai announced the suspension of broadcasting, and the reasons behind it are thought-provoking

Guo Youcai's popularity was an accident and a gift of fate, but the negative effects of the live broadcast were amplified on him

Now many people are worried that live broadcasts will bring bad values to young people, and they are worried that young people who are struggling will have doubts about their lives. is also worried that everyone wants to live broadcast as an Internet celebrity and mislead students, which is not unreasonable, this kind of public consensus has brought a lot of pressure to Guo Youcai and the live broadcast industry behind it.

Guo Youcai announced the suspension of broadcasting, and the reasons behind it are thought-provoking

From a personal point of view, everyone wants to earn money by working their own, and live streaming is also a way, if it is not for life, who wants to be a clown? But all walks of life don't think so, thinking that Guo Youcai's negative effects are more and more important than positive effects.

Back to Guo Youcai, his popularity is not in his personal expectations, nor is it something he can control, when Guo Youcai was struggling to survive in his youth, he didn't think about becoming popular, he just worked hard for his future, he seized every opportunity to win the life he wanted, his popularity was more of an accident, for ordinary people, everyone hopes to have this kind of luck.

From the perspective of being a person, Guo Youcai's attitude towards past experience, love, life, personal struggle and hard work is at least positive at present, a large number of immature Internet celebrities regard Guo Youcai's popularity as inevitable, and a rush of brains into the live broadcast of Heze South Station has caused a miasma, and the hat of "national Internet celebrity tumor" is buckled on Guo Youcai's head, which is a huge public opinion pressure on Guo Youcai.

The suspension of the live broadcast of Heze South Station was also due to external pressure. In fact, Heze City also needs an opportunity, after all, Cao County, Shandong Province has an Aiyuncang Hanfu live broadcast base in Cailou Town, and Shandong Heze was once one of the cities at the bottom of the economy in Shandong Province. Heze actually needs to transform, this time Guo Youcai's popularity, objectively speaking, is a rare opportunity for Heze's economic transformation. But at present, the pressure of external public opinion has made Heze need to make a choice.

Live broadcast is an economic form, Guo Youcai's popularity, is a social phenomenon in this pluralistic society and the openness of the market economy, with accidentality, does not have an exemplary role, but in the current atmosphere of public opinion, Guo Youcai is standing on the cusp of public opinion at the right time, just as the lyrics sing: "Helpless people are in the wind, people are in the rain, people are drifting in the years of love, you and I can't start over, we can't stay, we can't resist fate."

Guo Youcai's popularity crossed the night sky like a meteor, but because of the huge controversy caused by getting rich overnight, the most dazzling moment has now passed, which may be the price of overnight fame.

Author: Wang Xinxi, Senior Reviewer of TMT This article has not been reprinted