
Mixed-race fusion will inevitably cause the country to split, and there will never be a peaceful day and conflict from now on! Maintaining ethnic unity is the foundation of a strong country

author:Righteous singing

It is a basic fact that the United States is the most powerful nation today.

Because of this, some of the remarks said by Americans are very confusing, so that many people have such an illusion.

That is, everything in the United States is good, and what Americans say and do is worthy of recognition.

For example, Americans have been talking about "political correctness" and "racial integration" in order to get people of different races to live together, intermarry, and mixed races.

Such a concept, through various film and television dramas in the world continue to brainwash, coupled with a variety of different channels of vigorous publicity, many people really believe that this is a fundamental reason for the strength of the United States.

Therefore, they also blamed one of the fundamental reasons for the backwardness of the mainland on "lack of tolerance" and hoped to bring in more foreign people to "integrate", thinking that in this way, our country could be as strong as the United States.

The claim that the United States is a melting pot of different races, and a combination of history and facts shows that this is actually a complete lie.

The United States has never been a so-called melting pot of races, and there has never been harmony between various races, more than speculation and conflict.

Mixed-race fusion will inevitably cause the country to split, and there will never be a peaceful day and conflict from now on! Maintaining ethnic unity is the foundation of a strong country

(The Black Life That Swept the World)

When the Westerners occupied this land, they thought of the doves occupying the magpie's nest, rather than sharing the land with the people of other races, otherwise why did they have to exterminate the Indians?

Before World War II, Westerners were mainly attracted to Europe (especially Western Europe), while the ethnic groups of other ethnic groups were pitifully small.

And for those particularly capable and intelligent ethnic groups, such as us Chinese, they are very vigilant and have introduced the "Chinese Exclusion Act".

So, for a long time, the United States can be regarded as a single race country, and the proportion of white people is at its highest at 95%!

After the end of World War II, the United States slowly relaxed immigration restrictions outside Europe, a large number of Hispanics and Africans invaded the United States, coupled with the great problems in american culture at this time, white people's willingness to marry and have children fell sharply, so the proportion of white Americans is also declining.

By the 1980s, white Americans had fallen to 85 percent, and by now, the percentage of white Americans is less than 60 percent!

Mixed-race fusion will inevitably cause the country to split, and there will never be a peaceful day and conflict from now on! Maintaining ethnic unity is the foundation of a strong country

Looking at the situation in the United States in recent decades, as the proportion of white Americans has become smaller and smaller, ethnic conflicts in the United States have not decreased, but have intensified.

Ethnic groups in the United States have never been "integrated" as they advertise, but black and white, and from a series of data analysis such as satellite imagery, public census statistics, AND POI (map information points), the United States has not changed the scene of racial segregation, no matter how its cities expand and change, racial division and racial segregation have never changed.

The vast majority of blacks and "people of color" can only live in "their own communities" all the time.

Mixed-race fusion will inevitably cause the country to split, and there will never be a peaceful day and conflict from now on! Maintaining ethnic unity is the foundation of a strong country

(Black and white in American neighborhoods)

From this, we can see that the so-called "political correctness" and "ethnic integration" of such statements, Americans themselves do not believe.

Something that cannot even be done in their own country, but some people think of promoting it to the whole world, is really a very ridiculous thing.

The author believes that a country with different races will inevitably be highly divided and divided into different camps.

This is the nature of all living things, just as the so-called "things are clustered, people are grouped", people of different races are inherently impossible to be together.

Throughout human history, conflicts between different ethnic groups have never changed.

With the exception of the United States, such a situation is the same in other countries.

After a large number of blacks entered Paris, France, the white people of Paris began to flee, and they kept fleeing to the outskirts of Paris or other cities, thus giving up their homes;

After a large number of aliens poured in from east London, the white people of London also began to evacuate. There are no more white people in East London today, according to a white grandmother: "A primary school, hundreds of students, not a single white child, not a single one." ”

When she said this, she felt very sad.

Mixed-race fusion will inevitably cause the country to split, and there will never be a peaceful day and conflict from now on! Maintaining ethnic unity is the foundation of a strong country

(There is a fierce conflict between "Black Life" and "Defend England", and the conflict between ethnic groups is never reconcilable))

Even if different races do merge, the result is a hodgepodge of mixed races, just like Brazil, a country with a large number of mixed races.

Today, 62 percent of Brazil's mixed-race populations have the highest proportion of mixed races among all countries.

If "ethnic integration" is really "political correctness", and mixed races are also very good, then Brazil should be the most developed country in the world.

However, Brazil is the most chaotic country, as can be seen in the movie "Castle in the Sky".

Throughout Brazil, there are countless slums, drug abuse, the sex trade, all kinds of violent crimes, the Brazilian police are simply powerless to control.

Mixed-race fusion will inevitably cause the country to split, and there will never be a peaceful day and conflict from now on! Maintaining ethnic unity is the foundation of a strong country

(Brazil is in constant conflict, with up to 60 percent of the mixed-race country being one of the most chaotic in the world.)

During the 2014 World Cup in Brazil and the 2016 Rio Olympics, Brazil even mobilized its military to take charge of security, at a cost of extremely expensive human, material and financial resources.

However, this did not help at all, and Brazil is still very chaotic.

In addition to Brazil, south Africa and France are increasingly confused by the increasing number of mixed races.

The inevitable result of mixed race is the dilution of the main ethnic culture and the loss of memory of traditional civilization, and the lack of strong nationalism and national self-esteem of the main ethnic group.

Mestizo people inevitably have identity confusion, as in Brazil, is it identification with Europe? Or the Native Americans? Or is it looking for Black Africa?

Such hesitation is difficult to generate a common hatred for foreign invasion, it is extremely easy to be conquered by strong enemies, and mestizos are more accepting of the social order of the jungle law of whoever is strong obeys whom.

The reason why our nation has been able to stand in the East for thousands of years without falling, several times it has encountered foreign invasions, and even two times it has completely destroyed the country, but we have still been able to tide over the difficulties.

The fundamental reason is that we are a relatively single ethnic group with the same ancestors and civilizations, so in the face of the enemy, we can face the enemy and the people of the whole country are firmly united.

Just like during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, although the flames of war did not burn to Sichuan, millions of Sichuan troops rushed to the front line of the War of Resistance and paid great sacrifices, and the people of Sichuan also paid great material and financial resources for the War of Resistance.

Mixed-race fusion will inevitably cause the country to split, and there will never be a peaceful day and conflict from now on! Maintaining ethnic unity is the foundation of a strong country

(During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the ignition did not burn to Sichuan, but three million Sichuan troops rushed to the front line)

In this era, our country is also "one side has difficulties, eight parties support", the reason is not other, because we are compatriots linked by blood!

If we become a multi-racial country like the United States or Brazil, there will inevitably be a worse ending than the Mongol Yuan or the Manchu Qing Dynasty entering the Central Plains, when the Shenzhou land sinks, and China may never be able to revitalize it.

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