
Jingbian Intangible Cultural Heritage | The long-standing Jingbian clay sculpture mural

Don't forget the original intention Keep in mind the

The long-standing Jingbian clay sculpture mural

Jingbian County is located in the north of Shaanxi Province, on the southern edge of the Maowusu Desert, with an area of 5,088 square kilometers and a population of 340,000. Jingbian clay sculpture murals are one of the oldest folk arts in Shaanxi. Since the Qin and Han dynasties, Jingbian has been a border defense fortress, which has been recorded in all generations. From Shuofang County, Longzhou, and Yangzhou, one of the thirteen states of the early Han Dynasty, to the military towns of Longchengguan, Zhenjing, and Xincheng, to the capital of the Great Xia Kingdom during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, to the castle docks of Ningsai, Zhenluo, and Ningtiaoliang, all of which have left traces of temple culture, and the glory and prosperity of which castle is inseparable from the foil of temple culture. If there are temples and temples, it is necessary to sculpt the statues of the gods and Buddhas, and the temples with gods and statues must have a large number of murals to set off. The murals of han and Tang tombs unearthed in the Border of Jing fully confirm that the art of clay sculpture murals in Jingbian has a long history.

Jingbian Intangible Cultural Heritage | The long-standing Jingbian clay sculpture mural

The wheels of history rolled forward, and temple culture and clay mural art developed simultaneously. In order to paralyze the people's thinking and achieve their goal of ruling the people with feudal superstitions, the feudal emperors of the past generations have hyped up the complaints of ghosts and gods, and used the eighteen layers of hell that cannot be seen or touched to restrain the people's thinking. Both large and small castles are related to the Imperial Temple and the City God Temple. Guan Yu was regarded as a model of being a man, educating the people to be foolish and loyal, and not to rebel. The lord of the city god of this realm cuts off the yin and yang, always supervises the daily words and deeds of the people, warns people that there are gods on the three feet above their heads, and that they have a negative conscience when they talk and do things during the day, and at night, the city god lord will pull you through the hall for interrogation. The donations made for the construction of the temple are called shangbushi, and they have done bad things, and some almsgiving is to make up for their own mistakes, and it is a self-comforting way to repent to the gods and seek forgiveness from the gods.

According to historical records, at the beginning of the Sui Dynasty, there was an architectural design master Yuwen Kai in Jingbian, who was called Daxing in Sui, and the ancient capital of Chang'an that Tang changed to Chang'an was designed and supervised by him. Chang'an City took 31 years to complete, and the overall layout was rigorous and reasonable, magnificent and magnificent. Chang'an is the first model in the history of Chinese architecture, and Yuwen Kai is the earliest and most accomplished person in history. Zeng Guan worshiped the Shangshu of the Ministry of Works and was revered by the architectural design community as the originator. Master Yuwen Kai brought more than 200 Jingbian painters and plastic craftsmen to build Chang'an with the southern craftsmen. After completion, most of the craftsmen were displaced near Chang'an, and a small number of craftsmen who were concerned about their fathers, wives and wives returned to Jingbian to survive, so the clay sculpture murals handed down in Jingbian also retained the exquisite style of the south.

Although the society we live in is an era of rapid scientific development, temple culture is still a beautiful landscape. Temples of all sizes are naturally indispensable to the worship of men and women, and the worship of prayers and incense, but many people regard visiting the temple fair as a place for sightseeing and tourism. Clay mural art is mainly used for temple construction, but large squares, park pavilions, street carousels, and high-end universities are all embellished with sculptures. Mural art is more widely used, and the wall of the mine in the organ yard and the back wall of the building in the residential area are all painted according to their own needs and in line with current politics, and various murals with diverse forms and rich contents have been painted.

The content of the temple statue is generally a seated statue, and the retinue is also called the battle statue of the standing hall. The two small idols standing on the altar are called children, and the head of the child cannot be higher than the shoulders of the statue, and the head of the statue of the statue cannot be higher than the shoulders of the statue. Zhenwu Ancestral Master Temple Ten Marshals Standing Hall, on the station Zhou Gong Peach Blossom two children. The Guandi Temple generally stands four places, Guan Ping, Zhou Cang, Liu Feng, and Ma Liang. On both sides of the City God Temple, there are sculptures of eighteen kaojiao, that is, eighteen layers of hell, and there are also painted murals. The mural of dongyue temple says that the king of Lu forced Huang Feihu to rebel against the five passes. The content of the mural painting of the Guandi Temple is the Taoyuan Jieyi, which cuts six generals after five levels. The mural of the Dragon King Temple, the left side depicts the umbrella pole deacon xingyun bu rain out of the Dragon Palace, and the right side paints the rain believer disciple leading the sheep into the sea cang. There are many gods, such as mountain gods, land gods, gods of wealth, Yama, Worm Lang, and Horse Kings. The content of the murals is painted according to the legends of the enlightenment of the gods, and the clay sculpture murals mainly praise loyal ministers and good generals, and promote loyalty and filial piety. Although it has a strong feudal color, it is also an education for the people to promote good and whip evil.

Jingbian Intangible Cultural Heritage | The long-standing Jingbian clay sculpture mural

The Jingbian Guzhi has a detailed record of the temples in the county where incense is exuberant. Excellent folk artists are the driving force for promoting the continuous innovation of folk art. A good folk art must rely on artists with good wisdom and artistic inspiration to inherit and innovate. Due to its age, it is difficult to examine the artists who worked on clay murals in Yasube. Some artists only know their surnames and do not know their names, leaving behind many clay sculpture murals, which were made by artists with unknown surnames. In modern times, Wan painters from Yulin, whose names are unknown, first practiced art in Zhenjing at the end of the Qing Dynasty, and then settled in Longzhou to receive apprentices and pass on the art. The skills of the thousand painters are extraordinary, the statues of the gods are solemn and dignified, the colors are ancient and deep, the carved beams and columns, the eaves painting walls are all known for their brushwork, and the high-altitude paintings are even more unique. Most of the temples he painted were destroyed during the agrarian revolution, and only the Dongyue Temple in Longzhou was preserved until the Cultural Revolution, and a line of writings was left in the corner of the mural, which read, "Nonzi Juyue, Yulin Wanhua Paintings." "Although the ten thousand painters have acquired their wives and clams in Longzhou and passed on the art to apprentices, this skill has not been passed down because of the lack of happiness.

At the beginning of the Republic of China, the painter surnamed Yulin Yan settled in Jiulitan, Yangqiaopan Town, which played an important role in inheriting the Jingbian clay sculpture murals, so that the art of Jingbian not only did not have a fault, but also carried forward more. Yan Painter's name is Yan Shan, whether it is landscapes, fish, birds and flowers, or figure paintings, light and dark eight immortals, and twenty-four filial piety, his works are known for their work. Yan painter's works are characterized by simple ink color, simple pictures, rigorous side roads, shame and neatness, and the works are famous for their antique color. In the 1950s, The Henan painter Qi Taicheng, a painter at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, did not return to his hometown due to the problem of rightists, settled in the Xincheng Convenience Service Center, went from house to house to visit the fuel tank painting cabinet for his livelihood, and after the reform and opening up, he showed his skills, and one-third of the temples in Baiyun Mountain, a holy place of Taoism in the northwest, were his sculptures. Master Qi's clay sculpture art, the human body proportions are moderate, close to modern, varied, realistic and lifelike. His invention of porcelain beads is a major breakthrough in the history of sculpture. The female statue boldly quotes the style of Tang Shi women, breast enlargement, long skirt flowing, falling generously, Master Qi's wall painting is a must, light industry pen heavy meaning, with the pen wild, the color of nature, it can be said that "the pen pen is powerful, the width is expressive", under the influence of Master Qi, the art of Jingbian clay sculpture murals has been generally improved. Ji Xingwang and Sheng Zeru of Yangqiaopan Town, Gao Bin of Zhangpan Town, Hemingrong of QingyangCha Town, Luo Ping of Longzhou Township, and Yan Zhihe of Sanchaqu are all inheritors of this period. Yan Zhihe's painting style is unique and unobtrusive. Gao Bin is diligent and studious, gets the true biography of Master Qi, is a leading figure in the art of Jingbian clay sculpture murals, and the painting eaves of Liu Zhidan Martyrs' Cemetery were completed in two years, which was praised by professionals in the province's art circles and praised by tourists from all over the world.

Jingbian Intangible Cultural Heritage | The long-standing Jingbian clay sculpture mural

Under the impetus of the national policy of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage, we believe that the Jingbian clay sculpture murals will be better inherited and protected, valued and studied, making it a more dazzling pearl in the field of Jingbian intangible cultural heritage.

Hosted by Jingbian County Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Cultural Relics, Radio, Film and Television

Editor-in-Chief: Yan Kunshan Responsible Editor: Ma Jin'e

Photo editor: Li Na





Jingbian Intangible Cultural Heritage | The long-standing Jingbian clay sculpture mural

Jingbian Cultural Travel / Douyin Kuaishou / Weibo WeChat

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