
The Great Wall reporter ran the Vlog of the two sessions| Peng said that the silhouette of the Winter Olympics of the two sessions

The Great Wall reporter ran the Vlog of the two sessions| Peng said that the silhouette of the Winter Olympics of the two sessions

"In 2015, when our country successfully bid for the Winter Olympics in Malaysia, this set of works was used as a work of art for cultural exchanges, and this set was a souvenir awarded to the winners of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics Test Match some time ago." Gao Youliang, member of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and representative inheritor of the World Intangible Cultural Heritage Project Weixian Paper-cutting At the provincial level, also brought his proud Winter Olympics-themed Paper-cutting works in Weixian to the scene of the two sessions. He said that with the Winter Olympics at the doorstep of the family, the intangible cultural heritage art of paper-cutting in Weixian must go abroad and move towards the world, so that more people can understand and fall in love with the intangible cultural heritage, and promote the innovative development of intangible cultural heritage.

In this video, the reporter specially interviewed Member Gao Youliang, let's take a look at how exquisite the paper-cut art works he brought with him on the theme of the Winter Olympics are, and how amazing they bring to the world. Click on the video to see!

(Great Wall Network Jiyun client reporter Zhang Rongpeng Wang Shouyi)

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