
"Our genius son" caused netizens to cry! These two vulnerable groups are of all concern to cppcc members

author:Beiqing Net

Original title: "Our genius son" caused netizens to cry! These two vulnerable groups are of all concern to cppcc members

Bian Yinghao, a reporter from the Oriental Network, reported on January 19: "Can you write the story of my son? My son is a genius, he's in a mental hospital now, and his mom just left today. ”

In the past few days, the report of "Hangzhou Man Calling from the Funeral Home: Can You Write About Our Genius Son" has aroused heated discussion on the whole network, and netizens have been poked in the "tears" by Jin Xiaoyu, the "genius son" who fights against mental illness in the article, and Jin Xiaoyu's father, who takes care of his wife suffering from Alzheimer's disease and supports the whole family.

The adolescent mentally ill patients mentioned in the article and the disabled elderly have long been vulnerable groups that need urgent social attention. During the Fifth Session of the 13th CPPCC Shanghai Municipal Committee this year, many members of the Shanghai Municipal CPPCC Committee also focused their attention on these two groups in "our genius sons".

Is it really academic tension? The Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Peasants' and Workers' Party focuses on adolescent depression

What happened to Jin Xiaoyu is now receiving widespread attention. When he was a child, Jin Xiaoyu lost sight in one of his eyes due to an accident. When he reached high school, he suddenly dropped out of school, and then he developed a mental condition and was diagnosed with manic depression.

In fact, Jin Xiaoyu's situation is by no means unique. According to the data, as of the first half of 2021, about 30 million people under the age of 17 nationwide have related emotional disorders. One in four of the people who receive psychotherapy each year are adolescents. Behind these numbers are countless families like Jin Xiaoyu.

Depressed people are getting younger and younger, which is manifested as lack of vitality, insomnia, anorexia tendency, and lack of security. The above more obvious depressive symptoms are often understood by parents as too stressful and stressful.

After investigation and investigation, the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Peasants' and Workers' Party found that minors (adolescents) of school age have experienced a long period of online education, isolation and suspension of classes, delays in the start of schools, and obstruction of study abroad, resulting in an obvious increase in psychological problems dominated by depression and anxiety, and this upward trend urgently needs to be curbed through all-round and multi-angle.

In this regard, the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Peasants' and Workers' Party suggested that the operation experience of the "962525" of the Shanghai Psychological Hotline be summarized, and scientific psychological intervention methods and paths should be instilled in adolescents and their families through home-school linkage. At the same time, parents are called upon and asked to lead by example and take more time and patience to face the psychological demands of their children's growth

In addition, the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Peasants' and Workers' Party also suggested that attention should be paid to the differences in mental health of people of different genders, different ages, different marital statuses, different regions, and different academic qualifications, enrich the hierarchy of mental health work, establish a pluralistic co-education mechanism, and establish a relatively unified communication platform for the government, schools, families, students and professional medical institutions.

Improving the level of care for the disabled elderly Members jointly made suggestions and suggestions

On the other hand, another major difficulty encountered by Jin Xiaoyu's family is the "disabled old man at home". Because Jin Xiaoyu's mother was suffering from Alzheimer's disease, she could not get out of bed in the later stages of the disease, resulting in a difficult family life for Jin Xiaoyu.

In fact, the bumpy encounters of Jin Xiaoyu's family are also not isolated. According to the statistics of the National Health Commission at the end of 2018, there are about 44 million disabled and semi-disabled elderly people in the country, accounting for 17.67% of the total elderly population.

"The pain, trouble and helplessness of the disabled elderly themselves and their families are unimaginable to outsiders." Xia Jinhua, a member of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, told the Oriental Network reporter that in a highly aging society, the care of the disabled elderly has become a complex problem related to the superposition of multiple factors such as human nature, financial resources and ability, and it is also one of the most difficult problems in the life of the elderly.

During the Fifth Session of the 13th CPPCC Municipal Committee, Shanghai MUNICIPAL CPPCC Members Xia Jinhua, Jia Tiefei, Qian Shichao and other members jointly proposed the "Suggestions on Improving the Nursing Service Level of the Disabled Elderly in the City".

Member Xia Jinhua told the Oriental Network reporter that Shanghai can take the lead in starting the statistics, appraisal and evaluation of the city's disabled and semi-disabled elderly, and make the relevant data public.

In the proposal, the members also pointed out that priority should be given to solving the daily care of the disabled and semi-disabled elderly, especially the bathing problem of the paralyzed at home. At present, there are grass-roots organizations and private enterprises of the government that have begun to participate, but they have not yet formed a scale. For door-to-door service of private enterprises, a bath needs to pay 465 yuan, calculated once a month, and the annual expenditure cost is 5580 yuan. Given the fact that most of the paralyzed belong to low-income families, the government should buy services or subsidize businesses to reduce costs.

In addition, in response to the situation of Jin Xiaoyu's family, Xia Jinhua said that the family members of ordinary disabled elderly people are also worthy of attention, "The government's grass-roots organizations should include these groups in difficult families, and give priority to employment so that they can maintain basic family living expenses." ”

In fact, whether it is a depressed person or a disabled elderly, perhaps as the media said, the touching story of "genius son" Jin Xiaoyu should let us understand this truth - a father has not given up, and a society cannot give up.

(Bian Yinghao)

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